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newbie alert

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Everything posted by newbie alert

  1. It's a slightly over correcting flats... Also your stars look abit strange, are you using the flatener?
  2. Ok... Maybe a ADC might help..best of luck
  3. Hi Roger, is it a colour cam, if so do you use a ADC? What are you using to stack, regisax does a RGB align as it looks like you blue channel is out of alignment
  4. Extremely good Neil, do you always use the 462 or do you image in mono too? Where do yo live, on the equator??
  5. Unfortunately specs given only work on products with the same level of manufacturing tolerances, any deviation has a effect, so specs should be a guide and not set in stone I'd keep adding spacers until you get to the point that you're happy with..the bigger the sensor the more accurate spacing has to be
  6. Christopher go has mentioned above 60 degrees and a ADC isnt needed... Not personally seen Jupiter above 50 in the UK yet
  7. Not too sure on sharpcap's value settings but 25 ms in firecapture would be far too much.. to me your focus seems off.... What's sharpcap FPS registering? For solar, you need a fast FPS, which is a balance of exposure and gain, the lower the exposure and higher gain will give you higher FPS..l And as you said the best you can get the etalon tuned will balance out the uniformity, although you will always have a brighter center than the edge of the disc
  8. Looks good for conditions... It's whitelight btw
  9. Very nice Neil, your usual fantastic standard..
  10. Where are you getting 1.5-2.5 Nyquist says .67-2.0 as optimal.. not that I believe it
  11. If you was looking at the 290( also a excellent camera) then the 462 is a excellent candidate, same pixel size, or you could look at the newer 662,it has lower read noise, bigger sensor and bigger well depth, but lower FPS, have a look at the zwo spec but don't dismiss Qhy, player one out of the equation, it all depends what you want to do with it, don't see the point of a bigger sensor if you're cropping out or using the ROI feature, especially at the expense of FPS https://compare.astronomy-imaging-camera.com/
  12. Look around you, is there anything that hasn't had a huge price rise, fuel and energy prices have escalated beyond belief... Covid had a massive impact on raw materials, shipping costs so I'd guess thats the reason for most price rises rather than what you make it sound like the retailer making bigger profits... As you say yourself, it's not a necessity it's a Luxury item for a hobby... If you can't afford it then either don't buy it or look at secondhand
  13. Processing is very subjective, some people have a different idea on what they want out of a image...
  14. Did you remove the stiction from the locking ring under the come bearing ( can't think of the right terminology, it's been a long day!) Taper bearing... Just popped into my head...!!
  15. I must admit that my cgem Az bolts drive me nuts trying to polar align, what a pathetic system and ended up looking for some sort of guidance, the landing pad looked good but I never was going to use that purely based on price, so I ended up buying a sheet of teflon on eBay and cutting out a horseshoe shape and placing between the tripod and the mount head,this gave the adequate slip to accurately polar align The fault lies as it's stainless steel rod against a cast block, should have at least had a sleeve so the threaded rod could pass through and not cause wear on the cast body , great to see that Celestron have rectified a known fault on the original cgem and done exactly the same thing again on the cgem 11... Mind you there's alot on the cgem that can be tinkered with and make it one far better mount than the original
  16. You could use the word strange... This was caused by a loose Dec worm housing in a cem 60... It was impossible to guide on one side of the pier would run away with itself.i spent far too long trying to fix the fault within phd, when the issue was a mechanical one
  17. Nice, I have a few hours on this area myself, not stacked any of it yet, what scope/ camera are you using..mines with a 8 inch SCT
  18. Make sure that you like images with diffraction spikes in rather than a frac that doesn't before you part with any hard earned
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