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Neil H

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Everything posted by Neil H

  1. If you take cash with you and its no good then walk away But as PAUL said most look after there investments which astronomy equipment is realy
  2. It was a starlink one but didnt take a lot of notice of its number he has so many up there soon it will be all you see
  3. I was told that the 7 to 21 is not a good zoom to get the 8 to 24 is the better one my works well thats why they cost more no one gets the 7 to 21 i use my with a bst x2 barlow never has a problem with image always sharp focus
  4. Hi i had a x3 barlow with my first Telescope and was to much a x2 is better the eyepiece that come with most telescopes are not good you need to look for plossl eyepiece these are better optics i am new to this so will leave some that knows more to tell you what to get I do use the celestron zoom 8 to 24 and this works well on most Telescopes so may be worth a look at
  5. I use the celestron zoom on my 200/1200 orion optics VX8L and on my bresser 127 /1200 refractor i do get detail on Jupiter before i get to the high setting of the zoom eyepiece the zoom works well the 7 to 21 in celestron does not focus well this is why people buy the 8 to 24 FOV is good but image will darken as you hit high zoom but it not so bad you cant use max zoom If you get the zoom as you find what mag works best for seeing you can buy single eyepieces in that size as they come up secondhand
  6. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwi3qKqQl4fsAhUP6e0KHQgRDwsYABARGgJkZw&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASEuRovi30jKcV4CzL-jtzyYUCqA&sig=AOD64_0Zy28EbiOhrG1ZgZpI4L6hr3ybug&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjml6SQl4fsAhWRgVwKHXUMAGQQwg96BAgLEA8&adurl=
  7. Hi if you can go a bit more the celestron zoom will give you 4 eyepieces in one they do come up second hand only go for the 8 to 24mm the 7 to 21 is rubbish
  8. Hi i saw it last night its fast stellarium said its space x satellite
  9. It is the sw deluxe 2 inch https://www.firstlightoptics.com/diagonals/skywatcher-di-electric-star-diagonal.html
  10. Same diagonal as the one i just got and that came off ed80 really nice diagonal
  11. If you have a barlow remove the lens this will act as an extension but wont be very long
  12. Hi i dont think a diagonal on its own will do it my bresser has 2 extensions an easy way to try is get the centre roll from a loo roll fit the eyepiece and slide this into focuser and move it in and out till you focus this will tell you how big an extension your need
  13. Hi Peter i am sure they are i need some for my bresser wookie1965 has them on his tal
  14. Try backing the motor off so the gears are not engaged them see if motor moves
  15. Neil H


    Hi Ricky welcome to SGL one very big family
  16. Doug so over all your pleased with this it is going to be my next job on my 127 bresser
  17. Looks nice John wont be long and the bresser will be in your hands
  18. https://www.astrobuysell.com/uk/propview.php?view=166164 This is that 102
  19. Hi there is a very nice 102 on astro buy and sell its a really nice scope
  20. Hi i dont find it bad at all i have a bad back and can carry it with ease i remove the mount off the top and just fold legs and put it in a carry bag as one peice the bag is an old carry bag from a gazebo works a treat It will be heavy with mount on as well but i think it would still be do able if you remove balance weights
  21. Yeah cant keep the saddle bags warm lol
  22. Hi guys today i got my HEQ5 extension and a diagonal with lots of clouds and more clouds sorry to messed up your night i am set up sat in garden hoping things may change
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