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Everything posted by Dr_Ju_ju

  1. Its' just that some of the buck converters I've had, 'fixed' the +ve rail and raised\lowered the 0v line thereby producing a potential difference between the incoming 0v\GND and the output, but with the correct, regulated output....
  2. Make sure all the GND's\0v's are connected together, or you might still need the opto-couplers...
  3. …. After all the recent frustrations ???
  4. For Linux there's EasyEDA, Altium or DipTrace…..
  5. Follow the Installation section in the 'ReadMe.txt' file that comes in the zip package....
  6. Hmm, sounds like you may need to get a detector that will fire on pure\potable water as well as 'dirty'... There are some that utilize detectors that can be fitted to a funnel and can detect the presence of ion's so are very sensitive.
  7. Which version of Windows ? as you may need to copy the files as 'Administrator' before they are copied properly....
  8. Even though I love printed parts, for something like that, I'd be tempted to go for all metal, with over size penny washers'ish etc.....
  9. One other thought, if it shows no signs of life (lights etc.) there may be an in-line\PCB fuse somewhere which has done its job.....
  10. It looks like a switched mode regulator system and so will require further testing with a good multi-meter \ oscillator.... I doubt that the coil would be at fault as its usually rated for higher current.... If you can, check the diodes & capacitor voltages, but its more likely to be one of the transistors\IC's. The IC adjacent to the red wire looks suspicious, with what looks like a burn mark, same with the 100 resistor by the red wire....
  11. Isn't it always the way, when you want rain, none comes.....
  12. Take it easy, don't tire yourself, keep it simple ......
  13. Just don't wear yourself out, lugging all that heavy gear around....
  14. Apparently they used 2 fonts, NasaLisa (https://fontmeme.com/fonts/nasalization-font/) & Bambi-B (https://fontmeme.com/fonts/bambi-font/) which can be downloaded from the linked info....
  15. No point running yourself out, just relax and keep safe & well …..
  16. Unfortunately, as its sooo humid here (Surrey) that even though I have the intension of an early night, I just can't drop off peacefully...
  17. The machinations of Heath Robinson !! Younger readers will have to do some searching.....
  18. Once started, you'll make the time.... Its useful for everything, not just Astronomy......
  19. I see there are different flavours of sensor types, from simple electrical resistance (https://www.raspberrypi.org/magpi/rain-detector/) up to using Infra Red beams (http://rainsensors.com/). I suppose it'll depend on how deep the wallet \ complexity required....
  20. Apparently they have been getting very good results with it.... Torbjorn & Thomas even talked Trinamic into building one in their canteen... ( )
  21. You want to build a HangPrinter (https://hangprinter.org/) then you could print the whole lot in one go, if your room is tall enough....
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