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Everything posted by astroman001

  1. Jupiter with Io and shadow in transit. The first and last images were short de-rotations showing moon and shadow distinctly. The middle image was a longer de-rotation and the differential motion of fast moving Io has smeared the disk out. Peter
  2. Poor seeing again, but software magic pulled out some details. GRS setting, NEB very dark and line of 6 white ovals in STeB. Peter
  3. Great result. You can push de-rotation on Saturn further than you think to get a superb result from mediocre seeing. You have captured the planet showing through the rings very well. Peter
  4. Thanks guys. The next night was a write off with blurred seeing. It's all down to the seeing really. Peter
  5. Hi Angie Really nice images, great colour balance as well. Peter
  6. Some high pressure has delivered the best seeing so far this year from the UK. Oval BA and it's wake is prominent in the images. The imges are taken about 30 mins apart.. NEB is very brown . Peter
  7. Well done, at least you saw something. It's been cloudy here since 12th August Peter
  8. Nice image, with my ZWO ADC I have the levers at about +/- 50 degrees from horizontal. I use Firecapture which has a nice ADC calibration feature. When viewing on screen in colour, it has a red and blue circle which you need to overlap, it changes to white as it overlaps. Seems to work for me. I did find over the past few years that I ran out of adjustment with the levers and couldn't correct the Planets below 20 degrees altitude. No issues with Jupiter at the moment. Last year with Mars, I hardly needed to move the levers from null because the planet was approx 50 degs. I always have to boost saturation with the OSC cameras. I find the image too yellow when captured, so I tweak the colour balance towards blue to compensate as well. Colour balance is much harder with OSC compared to RGB. Peter
  9. Excellent capture and animation, an amazing event. Peter
  10. You must be pleased with those after such a long break. Good reward for all the effort. Peter
  11. With Saturn at only 20 degrees from the UK, I have used IR742 as a luminance channel to boost detail. Jittery seeing but some details visible. The Crepe ring inside the main rings show nicely in the 12th August image. Struggling with colour balance, not sure which one I prefer. Peter
  12. Here are a couple of images from the night of 12/13th August. Jittery seeing, but some detail captured. GRS is fairy central. Io and it's shadow is in transit, looked nice in individual frames, however WinJUPOS smears it out during de-rotation. Peter
  13. I have teased a bit more detail out of the image from 11th August 2021. I ran it through a 2nd gentle Registax wavelets after de-rotating in WinJUPOS. The downside is starting to see edge effects Peter
  14. A couple of images sowing Saturn under reasonable seeing. The polar hexagon is not visible which is a change from last year. Adding an IR luminance did not improve things as much as I thought it would. Southern polar region is a nice blue and visible through the rings. Details in the images. Peter
  15. At last we have some good seeing. Here are a few images showing the GRS region rotating off the disk. Two prominent dark barges just above the NEB. Note the 23:45 image was a single image, the seeing went to pot for 15-20 mins or so before recovering in time for the other images. By comparing with the later images it is clear to see the benefit of de-rotating and combining multiple images in WinJUPOS. Details in the images. Peter
  16. Craig is spot on with the focusing technique, it's what I do as well. Also notice an improvement in feature contrast at best focus. An electric focuser is a must, you will be fortunate to find focus with the telescope focuser, too much vibration when you touch it. Peter
  17. Thank for the comments. Neil, the imaging was 3 x 8000 frame subs at 50fps, so about 160 secs each, but spaced out over the 18 mins with gaps because of clouds scudding by. Peter
  18. Hi Neil,, good results considering the poor conditions. I noticed that the moon shadow doesn't have too many colour fringes, so your colour channels are quite well aligned. I think autostakkert does some of the heavy work if you have that box ticked. A well tuned ADC will help resolution further however. Craig, check Damian's images for the location. At lower right most of the good recent ones say Chilescope. This is remote imaging in the Atacama desert in Chile with Jupiter high in the sky. Peter
  19. Definitely a small improvement, ha! Excellent results. Peter
  20. A combination of poor seeing, clouds and wind made a difficult session. Hard to focus on any fine detail, but good to be imaging these giants again. This was my first session of the year now they clear local trees at a "reasonable" hour. C14, ASI 224MC + ADC Best regards Peter
  21. Great results again Neil. Well done. Peter
  22. Hi Neil, another set of great images with the 245 Newt, Well done. Some great detail captured. Peter
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