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    Melton Mowbray

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    Hi people, haven't really been posting lately... anyway as you may have already noticed, I now own a new scope, which is easy to use!! UPDATE ON SCHOOL RESULTS:: Maths: 154/159, 95%, 5th highest in my year group (highest MALE score though :p) Science:: Biology: 48/50, A* Chemistry: 44/50, A (1 mark off A* :mad::mad:) Physics: 43/50, A (2 marks off A* :mad::mad::mad:) Thats all for now folks, A level Italian mid-may, and about 1 million more exams at the end of may and end of june :icon_eek::icon_eek:!!!
  2. Cheers Paul, im good at maths (got an 8B in my yr.9 SATs)! At the moment im doing reciprocal and cubic graphs...quite fun! If i have any problems, Ill contact you! Thanks, Dave :)
  3. Thanks, I think ill need id LOL :D Dave :)
  4. Well, some were compulsory...and I had to pick 4 :) I like learning (im the class 'nerd' :eyeroll: :)) and Im naturally clever I think!!
  5. I'm doing Triple science, James, and that topic is there (the exam board is OCR)...cant wait!!
  6. .............will be doing (here we go) : AS & A2 Italian (A-Level Italian [got an A* in my GCSE]) French GCSE R.E. GCSE English & English Literature GCSE Maths GCSE History GCSE Biology, Chemistry and Physics GCSEs I.C.T. GCSE P.E. (not GCSE) And thats it!! I'm in Year 10 now (11 years of school...I need a break :p!!). For those of you who are wondering, I only did Italian because my mum is Italian, so I'm bilingual. (Although I speak French, English, Italian, German, words of Spanish and about 2 words of Portugese[!!]) Being modest here, I'm one of the brightest people in my year group, and I'm expected to get A* in everything (according to the reports my teachers have to write predicting my grades), although I probably won't get A* in my English course (I HATE English :mad::mad:). Well, thanks for reading, this is my first ever blog!! Please comment!!! Dave :) P.S. I hope I can squeeze a bit of astronomy in there too :p!!

    m42 43 1 03 09 reprocess

    Nice narrowband pic there helen!! Regards, Dave
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