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Everything posted by Dr_Ju_ju

  1. How long is this cable run, and what type of cable are you using ?? Personally, and what I use for star camps etc., are cables rated for power and temperature extremes e.g. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/322123764915?hash=item4b001294b3 they are not cheap, but peace of mind.... btw, I also use Neutrik NL2FX Speakon Connectors, which are self locking/wiping on connect.....
  2. There is no transformer thermal fuse, according to a circuit diagram I've dug up https://pa0fri.home.xs4all.nl/Diversen/EP925/ep925eng.htm the site even offers some mods for better performance/safety...
  3. That looks like an overspill of the epoxy varnish used in the manufacture of the transformer, and nothing to be worried about....
  4. I have exactly the same power supply from Maplin, which is now a good many years old, and I use it for a 'Lab' workshop supply, but I've never had a shut-down.... As these supplies are now old, initially I would give it a good clean out, especially if there is an internal build up of dust that could act as an insulator, on the power transistors, that not only may erroneously 'fool' the temperature trip, but also act as 'short' circuit across the terminals/current-voltage sensors. But also being old, and I take it, lots of 'wear', then components do sometimes fail with age, so you may need to replace some parts...
  5. I build my own focusers, based on Robert Brown's design i.e. https://sourceforge.net/projects/arduinofocuscontrollerpro/ and although I've not looked at it, but he's also designed a rotator https://sourceforge.net/projects/arduino-myrotator/
  6. The same idea could still work, it's just that the mounting for the rotator stepper motor, instead of being stationary, could be mounted to a Linear Rail system, where the bearing would be fixed and the stepper motor mounted to the rail.... This method is commonly used for 3D printer e.g. Voron2 & CNC machines etc. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/283590463865
  7. If there are some mounting holes at the top of the handle ?? Then a piece of 3/4mm aluminium bar could be screwed to it, with a stepper motor mounted at the end, above the rotating section, which if its' possible ? a belt could achieve enough grip to rotate the equipment.... It may even be possible to combine the mounting with an another stepper motor mounting for the focuser..
  8. for SW mounts it's never 115200, just 9600....
  9. 1st off change the BAUD rate to 9600 then try & connect
  10. To steady mine up a bit, I filled each of the 'tube' sections with concrete (using small gravel), which significantly increased its weight, & made it much more stable....
  11. That what I used for my home-made solution, but as I pointed out, apart from being heavy to handle, over time the material has a tendency to 'crack', which while still prohibits a lot of water to get through, some seepage still gets through...
  12. In answer to your question, it easily covers this:
  13. Does the mount not do meridian flips ?? if it does then it 'should' reverse the movement direction, preventing cable snagging etc.
  14. I have made & use my own, using heavy duty waterproof material, but they are a bit heavy and cumbersome & over time the material has a tendency to 'crack' allowing seepage... I've recently also started using one of these https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/313611338500 which are much lighter & quick to deploy.
  15. The move mount buttons are probably set at speed 1 (the default) so you may need to set it to 3/4 within the Eqmod window, to notice a change in position.
  16. Maybe Olly Penrice as well as FLO can give an answer ??
  17. For me, yes all application 'indicators' follow each other, whichever app I use to drive the mount..... Presumably your account is a local admin, therefore you should never run anything as 'Administrator', as that will have a detrimental impact on any network/inter-application communication e.g. APT / CDC trying to 'talk' together via a common gateway (Ascom/Eqmod), due to inherent windows security settings.
  18. My setup is a local PC being remotely controlled, using remote desktop, and all using a common instance of Ascom/Eqmod, and I can open any number of applications (on the local PC) that connect to this common control instance... As Malc, has hinted at, did you install any application(s) as "Administrator", if so, then there may well be issues of apps talking to each other, due to permission errors, which may well only be reported in the winows event logs....
  19. It sounds like you are missing some interconnecting software e.g. Ascom/Eqmod, as I've just tried connecting APT, CDC, SGPro, BackyardEOS & PHD2 all simultaneously connected to my mount .....
  20. the main importers are Optical Vision Ltd https://www.opticalvision.co.uk/ which is where I usually get any spares etc. but note that if its' not in stock, then it has to be shipped from China by boat, and can take 6~9 months.....
  21. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Chanzon-20pcs-Listed-Glass-Cartridge/dp/B083R3JPVR/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2RUPFSZH4DJV7&keywords=5a+slow+blow+glass+fuses+6x30&qid=1660313074&sprefix=5a+slow+blow+glass+fuses+6x30%2Caps%2C60&sr=8-5
  22. As Malc has said, try replacing the fuse with a 5A slo-blow type, which should allow for any current draw surges.... BTW, the Celestron Overload short protection, is a fuse, just a more complicated version, that is also re-settable.....
  23. that would suggest that the power supply is ok, but that something in the wiring 'downstream' from the cigarette plug is at fault.... Is the fuse in the Celestron power pack also rated at 5A ? if not what rating is it ??
  24. Is that a 5A fuse on the input or the output of the power supply ??
  25. A full Sky Quality meter is available from Robert Brown https://sourceforge.net/projects/arduinomysqmskyqualitymeter/ which will probably integrate with Nina, but I have to admit I've not tried it....
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