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Everything posted by stash_old

  1. IMO you could Just get a 0.9 degree Stepper ,1.2amp and use 1:2 Microstepping as a compromise. 🙂 Plenty of fine control ,especially if direct connection via shaft , and its not going to get that hot. Maybe on SGL some person has written up he/her project with maths and data to support all the different methods in a real situation - but then life is too short. 🙂 Bottom line you can always change it - as no doubt most of us do LOL.
  2. Most "hot" steppers are caused by having Microstepping which requires current to "hold" the position otherwise the Stepper will "snap" to a detent position. Unless you have set he current wrong - quote from REPRAP site "Rule of thumb, if you can put your hand on the motor but have to remove it, it's hot but not too hot. If you can't touch it without being burned... probably a bit too hot, back off on the current. If you can keep your hand on it... you're fine." In the end if it works with your kit its right decision - geared or not. 🙂
  3. ok some slight mods to settings and I got Astrotortilla v.7 to solve your JPG image. Platesolve2,via APT, also solves the image in under 4 secs. Both were using the EQMOD simulator and loading Astrotortilla manually (so not called via BYEOS) - you can do test runs with an image during the day this way. See attached screen prints hope that helps!
  4. 1. You dont need 30 sec exposures for Platesolving - try and keep the number of stars found down to around 500 - change ISO and expo length plus "down scaling" to achieve the magic 500. This speeds up solving. 2. Make sure Eqmod,BackYard and Astrotortilla are using JNOW or J2000 Epoch - can see Astrotortilla is set for JNOW. And you have checked them once! 3. Are you sure your FOV and Focal Length are correct and that you have downloaded the correct files +5% either side of the "correct" FOV indexes. 4. What is your timeout on Astrotortilla ? 5. Have you tried Web service Astronemtry.net to solve the same image - what info does it provide. 6. Post your image on here. Not used Astrotortilla for a few years now but attached is my settings that did work with my Canon 100D. Only the "downscaling" needs changing as stated above.
  5. there is room in that box for a remote dew controller -LOL. Well done - next project.
  6. There might be another idea (long shot 🙂 ) but only if the problems occurs AFTER DSS processing. I dont not use DSS directly but it is called as part of Astrotoaster - now and again I get weird output (from Astrotoaster via DSS) - now in Astrotoaster I can clear DSS "temp" files (via a button) and rebuild Dark Master and re-stack the images. This normally cures my problem. Sorry I haven't used DSS directly for a good while so cant remember if you can delete DSS temp files via a "button" but suspect not. Also I am still using the "old" version of DSS (3.4 or something) not 4. files are here The temporary files can require up to 100GB of space or more depending on the number of images in the set. This destination is selected under Settings > Stacking Settings > Temporary Files Folder.
  7. ok finally got o test with changes to settings in platesolving - decided to use ANSVR as it will blind solve as well it seems. Set up Sequencer to take images of M31/2 and also loaded Astroaoster to stack live images. With platesolving to check position inside the Sequence Plan. It worked - forget the image quality as this was a test of platesolving in the Sequencer. Pretty satisfied. So to summarise - camera connected via Indi, CCDciel running on Windows, Mount and Focuser connected to Linux but they are used in Windows Ascom via Ser2net and Virtual com software. Quite pleased with DSLR downloading time in CCDciel - VERY pleased with CCDciel Sequencer - sorry i loved APT but with the Sequencer CCDciel rules - still early days but looking promising.
  8. You could try :- If you look thru SGL you will see the check list with CDC - one important issue is to make sure that Epoch (base date pointers) is the same in each piece of the software - e.g. j2000 in EQMOD then CDC must be j2000 (except it called something slightly different) - and any software such as APT which has a mount interface (e.g. Ascom EQMOD). Plus check the advance development settings in EQMOD has the "Secondary encoders" is disabled. Again search SGL to find exactly what. 🙂
  9. I would tend to agree and so you dont need Microstepping with 27:1 gear set up IMO - depending on what your focuser is. But you may need to "play" with Robert options (which there are many - the man's over active LOL !) to see if you can speed up the movements or even drop him a line he is very open to questions. I dont use Roberts exact code any more (just his protocol - 01 mean "this" etc) as I use Accelstepper library which IMO give better control of Speed,Acceleration and is simpler (needed for my brain) to use.
  10. It depends on the kit you are hanging off the focuser. I have used both the cheap 5v and the more expensive Nema 12,14,17 with gears as shown by Julian. All have worked well with my DSLR (Canon 100d so lighter than many I guess). However (there always is) the "quality" of the 5v gears are not very high and I have one or 2 break (gears only) - possible me when I tried to move the focuser manually. Julians example gets high torque AND when the motor is off (which ,If I remember Roberts code, allow) then you can move your focuser manually if required. Also ,IMO. with the more "main stream" steppers you can do Micro stepping without problems, are more accuate over repeated long moves and can move faster if required - e.g. DIY filter wheel. You can run the little 5v from the drivers you mentioned (never done it myself) just google it - think it involved removing 1 wire. The beauty of DIY is you can find out for yourself. Or even less if you are prepared to wait for China 🙂
  11. I built one of these but modified it to use cheap 5v stepper (turns the POT) and Arduino/Python software for remote working - been working for nearly 3 yrs now. If only I knew how to replace the mech POT with a programmable one . https://www.blackwaterskies.co.uk/2013/05/a-cheap-multi-channel-dew-heater-controller/
  12. You will be doing his wireless (NO COM PORT either 🙂 ) next just wish Ascom would follow suite - forget Ascom Alpaca and just do this for most of the devices and get rid of COM ports ! Glad you got sorted - enjoy clear skies AND warm rooms LOL
  13. Totally agree just need CCDciel to call PS2 and do it as fast or even slower - just do it - its on the same PC. Will get there in the end !
  14. @HAN59 Thanks - Yep already hard set my settings manually and I have found out that ,as you say, the FITS header is where the RA/DEC details are retrieved. Which is a pain if you have some CR2 converted files that haven't carried the RA/DEC in the conversion as APT allows you to input RA/DEC manually if required. PC say'she may change CCDCiel to ask for RA/DEC if no co-ords exist in the FITS header. Fine so long as you are not using the Plan Editor in auto mode LOL. As for " For DSLR camera set downsampling to 2 " this depends on the number of extracted stars (in Platesolve2 and Indi anyway) and setting "down sampling" to higher values to achieve around 3-400 stars improves the speed in solving. In Platesolve2 (not blind software) I get 4-6secs solve time on most images with a reasonable close RA/DEC coords. Sorry I just cant on with ASTAP's interface although I must confess I haven't tried it directly from CCDCiel - I am too simple 🙂 Fine software that it is Hans. Still waiting for clear sky and no moon.:-)
  15. I know exactly what you mean - no joke. I know your a "Alec" but I hope you are "decent" camera batteries - I bought some pretty crap ones in my time 😞 The key word being "fun" - enjoy yourself and have great number of clear night skies !
  16. You be needing a lorry to carry your kit then 🙂 Hope you enjoy it and the weather is kind.
  17. First light for real - Indiserver running from command line with just canon dslr connected and CCDCiel running on Win 10 I5 connected to Ascom for mount and Canon connected via Indiserver. All well and good to start with. Slew ok and camera images being taken. However could not get Platesolving to work via CCDCiel using Platesolve2 - odd thing I can run APT at the same time connected to the same EQMOD and load the image taken by CCDCIEL and it solves in under 9secs. Therefore the problem must be the parameters being passed by CCDciel to Platesolve. The only diff I can see BUT cant alter is the Arcminutes/Degree's size and regions. On APT it sets this at 33x22 Arcminutes CCDciel sets it at 162x166 and regions 9999 on APT 999 on CCdciel. Also tried Astromery.net (local) still not solving. Both are extracting stars ok. CCdciel documentation on Focal Length is poor playing with this item changed the Degree's in Platesolve but still no luck. Dont know if APT crops the image or what. Oh Well will have to do some investigaing. Astrotoaster worked well using the FITS images from CCdciel although the images were not as clear as CR2 versions but that might be me(is me). See attached M39 live stack - not concerned about the quality at this stage as it was just a proving run. So a few things to luck at before I can move on to stage 2 - Guiding.
  18. Thats because they have changed the IDE and you now need to use the Processor marked (OLD BOOTLOADER) . Problem came in on IDE 1.8.7 I think.
  19. ok found a bug - when using Indigo you cant set exposure to above 30secs - on DSLR at least. No such problem when using Indi tested ,indoors,360 secs exp no problem. If it keeps this up in real testing I will be replacing APT as the author seems to have "forgot" about DSLR users on Linux(shame) . As CCDciel has 1 important game changer when compared to APT - The Sequencer which IMO is far better ,interface wise, then Ekos. Still needs some "real testing.
  20. FYI - As per above also works using Indigo_server on a RPI3b+ (Buster) and CCDciel on Windows. So no need to compile anything just install Indigo Server on Buster load and go. 🙂
  21. OK ISO can be set - need to untick "gain from camera driver" in edit-preferences-camera. Now you can use the "Gain" drop down menu to set ISO 🙂
  22. Patrick Chevalley has just released a new version of CCDCIEL 0.9.60 and as I have been following this and hoping I thought I would give it a go again. Test 1. a.running Windows version of CCDCIEL on old Vista test laptop connected to Ascom Eqmod sim b. Connected to Canon DSLR on old RPI3 (not + or 4) running Indiserver from command line Results:- I was able to connect to both the Canon DSLR (on RPI) and Ascom Mount Eqmod sim no problems - obviously the camera connection has a slight time lag of maybe 1/2 sec before it connects. I did straight forward captures (all dslr images come as FITS mono or colour) of varying exposures 0.001 to 30secs - all worked and images were saved on the Vista box and display on the Vista screen inside CCDCIEL. About 20-30secs from mirror closure o download,convert to Fits and display/save over wired ethernet. So moving on and upwards I started some more captures using the very simple to use Plan and sequence editor in CCDCiel. This time CDC is loaded to do 2 things :- i. Watch the scope(ok sim scope) travel to the correct object. ii. Be able to create objects in the Plan/Sequencer just by clicking on"Planetarium" button (this pops up a window showing any object your click on in CDC) On my test I had 2 objects and 2 capture plans and overrode rise times etc. Both worked without a hitch - very simple and very easy to do. Pros:- 1. The ability to use a Canon DSLR remotely on a non Windows PC (RPI Linux) using Indi - this cannot by done by any other software simply. APT or anything else I know cannot do this at this moment in time. 2. As well as using the DSLR remotely I was also using Ascom so I could connect to any local Ascom device - mount,CCD,Focuser etc. So best of all worlds for me using DSLR 3. I could have mixed devices even more - e.g. Mount (or other devices) via EQMOD etc 4. I can run Platesolving - Platesolve2,ASTAP etc on my fast kit taking the load of smaller,older RPI's 5. The Sequencer/Plan editor is very simple and powerful but may have some hidden problems as this was a quick test in daylight. 6. Lots of options - Dome/roof,Weather etc etc CONS:- 1. You cannot set DSLR ISO from the Capture control screen - this has to be done via the Indi settings. Hopefully this will change soon. Patrick did mentionsome option which showed the ISO on the capture screen but I couldn't find it. 2. The DSLR has to be on Indi/Indigo as no direct connection of a DSLR on Windows is possible (as far as I can see) CCD's are well supported via both Indi and/or Ascom but no native connections appear. So for DSLR users waiting for APT maybe this option could be an option giving best of Ascom and Indi/Linux that appears to work (even though its still Beta) AND IMHO far simpler and more flexible than Kstars - so long as it works in the real world 🙂 So more testing needed !
  23. Last time I looked that was not possible(Boot from USB) - on "the todo list". 🙂 Doubt it will be a long time off !
  24. Both APT and SharpCap(?) have focusing aids (including auto focus) if you use a supported focusing protocol - e.g. Moonlite or others - you can emulate and build your own ( Robert Browns https://sourceforge.net/projects/arduinoascomfocuserpro2diy/ excellent ,free s/w and original variations including Wifi with Wifi supported Ascom driver (A FIRST !) ). or buy a Ascom/Indi supported device. Glad you found a method that suited you 🙂
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