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Everything posted by Dr_Ju_ju

  1. Is this all running on a Pi3 ?? if so, do you have anything else to try it out on ?
  2. nice pictures..... of clouds....
  3. Sounds like you're motoring along.....
  4. is the script running as su ? sounds like something is doing an update, which is stalling & locking dpkg. Is it possible to use apt instead ??
  5. On my 18's, history is saved..... so something maybe wrong with your setup....
  6. try a re-boot, then remove any remaining lock file, then re-try the update.
  7. go through the steps on here, (https://askubuntu.com/questions/219545/dpkg-error-dpkg-status-database-is-locked-by-another-process) to identify what else is running & kill it off...
  8. did you sudo the lock file removal?, else it won't go..... sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock
  9. a new one will just be created, next time dpkg is run
  10. also have a look here https://askubuntu.com/questions/15433/unable-to-lock-the-administration-directory-var-lib-dpkg-is-another-process
  11. they usually go by the name of the app .lck so do a search for dpkg.lck or similar, I don't have a system to hand, but maybe under usr directory
  12. It's probably an old lock file, that needs to be deleted. I often get the same when doing updates....
  13. Don't you just hate neighbours, who are scared of the dark..... and then there are the street lights, but for me, apart from main roads, they switched off between 11~12.
  14. If its held on with an adhesive, try brushing some paintbrush cleaner around the covers, leaving for a while then gently try to prying off with a thin kitchen pallet knife...
  15. I tried 4 wheels per corner, but found they were difficult to get 'even' contact, & for me having the 3rd wheel on the outside, which is also the adjustable\tensioner wheel, made it to set up.
  16. nope, before I connected the motors, I spent some time (2~3 hours) fine tuning the inner frame so that it runs silky smooth vertically, with no twists, rocking etc. And only then did I connected the motors & fettled some more to ensure they introduced no errors, jumps, etc.
  17. Just a couple of quick ones, as the room is a tip & I'm currently doing some plumbing work....
  18. I have a 300x300 6mm ally plate bed, SSR driven & a 0.2 mm PEI sheet on top, with 2 Z-motors driving the 2040 frame within a frame setup....
  19. Put 1\2 power outlets above the desk, for ad-hoc equipment, but personally, I'd run the dado beneath the desk, so most cables will be out of site, and clear the cable clutter from the desk area.
  20. … before fitting anything, I'd recommend Kev ponders what he wants where, and drill suitable holes in the desk for the cables etc.....
  21. Instead of the M4 bolts with a head, I used countersunk bolts, with corresponding countersunk hole in bed, and like you, locking bolts, to tie everything down after levelling...
  22. It's usually in the driver\config software, i.e. for the Ascom driver :
  23. Very Posh... you'll have to get more for the wall panelling
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