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Everything posted by stash_old

  1. The big problem with copying between computers is you dont want to kill all other network traffic - some copy applications do. This site provides the Front End GUI's for Robocopy which provided more than options to "hang your pc" πŸ™‚ - Again like Robocopy - Richcopy (Front end GUI to Robocopy) was also written by M/S employee https://www.howtogeek.com/130729/add-a-graphical-user-interface-gui-to-the-microsoft-robocopy-command-line-tool/
  2. If its Windows then +1 for Robocopy - as it was written by an M/S employee and good few years ago
  3. What R26 means is that your mount is NOT compatible with the Β£5 device as he thinks it uses RS232c voltage levels which are 12-25v and is something completely different to the TTL levels the Β£5 adapter uses (3.3v or 5v). However it would seem the DB9 on the mount is the same as EQ6 so that may be wrong. If so ,and you need to check , then the Β£5 adapter should work if connected ,has the correct voltage (3.3 or 5v) and you have wired it correctly - maybe this site will help you http://eq-mod.sourceforge.net/prerequisites.html
  4. No need to wait for clear skies - if you have some old images try them out during the day to test your settings - too late in the dark or when loosing valuable clear skies πŸ™‚
  5. some more confusing details but might help - Not as i understand how eqmod works (which could be wrong LOL) . AT should ,if using Append mode (not dialogue) in EQMOD and using 3 point,you should see a point added - in Dialogue/nearest point I think it adds values (offsets) to DXSB/DXSA. I try and create smallish triangles of solved points around an object if I am having problems which in my view should make find a point within the area easier to goto - but it doesn't always work. Everyone ,except the authors, are still learning I guess - must have read the Help PDF "n" times and still not 100% clear in my mind. You can of course add lots of Sync points from either CDC or AT (or even manually !!!!) and see the result in the extended EQMOD window if you click the "Spanner" then click the "Points list" then click left or right mouse buttons. If it works for you use your own working workflow! But as you have found when it all works its great πŸ™‚
  6. What are you doing with EQMOD - i.e. What Point alignment method are you using and are you clearing out the saved alignment points each time you start? For example creating bad alignment points or using "old data" when using a mobile set up can "screw up" the modelling. I even have to clear old EQMOD alignment data during session sometimes. You will probably see the Telescope pointer in CDC not move or "jump" mear to the target and AT will just give the same solved RA/DEC coordinates. Are you using CDC to Sync as well as AT ? Check CDC set up date / time - I have on occasions found its time out by a good few minutes even though it says its using System time - so I now use the "refresh option" and set the refresh to every 10 secs. Perhaps reading this may help http://forum.mainsequencesoftware.com/t/help-from-eqmod-users/2485/47 p.s If you dont know Chris Shillto is the EQMOD author (or one of them) Regarding PC O/S updates - Tip is start your PC well before you are going to use it to allow for any updates or disconnect your network or device from the Internet before starting. Also change the times Windows can do updates - doesn't stop updates totally unfortunately. There are loads of other methods to restrict Microsoft from doing its thing - google it πŸ™‚
  7. Attached Prolific own spec - see Serial number mod is disabled but clearly explains why its needed πŸ™‚ Perhaps FLO can use its contacts for an official Sky Watcher response - to put peoples minds at ease πŸ™‚
  8. Last time I looked even genuine Prolific devices don't put a unique serial number in so Windows and Linux have problems identifying the hardware if using more than one device with a Prolific Chip. Same problem with other Manufacturer's e.g. CH340G etc If someone can confirm that the serial number is now unique that would be handy - I cant find any info other than there EEprom writer disables this field for amendment - but maybe its now unique already πŸ™‚ This is for the PL-203HXD chip which Prolific recommends πŸ™‚ Obviously I dont know what version of Prolific chip Sky Watcher is using but "once bitten etc"
  9. IMHO a mistake by Sky Watcher - they seem to be using Prolific chips in the above new devices. People with Windows (Linux works ok with Prolific - just if you use them singly ) will remember the problems with Prolific driver chips. EQdir and Lynx ,I believe, all changed from Prolific due to same problem. Maybe Prolific have done major work on Windows driver compatibility so when Windows do an update they dont stop working! I will be steering clear of them and sticking with genuine FDTI chipped devices. Hope I am wrong πŸ™‚ so only time will tell.
  10. I dont know as I have always used it via an application - Ekos CCDCiel etc. I assumed that there was a Web interface ,as per Astrometry.net, only local IP - e.g. but I have never tried that route. But it does have a simple for configuration Besides ASPS ,Platesolve2 and Astrotortilla both have their own application front end. NOTE ASTROTORTILLA does seem to be able to use ANSVR version of Astrometry- never noticed before always assumed it was yet another version of Astrometry - So there's a front end! P.S. Had a quick look at Ansvr developer notes you could create a simple script as it seems putting an image in %LOCALAPPDATA%\cygwin_ansvr\temp\ folder and running Solve-field with parameters (see developes notes at adgsoftware.com) will provide a stars.wcs (fits) format file which includes RA/DEC I guess. Perhaps an email to the author will help you with a more "user friendly" application. Real example attached - well just the start up πŸ™‚ Sorry thats not too helpful. new 1.txt
  11. And using AZ not EQ Mode and unguided - very impressive Martin
  12. If you use that already then ANSVR is exactly the same engine only local (i.e. no internet) but remember to set up all the Index's required - safe bet download all and remove ones, to another directory, you think you dont need - less index's faster the solve time but you can copy them back if you change FOV. Else download ASPS (All sky platesolve software) which does "Blind solving" and has simple set up aids Solve times will depend on FOV and PC Hardware (SSD makes a big difference !) so dont take other peoples times as the std. Use any sim (even during he day) set up to test Platesolving whatever you use to get the feel BEFORE you go πŸ™‚ I presume Windows o/s as you didn't say πŸ™‚
  13. Yes everyone has at sometime or other especially with any cheap Asian copies. As Julian said FDTI chipped (genuine) dont have a probem with Win once driver installed. Most other chipped USB/TTL/RS232 do not have a unique serial address so poor old Windows gets confused. Not Windows fault blame manufacturers for not putting the serial id - note same problem on Linux - Udev cant fix it only by position in hub. Note you cant use FDTI driver with a Prolific chipped USB adapter - software driver must match hardware. Without doing ANY changes just try plugging in USB devices one by one with a pause to let Windows reinstall the driver if it was there before. No need ,in most cases, to install new driver when it worked before! So with no other USB device plug in the USB to HC ports Adapter and try getting Scanscan App to open the serial port. Use Device manager to see the port number (i.e. COM1,com2 or com3 .... etc) Also note the connection from USB on PC to Handset is true RS232 (voltages 12v+) and this is NOT the same as directly connected from USB on PC to mount (i.e. NO handset) this uses TTL level (5v or 3.3v) depending on mount. Obviously Sky Watcher Wifi and the like type mount connections dont use USB adapters at all so dont suffer from the same kind of problems with drivers.
  14. I have used Astrotortila,ASPS,Platesolve2 (ASPS/PS2 only via APT) ,Local Astrometry via Ansvr,ASTAP(latter two via CCDciel and Kstars/Ekos Astrometry.net local. All have problems and are never 100%. I am currently moving to CCDciel for my DSLR which has access to 4/5 platesolvers(most of the above) and a very nice Sequencer. Main problem with CCDciel is it depends on the FITs file containing the RA/Dec info to do Platesolving - so my older CR2 files when converted to FITs do not have this info. Not a big problem for new images taken via CCDciel. With CCDciel i have decided to stick with ANSVR which is pretty good.
  15. He is using EQMOD so will not (cannot) be using Synscan App πŸ™‚ @Stickfarm8 I think if all your settings are correct and you are reasonably Polar aligned and you have NOT saved the previous alignment points in EQMOD you would be close - IMHO there is no point in saving the EQMOD alignment data between sessions if you have a mobile set up - as I say my opinion. However even with Polar alignment its not guaranteed to be "accurate" every time all over the sky hence why many use Platesolving to speed positioning and centring of objects. I can blind Platesolve in under 1 min and there after normally under 20 secs (my best about 6 secs). Platesolving cuts out most of the frustrations (not all πŸ™‚ ) of getting objects centred quickly - ok some would say lazily . BUT Platesolving involves a camera (DSLR,CCD etc) and so is not much use to visual only users.
  16. I am not Sub Dwarf LOL - that's a level like yours which is "Nebula" - not to worry I hadn't noticed and was busy trying to find who Sub Dwarf was LOL. I always load everything and get it all connected - mount ,any camera etc - you never know when things will go wrong. IMHO find a workflow that meets your needs and stick to it unless it causes you a problem - APT does have a "check List" if I remember correctly or just create your own written checklist. Once everything is connected and your camera is working (test image done) then do alignment. Later you may start to do Platesolving which will tell you exactly where you are pointing - but that's for later just take everything slowly - you will make mistakes and get frustrated ( I did still do LOL ) and never be afraid to ask on SGL or else where for helpπŸ™‚ Stellarium is a wonderful looking program which I do use as its sky is very "pretty" but CDC is simpler to connect hardware especially if you start to use Eqmod/Ascom (Stellarium needs Stellarium Scope (another program) - a pain IMO). CDC is not a "pretty" but very very functional and feature rich but is a little quirky to get used too but it does work well with APT and will show Scope and camera position / rotation. So its really down to personal preference - except for when using Eqmod/Asom when CDC wins every time IMO. Later you may like to add Deepsky (now a free program) which will create personalised "sky charts"that can be easily exported to CDC but learn to "walk not run first". Others probably have their own way of doing things so learn from all and create your own - you have to use it and there is no,on the whole, "correct" way. P.S. try to do things in the day light or at dusk - its a pain trying to get things set up when its dark or in a rush. Also use the simulators provided with both Ascom and / or Synscan app to get to know your software. Hope that helps and maybe other can add pointers if I have missed something - like taking the lens cap off the camera adapter - yep I have done that LOL.
  17. As a matter of interest why use "POTH"?- Ascom drivers are multi connection and Synscan App provides directional keys if required - so "n" devices can use the same driver all at once - so only need Synscanmobile for all other software and only the first to connect to Synscanmobile needs to do the property set up! So my workflow is:- 1. Load Synscan App connect to Mount 2. Using either APT or in my case CDC connect to mount using Synscanmobile from Ascom chooser menu - as its the first click properties and then connect 3. Connect all other Software to Ascom Synscanmobile and just click "ok" But glad to hear its working anyway πŸ™‚
  18. 1. Without APT connected does Synscan AP Pro work with your mount using he exact same cables etc ? 2. If (1) fails you have a problem with cable and/or mount interface(poss software)! 3. If (1) works and with Synscan AP Pro still connected connect to APT (ATP is an oil added to engines πŸ™‚ LOL ) synscanmobile Ascom driver AND click on properties - fill in the correct details which should be the same as Synscan App Pro (so serial port or Wifi details the same depending on connection type) 4.If (3) works ok and you can slew etc from within APT than the message is possibly a APT problem or APT / Ascom setting - ask on APT forum. 5. Are you using mount in EQ mode ? 6. Check Date/Time and location set in APT/Synscan etc (it can get info from Ascom driver if that works) is correct and the same. 7. What is you starting position - APT did have a problem with M Flips etc 8. Check on APT Forum - there are many threads with this message πŸ™‚ Hope you find your problem πŸ™‚
  19. But it still appears no Direct (Not via Scope!) Ascom Support 😞
  20. Use a "real" FDTI (about Β£15) USB - RS232 - work every time on Windows/Linux/Mac - and its the one Cem makers recommend in the manual.
  21. Nope except maybe they are both using PWM (dimmer does) but not an electronics buff πŸ™‚ Use a Wart (tried a number) and its fine - MK1/USB/Nano has worked for 3 yrs! Even works with ATX PC power supply unit using 12v output.
  22. Finished doing my mk 3 Dew controller using Led dimmer and 2 x wemos d1 - 1 controlling the Dimmer (and hence the 0-12v) and the other positioned on Dew Shield to collect Temp/Humidity and send to first Wemos D1. Used Node Red to quickly set up a simple program(see attached screen image) which can be accessed from any Web Browser. Testing works and added LED in Dimmer shows power fluctuation nicely. The only problem might be my MASS power supply which makes these Dimmers run weirdly so my original usb one ran from a Wart (ac to 12dc). But this get rid of another set of wires. Dimmer uses simple Tin Can Stepper(5v) to move dimmer POT controlled via the Wemos. MQTT broker might run on Obsys hidden Desktop but might run it from Linux box on OTA haven't decided yet.
  23. Be interested to see how you get on with. I presume you are going to Ascom it and run from PC not the HSet. May be looking to upgrade my AZEQ6 late next year if things go well - ouch thats a another Radley Handbag for you know who LOL. Dont know how the "Z" drive of the CEM will perform but you will of course give us all plenty on updates. Good Luck with your new "toy" πŸ™‚
  24. Is it the "high precision ec " or the "normal" model Alan. I do like the inbuilt power outlets!
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