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Everything posted by JeremyS

  1. Wouldn’t it say the country of manufacture on the lens cell? Tak puts “Japan” proudly on theirs?
  2. Yes But you could always buy used high q eyepieces (TV, Pentax etc) along the way, as budget allows
  3. I also use an AZ EQ 6 in AZ mode. I just need 2 alignment stars which can be anywhere in the sky, not necessarily Polaris
  4. Or just use an altaz mount that you don’t need to align with Polaris 😊
  5. You did incredibly well to lay your hands on a Tak FC 100. I thought they were out of stock everywhere Pics please!
  6. Setting aside the bizarre aspects of the first video 🤣, as Stu says it’s fairly realistic- or at least relatively between the 76 and 100. Under the same conditions, the 100 will always be better. If you foresee an interest in planetary observing, the FC 100 is the one to go for. But I think you’ve ordered the FC 100 anyway, right?
  7. Looks great 👍🏻 And blends in with the local weather conditions 😊
  8. This sort of unexpected session is really where the Tak FC 100 excels, John 👍
  9. Have you considered at C9.25? They have a good reputation for imaging and have a bit more aperture.
  10. I lost count of the number of times I renewed that at the school library 👍
  11. And are they predicting steady seeing to enable us to split the Pup? 🤞
  12. That’s not MTF, it’s more WTF! Looks amazing!
  13. The AZ 100 hasn’t even broken a sweat 😊 Looks superb 👍🏻
  14. One here, too: Tak FS 60 Q on ScopeTech Zero and Berlebach Report 312:
  15. Excellent. Looking forward to the pics with the new bits installed, John 👍🏻
  16. Yes they do John. At 430 g for the pair I wonder how the weight compares to the Tak tube cradle - can’t find it listed
  17. Fraid so: with @andrew s and @vlaiv on here, I have to be sure that my assertions can be backed up with citations to the scientific literature 😊
  18. But The Dish ( or as my Kiwi friend calls it, The Dush) is true, isn’t it?
  19. I was hoping it might be the first use of the term budgie smugglers on SGL. But references go as far back as 2011
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