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Everything posted by PeterCPC

  1. I don't use Pixinsight any more. I use Astropixel Processor (APP) for stacking and some post processing but the majority of post processing is done with Affinity Photo with some plug ins like AstroFlat Pro. I found Pixinsight to be too complex. Peter
  2. I normally use 300s exposure with my Canon with no ill effects. I use APP for processing. For instance this was taken with my Canon 1200d with 300s exposures for about 2.4 hours. Peter
  3. Hello Jon and welcome. Peter
  4. Hello Dan and welcome. Peter
  5. If you are using a hub, check that too. I had something similar and found the cable from the hub was working loose. Peter
  6. Hello and welcome. The best advise would be to follow the instruction manual. If you can't see anything I would suggest that you do not have it focused. Best to try it in daylight by looking at a distant object - NOT THE SUN. Peter
  7. I can't remember but it is just a standard Synta shoe which are widely available. Such as https://www.firstlightoptics.com/finders/astro-essentials-finder-shoe.html. Peter
  8. If I understand correctly, you want to just mount the guidescope and camera to the mount. This is what I made to do the same. Just a piece of aluminium plate with a shoe attached and a short camera dovetail from Modern Astronomy. Peter
  9. PeterCPC


    Hello Maniek and welcome. Peter
  10. Hello Andreas and welcome. Peter
  11. Difficult to make any meaningful comment without knowing the gear used but imaging is best avoided at times of almost full Moon (unless you are doing Ha). Peter
  12. Hello Sam and welcome. Peter
  13. Hello Neal and welcome. Peter
  14. I tried both of those and found the Baader far superior in performance. Peter
  15. You will also need a UV/IR cut filter - I recommend the Baader Neodymium. You may also find a flip mirror helpful but try without first. Peter
  16. That's what I use for planetary work. Yes you take avi which you then stack using software like AS!2 and Registax. You will need a laptop to be able to capture the videos. You cannot see what you are capturing without one. My Avatar was taken with the 224. Peter
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