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Everything posted by KingNothing13

  1. I've paid for the Pro version of SkySafari for both iOS and Mac - and I've not regretted it. I have a Nexus II and encoders on order, and look forward to integrating "PushTo" on my AD10 and SSP. They are both great programs. Has more than enough data and targets for the rest of my life, LOL. If you (not necessarily YOU OP, but anyone in general) are paying full price for any of the SkySafari products, you are doing it wrong - they are always going on sale - or at least that's what it seems like.
  2. Yes, you can download the premade observing lists through the apps. It would then sync across all of your devices. Nifty.
  3. Yeah - I like all of the versions, across the platforms. I am about to purchase a Nexus II and encoders for my Apertua AD10 (GSO) dob so I can connect it up and cut down on my observing time with SSP. LOL. LiveSky for lack of a better term, functions as a "Data Warehouse" for the SkySafari Data (as well as their other product, Starry Night). It does have a web based version of Sky Safari, but I never used that. I use it to sync all of my data (sessions, observing lists, observations, locations, equipment) across the multiple devices (Mac, iPad, and iPhone). It's a handy little tool, if you go the route I have. Otherwise - it may not be useful.
  4. 1. No - they are separate versions - the Mac and iOS app need to be purchased separately. 2/3 - If you add your existing LiveSky account information to the Apps, it will sync your data across all of your devices. Lists, sessions, observations should all sync between all devices you have signed into the LiveSky account. I have iOS and Mac "Pro" apps, as well as a subscription to LiveSky - works great. I just have to remember to connect to the WiFi with the iPad when I get back in from an observing session so it syncs to all devices.
  5. Good job finding it. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to try and observe when they skies are like that. a GOTO scope would be great in that situation, but would still need to be aligned, somehow (I think).
  6. Congrats - Saturn is a favorite and a crowd pleaser!
  7. Not sure why you tagged me - I haven't done any reports here yet (have I?) , but thanks! Thanks for sharing, Cass is a good one for many different types of objects!
  8. Wow - thanks for posting this - Astronomy AND a Safari? My wife and I have added this to our list of "Places we have to go".
  9. I wouldn't. TLAO is a great book, but the Atlas will be more helpful in the long run. If you could get both, that'd be great too. PSA is a great little book (I have it, but rarely use it.) SkyAtlas 2000.0 is also good, and one I own. You can get it in the "Field Edition" which I believe has laminated pages, but is costly.
  10. Darn - now you're making me regret not getting out last night - it was a beautifully clear night, and I should've taken the AD10 out - but life got in the way. The next few nights are not looking good.
  11. In your shoes, I would troubleshoot the main telescope issue first - which means getting that diagonal. Did you buy it new or used?
  12. This is similar to the setup I am working with currently on my AD10 - I have circles on the base, but I am going to be using my iPhone 7+ as an inclinometer - using the level app - because I can turn the screen very dim red - the wixey I bought was WAY too bright. And I have either an iPad Pro or my laptop with SkySafari for locations (depending on if my wife wants to use the iPad while I am out 😆)
  13. Have you tried using it during the day? That may help to try and sort out some of the issues - and you'd have light to be able to see by.
  14. Wow - very nice Ruud - brings back some memories for me as this was really the first area of the moon that I really dug into and observed for a length of time. Thank you!
  15. This is what I do with the eyepatch - it makes for a much more relaxing observing experience for me.
  16. Sounds like a really cool couple of nights - Hopefully the young one stays with it - maybe with some guidance from you to help along! I was in Cincinnati a year ago (went to the Zoo to see Fiona) but did not know about the observatory - if I ever make there again, I'll have to keep that in mind!
  17. Very nice! But it does look like a TIE Fighter.
  18. So many twists and turns in this thread! As many have said other places, uses what works best for you! I love my Apertura (GSO) AD10 - I have setting circles on the base, and inclinometer (going to use the level app on iPhone see if it works better) and SkySafari. I do have a feeling that my next scope (Probably a larger Dob, down the road) will have goto - or at least built in digital circles.
  19. I do have to say - most of the OC's I have observed seemed fairly obvious what they are - but having said that, I know I have really only gone after the "obvious" ones, and I have not really dug into any of the more 'open' (for lack of a better term) ones. I can definitely see the SkySafari advice being of use - I do that all of the time when I am sitting on my couch - but rarely think of it at the EP! I need to adjust my thinking some.
  20. Wow - very cool image - thanks for sharing that with us. I too like the red-dot indicator!
  21. Even with the little metal dude using it very wrong - it's adorable!
  22. Definitely would need photos to help - I suspect the group around here can help within minutes if you supply photos.
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