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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. A single exposure, very nice indeed.
  2. @Lockie that looks an interesting bundle Chris, enjoy using it. Look forward to the YT video.
  3. Niceone Chris, what mount is this running on? And have you posted elsewhere about the new scope?
  4. Have to fully agree with you Ron, sorry I trimmed your quote a little. FLO's customer service is above and beyond many other retailers and sectors and long may that continue. I only go elsewhere if FLO don't carry it or have no stock, which is not often. I will wave the FLO flag with pride 🏳️ (only white as its the only neutral flag in the emoji's)
  5. I was never lucky enough to deal with BCF, just Telescope House in Edenbridge. My first astro purchase experiences were with Dark Star via mail order and phone calls in the early 1990's. First ever Astro shop visit was Tring and then Widescreen Centres. But most kit is from FLO and RVO to be honest all via the web, times had changed perhaps, and now perhaps more than ever going forwards.
  6. Ron, in these present days, well probably not....
  7. Ah yes, the nostalgia of youth. Was this not a Coal related major strike that brought down the government of the day? PS Mods, this is a historical fact, not a political point (Just so you know as some of you are too young to remember this).
  8. Lucky you Jeremy, I have to say a power cut on a clear night is a true blessing and something I wish for on a regular basis. It sounds as if you made the very best of it, lucky you. If it had happened here it would have been an ill wind indeed, literally, it was blowing heavily so would have stopped steady observing.
  9. It is thought that a mix up may have happened. FLO and myself have agreed an accommodation that we are all happy with, I knew they would. So pier resolved, just need to work out how to fit it now.
  10. Thank you on top one, yes, very pleased how it is turning out. Patient, yes I will be, I have only taken 6 years since the pad became vacant to actually start things off in 2018 and bringing it on at 2020. Sadly further patience is needed going forward -due to no Lottery win so far and I still have a desire for a tracking mount and the AZ100 too. And that is before more EP and scopes get my interest......ooops said that bit out loud....shhhhhhh. It never ends does it.
  11. Great report Mike, but I do feel a bit light on Tak appreciation this time. Some more picture, just for @paulastro, you know it makes sense 😄 As to the 80a filter, I agree, sometimes that light blue does tease a wee bit more out of Venus. I don't have a yellow filter, so cannot comment on this option, but sounds like it is just as well that I don't. Lucky you getting out last night, I was very tempted, I could put a tripod out without danger of falling down a very large hole at last, but alas, the comfy sofa won again, probably the VE Day refreshments assisted in this call too.
  12. Parcel Force delivered earlier, it is Astro related honest, both relate to my recent flush of sucess with the Khazi, Some sealant for the fence Khazi interface, one tube was not enough! A very nice set of Marples chisels, this Wood Butcher needs some better wood tooling going forward. Otherwise, how will I build the Cistern Chapel.....😂 see where we are going with this line.
  13. So here are the pictures, I think my addled brain made it bigger than it is last night, but still not what I would expect from powder coating within a layer of foam wrapping. I think the blurred marks, sorry camera will not focus on the upright fins, all at same height are from the carrier rolling a heavy lump about. The top plat was under layers of foam wrapping, so could not have been marked in transit, so was this how it was supplied? For the money a little disappointing, but I always over expect perhaps, but it will touch in OK, just need a suitable paint.
  14. Mike thanks for the inputs. The house is on TN-S and the Consumer Unit matches (well similar MK unit) the one on the Garage put in by my sparks in 2018. The supply to the garden was run to an RCD socket in 2010 by the same sparks. All I have done is change an existing RCD socket at the concrete base to a Consumer unit so I could protect the socket and light circuits, the socket was used for a pool pump and hot tub pump in the past. As to the soakaway, no those are run the other side and end of the plot, which as I am on a slope, slopes in the other direction. This side of the garden is the driest. I have been assured by others that I have hit one of the local 'Hoggin' layers and I have nothing to worry about. Clearly time will tell.
  15. @mikeDnight So I could not resist, had to sneak out to garage and unwrap the pier, oh was my reaction. Sadly somehow it’s chipped in a few places and scratched through to metal. it was as the picture shows wrapped well in foam and bits, so I can only conclude that the paint is very soft or very hard? The pier itself is well constructed and very solid, but the paint is a matter of concern as it will live outside. I have since sent mail to FLO about this, I am sure they will be as helpful and obliging as ever. Perhaps some touch up paint from the manufacturer?
  16. The neighbours are the cause of the build Mike, they are the ones with 20+ spotlights that set me off building.... Always happy to entertain SGL though. I have to say the Lounge is now abandoned due to the temperature 🤒 but not that temperature.
  17. Resisted so far, but mainly due to having to light a smoky fire in my lounge, on a hot day to convince the Bees trying to move in to move on. They normally reside in another unused and closed off pot, this year they are socially distancing from the previous hive....grrrrr. It's rather hot at home would you believe.
  18. Get the observing pad and pier completed. Get a new mount, but I have blown the cash on the pad and pier! Win the lottery to buy above item. Carry on observing solar and lunar for summer.
  19. DHL have been, parcels from @FLO, amazed it has arrived on a Bank Holiday. The Pier and a Box of the bits. Unwrapping to follow, but not today as I am being good and not Astro-ing today...well appart from SGL and parcels of course!
  20. DHL delivery from Auntie @FLO today, was not expecting a Bank Holiday delivery as was only sent yesterday afternoon. Pulsar Pier and a Box. Yet to be unwrapped and checked, but still amazed at speed of delivery. Nice one all at @FLO
  21. I wonder if I should suggest this at home right now........... 😉 Hmm, perhaps not, I was just allowed to buy and do the pier after all, buuuut.... oh Mrs W, that nice man on SGL suggests A Tak 😘
  22. In my excitement about solving the ground issue, I missed posting a picture of the shelving in place.
  23. Well good news is, it's all done, instructions followed to the letter from said friend. And my back knows all about it, that was a lot of type 1, ballast and cement shifted and laid this afternoon. So thanks to Peter from my astro club and @AdeKing here on SGL, both fed in lots of good information and experience. Thanks chaps 😘 So all good and back on track 😅 Martin at @FLO was helpful putting the order on hold and then off hold this afternoon. He was most concerned for me, which was nice of him, very friendly. FLO as helpful and friendly as ever, thanks Martin and all the guys and girls 👍 So here is a wet square of concrete. Not a lot to show for all that graft is it.
  24. I thought similar Jeremy, but I verbalised those thoughts, several times to be honest!
  25. I have had a conversation with someone in my club having posted images to my astro club too. I am advised it is a Hoggin Layer and panic not, it will be OK to found on it if I pour straight away after tidying the hole up a bit. So with some remaining trepidation and a deep breath, here goes.
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