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Status Updates posted by MarsG76

  1. Hello Telescope Nut, and welcome to SGL from Australia.


    1. gkec


      Hi, welcome.  I have just logged back on after a while away,

  2. All I'm going to say is.... FINALLY A MOONLESS CLEAR SKY PEOPLE....

    1. Uranium235


      Shhhh! The clouds might hear you!

    2. MarsG76


      good point...

    3. Uranium235


      Sorry mate, had delete your last comment - no bypassing the swear filter please.

  3. Almost a 4th clear night in a row... Almost... I guess 3 is better than none....

  4. As luck would have it... I setup, start imaging and 35 minutes in the CLOUDS ROLL IN!!! At least I got some subs I guess..

  5. Come on weekend clear skies......

  6. Constant cloud induced RAGE!!!!

    1. Dave In Vermont

      Dave In Vermont

      In 2003 we had the closest encounter with Mars. Everyone tuned in! At the peak of this, the seeing was remarkable. I even bought a specialized filter. All set up... And in came a Martian dust-storm and the view was obliterated.

      Even other world's weather hates astronomers!

    2. MarsG76


      That would make any grown man cry like a baby who has red raw nappy rash!!!

  7. Do my eye balls deceive me? At last I'm seeing blue skies....

    1. pipnina


      And it's the night I have an assignment due! Grrr

  8. Finally, a few back to back clear nights...

  9. For a week in a row... blue skies all day but cloudy at night?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. goose35


      done the solar filters clouds 24/7 so far this week lol

    3. xtreemchaos


      what you need is the thunder 100s cloud scope, never disappoints...

    4. MarsG76


      I have a solar max and solar filters BUT.... BUT... I know how the astro tease works, the moment I setup my solar scope the clouds will get curious and come around to "see what I am doing" ha ha ha... I don't want to pull my 8" apart to setup for solar viewing yet since I'm in the middle of a "pillars of creation " narrowband imaging project and have my guider and camera setup and calibrated for quick continuation of imaging... once the clouds clear out...

  10. Forecast: A week of clouds... Typical

    1. Dave In Vermont

      Dave In Vermont

      It's my fault. I just aligned a new finder on the ST80.

    2. MarsG76


      Ah, so thats it... I also got my new 3X TV Barlow...must be why it also started to rain.

  11. Hoping for a cloud free weekend...

  12. I knew a few clear nights was too good to last, now forecast is cloudy for at least the a WEEK!!!!! Yes thats on my mind. i know, I know I need help.

  13. I knew a few clear nights was too good to last.. now forecast is cloudy for at least the next week! WEEK!!!!! Yes that's on my mind... i know, I know.. I need help...

  14. I think I know how the Peach does his planetary images... all I need now is Jupiter to come back to prove or disprove my theory...

  15. It is CLEAR......that it will be nothing BUT cloud and rain for a while....

  16. Looks to be clearing... fingers crossed for some imaging tonight.

  17. My god, it's full of stars....

    1. jabeoo1


      I read 2010 not long ago. It really joins up some dots from the film 2001. Amazing stuff.

    2. cotterless45


      Showed the film to the son. Amazed .

    3. jabeoo1


      Nick your son has obviously been bought up with some fine taste!

  18. My Televue 31mm Tye-5 Nagler monster has arrived... Lets play a little game with the demons of the astronomers curse... guessing game: how long will it be before I have a clear night to actually use it for the first time?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MarsG76


      A 8" SCT... looking forward to a moonless night.

    3. jetstream


      Congrats! One of the finest 30mm's out there.

    4. MarsG76


      Thanks.... I just hope it's what it's hyped to be for the price... But seeing what my 11mm Nagler delivers, I'm confident...

  19. Night 3 IN A ROW of imaging??? What da??? lucky week...

  20. So I take 2 weeks off work to spend sometime on some astro imaging... OFCOURSE ITS RAINING, FORCAST TO RAIN FOR ATLEAST THE NEXT 7 DAYS!!!! AAARGHHHHH

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PhotoGav


      Go away on holiday to a clear sky now!

    3. Scooot


      So it's your fault :)

    4. MarsG76


      Going back to work is not an option.... holiday to a clear location is a brilliant idea, and yes.. yes it is all my fault.

  21. Success in 30min subs F10 narrowband imaging... It's alive... ALIVE!!!! BUAHAHAHA

  22. TeleVue Nagler and Ethos eyepieces ROCK!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. swamp thing

      swamp thing

      Oops THEY sure do :D

    3. m.tweedy


      Once tried it is difficult to use others

    4. estwing


      only the best will do!

  23. The Eye of God... Much dimmer then I thought it would be in 7nm Halpha in a DSLR...

  24. Time for a new target....

  25. WHAT? A second clear night in a row!!?? This never happened before... Except for the other time. I think it's time for a lottery ticket?

    1. ronin


      It isn't dark yet, plenty of time for the clouds to collect overhead ;-))

    2. MarsG76


      It was in Australia... So far looking at night number 3!!!!

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