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Alan White

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Posts posted by Alan White

  1. 19 hours ago, johninderby said:

    Don’t need to do any welding as it’s just a plain tube. Drill three new bolt holes in the side at the cut end and job done.

    Sadly not John, the tube inner diameter after cut is not the same as the insert and needs rounding and opening a tad.

  2. Post person delivered a card so I could go collect this item. 
    Another member of the @David Hardie sell off collection, thank you David.

    I have tried a 5mm DeLIte before and didn't like it for some reason, but
    thought what the heck try a 9mm as it's a gap I wish to fill.
    Very pleased I did.


    In later answer to David's question about lack of box hindering sales,
    clearly not is the answer.

    • Like 5
  3. Hi Brian  👍

    Nice one, great to see your hard work in print.
    I know you have been on quite a journey over the past year or so,
    this is a great reward for the hard work.
    Have been watching your images that you post up and enjoying them.

    As Ed says above, be great to see you at CPAC again.


    • Like 2
  4. On 22/09/2019 at 17:23, Rob Sellent said:

    You mention 1990. Those years seem like yesterday but they were almost 3 decades ago :icon_eek:. Where did all those years go? 

    I wish I knew myself.
    One day a 20 year old starting adult life's journey, then suddenly
    I am this wrinkly bald and dodgy kneed old guy who looks like my Dad!

    • Haha 6
  5. 38 minutes ago, FLO said:

    Sorry. I had forgotten a colleague is on holiday this week so I am a little behind. I will have made the photos and added them to our website before end of Thursday. 

    We do however have some good news. @John has kindly agreed to spend some time using this new mount and provide feedback. Not as a reviewer, more a beta tester 🙂 


    We will let you off just this once 🤣

    But what John really needs is another ED150 sat on it to test it fully Steve 😁

    • Like 2
  6. 5 minutes ago, johninderby said:

    Baffles me as to why Skywatcher doesn’t produce a shorter pillar extension. It’s not as if they need to make special parts. 🤔

    Baffles me too John, I take it the EQ6 tube is the same as my own cut down job, just the  ends changed.
    If this was BL in the day, quick parts bin raid and new model delivered!


  7. 5 hours ago, Geoff Barnes said:

    Never in my wildest dreams did I think a little bit of green and black would be in my possession, but it arrived today. I had decided I just needed one more high power EP to complete my set for viewing the planets while they are so high in the sky here. It was a toss up in the end between the TV Delite 3mm or the Nagler 3-6mm Zoom. The zoom won in the end for the simple reason that if the 3mm FL of the Delite proved unsuitable then at least I had 4,5 and 6mm FL's with the zoom. 

    I love my 3-6 Nagler Zoom, so much so that I just bypass my 5mm Nagler t6 and just use the zoom for the flexibility you have noted.
    Hope you get to enjoy the Planets while you have them well placed Geoff, sadly for us in the UK it's rather poor for a few years yet.

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