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Everything posted by vineyard

  1. Your lunar images are outstanding. The single disc at prime πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎthis will sound bizarre but in that image I really struck by the delicate patches of grey on the floor of all the little craters towards the limb! It really adds something to the whole image when viewed in full-size click-mode.
  2. That long mosaic is exhilarating - like being in orbit.
  3. Those are lovely. Delicate, sharp & v nicely processed (the textures on the 3rd one in particular) πŸ‘πŸΎ
  4. So I have to apologise to everyone for the clouds. Got a 2.6x GPC via FLO & yes it arrived today. Luckily managed to set it up and get a quick stint w 18.2mm Delites. And. Oh. Wow! @mikeDnight@Highburymark@Louis Dare bang on. I know Sol is particularly active these last few days but oh my goodness it was breathtaking. It really seems to come alive - and the sheer power really comes through. One prom (around 7 clock on the disc) changed shape within a period of c 20 mins? When you pause & think about the amount of energy involved in what you're watching in real-time, its staggering. I remember being wow'ed when BV'ing the moon. This is the same but different. BV'ing the moon is like seeing something that is graceful, demure & serene, whereas BV'ing the Sun in Ha is like watching raw unbridled power that would demolish anything in its way! It was so good I didn't even want to set up the camera, just sit there & watch.
  5. Hello, Here's a v quick one from last night. Vixen 102M, ASI290MM, on an old EZtouch mount (ie non-tracking) so only a v quick data-grab. Cheers, Vin
  6. Yes it was really nice last night wasn't it. Albategnius was v nice as was Rima Hyginus <-- that looks like an interesting area to come back to (seems to be different from the surrounding terrain - found this this morning). Only had a short time so just used the old Vixen 102M on an EZtouch (will post a quick grab in imaging). It held 278x without breaking a sweat. Also took a quick last peek at Castor A & B before packing up. Short but v sweet session.
  7. Here are a few from Saturday morning. I've tried gradient merge to try and get a whole disk but sadly no joy.
  8. That is excellent - I'd be pleased as punch if I got something like that. M81 in particular is gorgeous. You can imagine it rotating!
  9. Hello, Here are some from a couple days ago (when that tall faint prom was around). SF50, ASI290MM & FC+AS!3+ImPPG+GIMP. Cheers, Vin
  10. That composite image is beautiful - so delicate! πŸ‘πŸΎ
  11. Nice (images, tune & setup!). πŸ‘πŸΎ
  12. Sorry to intrude but that does look a clever piece of kit. I'm guessing it would not work with old manual prime lenses which don't have those electronic contacts? And that is a beautiful photo of the IFN!
  13. My day time kit is packed away just now, but yep its a slippery slope. I started w a Lunt50 ("just to give it a go") - am now on a SF50 (motivated in large part by @Highburymark's reports) on an old TV76 & v glad about the upgrade. That triple-mounting looks amazing @Nigella Bryant - has it been easy to get alignment - I've tried to get the two saddles on my old EZtouch to align but I can't get it precise (it's always a wee bit off). Cheers
  14. Hello, Here is about 1h25 of mostly 150s lights w an unmodded Pentax K70 and 135mm CZJ Sonnar. iOptron Skyguider Pro. Baader M&SG filter threaded in front. f8, ISO 200. Calibrated w darks, flats & dark flats. DSS & PI. The image itself was much wider - this is quite a close crop. Cheers, Vin
  15. Auriga was like Grand Central station for satellites at times last night. How do you find out which satellites they were? Thank you!
  16. Hello, I was wondering if anyone has experienced something like this before. I've been tinkering w DSLR imaging (quick to setup!) on an iOptron Skyguider Pro. I can get 150s lights without any trailing (could probably push that more but it works for the time being). I set up an intervalometer to take say 60 images - each 150s long, with a 2-10s interval between them. The camera takes them but then towards the end of the run, the lights all start being 35s long only (as well as a couple that are weirdly 50-something or 40-something seconds). There's enough battery in the intervalometer - I extended the interval between images to 10s (in case its image loading time) & its still the same. The camera battery does start to run quite low - haven't tried it plugged into the mains yet. Could that be the reason? Cheers, Vin
  17. Hello, Here's a quick couple of images from yesterday. Cheers & stay safe, Vin
  18. Fascinating - had never heard of those things, thank you! What was the time-frame over which those 200 frames were taken (I have no idea how fast these proms move!) - cheers & stay safe
  19. Hello, Here's some clumsy processing from yesterday. I really need to learn layers in GIMP. Today has been pretty spectacular too. Cheers, Vin
  20. How on earth do you do that?! πŸ‘πŸΎ
  21. At about 9 o clock on the disk in a refractor view. Is that a candelabra prom?
  22. Yes! I jut set up briefly while had a break and there seems quite a bit of activity. Grabbed some v quick footage so let's see what emerges. Slightly breezy here at times though.
  23. I'm sure someone will come along & help soon! That flat does look a bit strange to me - I have the same camera & this is what one of my master flats looks like (stretched STF on PI). (EDIT PS: weird, same square pattern when I post it as JPG so maybe its not the flat - I don't use APT so can't be of much help sorry!)
  24. One more (Plato, Mare Imbrium & the Montes Alpes, Caucuses & Apenninus)
  25. That Path closeup w Mons Pico standing out on the plain wouldn't look out of place as a closeup on the LROC website! πŸ‘πŸΎ
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