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Status Updates posted by Myopicus

  1. Made the mistake of putting my Dob into a cupboard. Out of sight and out of mind. Dammit. Anyways, the universe is kind of scratching at me. feeling the need to spend hours in dark shivering on my own. >sigh<

    1. ghostdance


      Scratch the itch! A few minutes goggling in a rich starfield will be a soothing salve :) Welcome back, missed ya.

  2. Broken my right wrist - a fractured scaphoid, no less. Got a cast from knuckle to elbow, and moving the Dob outside is suddenly a big deal. Dammit.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tinker1947


      Broke my left wrist some years back had to drive my manual gearbox car 26 miles through B-Road in Yorkshire to the hospital, ended up in the same sort of plaster, maybe get the Dob up and keep it covered for the next 6 weeks or so....

    3. David Smith

      David Smith

      Time for a grab 'n' go setup then I reckon.

    4. Myopicus


      Yeah, cheers all. I've learned a valuable life lesson; sometimes you have to twist the bottle, not the corkscrew! x

  3. Going to take some time off of the Gazers lounge. I've realised that I spend more time typing than staring. See you all in the Autumn, when hopefully I might have some actual astronomical input to offer. Best wishes, and clear skies. xx mace.

    1. Mike73


      Take it easy Mace and when you come back don't forget your sketching pencils ;)

    2. Knight of Clear Skies

      Knight of Clear Skies

      Best wishes, hope to see you back in the Autumn.

    3. ghostdance


      Happy trails Mace :) looking forward to hooking up again in August. You'll be missed!

  4. Hyperion Zoom, barlow and 9 x 50 90º RACI have arrived. Very excited!

  5. Is there some sort of dark art to uploading photo's to SGL?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Myopicus
    3. Ant


      I've sent you that link in a PM.

    4. Myopicus


      Cheers all - Ithink i've got it now. Thanks for the links!

  6. Baader Zoom & Barlow, Click-lock 2' and SW RACI finder ordered.

    1. Myopicus


      Quite excited actually! DSO's . . . I'm so on you!

  7. 5hr applewood smoked rack of pork ribs in Cajun spices with a honey glaze. Yumtastic!

    1. tingting44


      ah dont , that sounds like total heaven!

    2. David Smith
    3. Myopicus


      Yup, was totally lush - apart from the two year old who screamed for small amounts of attention at bed time. For about two and a half hours. Oh, and then a 14 yr old who needed a lift / rescuing having had a fight with her mother. Apart from mental family mayhem, yum.

  8. Raining again... Own up, who bought a scope?

    1. Stargazer33


      Not a scope but a QHY5L IIC. Sorry! :o)

    2. Tums


      Sorry, I did say I'd bought a Solar filter , so expect 40 days/nights of rain. #Noahtums. lol. ;)

    3. cutepetgroomer


      I haven't bought a new scope yet, but I am looking into it. last night was terrible for star gazing here :( too many clouds and the meteor shower was to peak as well

  9. Just 'flocked' my house with grey wool army surplus blankets! Massive difference to my viewing area (patio) without my family having to watch Eastenders in the dark .

    1. HumptyMoo


      Lol, I bet your family are looking at you a bit strange? "he's off on one again..." :)

    2. Myopicus


      There was a bit of that, admittedly! 4 screw in hooks, 2 blankets. No more LP from the lounge windows. I'll take some photo's tonight.

    3. emadmoussa


      I'm sure the Mrs is quite happy about it..NOT :D

  10. 2 year olds are not very helpful with collimation.

    1. emadmoussa


      LOL...I know the feeling exactly!!

    2. Myopicus


      . . . or more specifically, slightly too helpful; I literally caught his 'Bob the Builder' hammer mid swing, aimed at the primary end of the OTA. "Fixing it, Daddy . . ."

  11. Trying to achieve a zen-like state for first attempt at collimation this evening.

  12. Ooh! Midweek next week looking promising for clear skies!

    1. Daniel-K


      wow your optimistic i hope your right though!!

    2. Mike73


      Hope so, I have a new scope arriving next Wednesday! :)

    3. HumptyMoo


      Aha, that figures, I'm back at work next week :(

  13. Apparently I've adopted a Gluten intolerant cat.

    1. emadmoussa


      Mine was allergic to eggs...you never know :)

  14. I've gone off of the Pleiades.

    1. todd8137


      Why all this stars all those double I spent years looking and love it

  15. Just collected two cats! (feline rescue variety, not scopes)

    1. JessicaFaye


      That's smashing!! I have two cats myself they're fab things! :)

    2. Myopicus


      Aw, yes. I enjoy my dogs, but I'd forgotten how happy and content cats make me feel. x

  16. High pressure next week! Clear skies (i hope).

  17. Showed my 2 yr old son the moon through scope last night.

  18. Showed my 2 yr old son the moon through scope last night.

  19. Showed my 2 yr old son the moon through scope last night.

  20. Showed my 2 yr old son the moon through scope last night.

  21. Showed my 2 yr old son the moon through scope last night.

  22. Showed my 2 yr old son the moon through scope last night.

  23. Yay!! Finally. Crystal clear dob action. happy.

  24. "In England we do not so much have a climate, as experience weather." Oscar Wilde.

  25. Clear sunny skies today. Rain tonight. When's it gonna end?

    1. JessicaFaye


      Soon I hope, can't take much more!!!

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