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Skipper Billy

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Everything posted by Skipper Billy

  1. Easy enough to make yourself - project box and bits and pieces from CPC/Farnells etc
  2. Yes - thats exactly what I use. If I need to have a screen/keyboard at the mount I just use RDP on a laptop - for things like adjusting focus on the guide scope etc.
  3. I would suggest that the first £20 should be on this. It will be the best £20 you spend and will save you a LOT of money and heartache in the long run! Welcome aboard at the top of a slippery slope ......... 😉
  4. SOLUTION FOUND. Uninstalled Pixinsight - shut machine down fully - re-install Pixinsight latest version - hey presto!! NB - it did not work if the machine was 'restarted' between uninstall and re-install - only when fully shut down and restarted. It also didn't work if the machine wasn't shut down at all between uninstall and reinstall. Must be as suggested something to do with the registry. Another minor irritant removed from life v1.0 !
  5. Sorry you are having issues but I am glad its not just me ! I have posted the issue on the PI forum.
  6. A full reinstall of Pixi or Windows ?? I dont mind reinstalling Pixi but dont fancy reinstalling W10 ! I will post it on the Pixi forum.
  7. Hmmm - something funny going on. I really don't want Windows trying to configure Pixinsight!!!! The plot - it thickens!
  8. OK thanks Steve. Its not a big issue it's just annoying. I really don't want Windows configuring Pixinsight in any case !!!! 😞
  9. If I have an XISF file on my desktop and double click it to open it (Pixinsight is set as the default programme for this file type) Windows says it is looking for the installation package - I have pointed it to the PI *.exe file and it thinks about it for a few seconds then crashes - any ideas ?? If I open Pixi then open the file it works just fine. Help! (Windows 10 Pro and Pixi latest version)
  10. 'Starter' batteries and 'Leisure' batteries look similar to each other which is a shame as they are completely different animals. 'Starter' batteries are designed to give out an enormous amount of power very quickly to start the car and then be immediately recharged. 'Leisure' batteries are designed to give out low power for a long time and not necessarily;y be recharged straight away - they will also tolerate being deeply discharged although it is best to avoid it. The best one to use to power your outfit is a leisure battery ie one designed for domestic supplies on a boat or caravan etc. If you cant access a leisure battery then using a starter battery will do no harm to your equipment. Both supply ~12v Hope that helps.
  11. There are two types of dehumidifier - compressor and desiccant. Compressor types give up at ~10º whereas a desiccant type will keep going down to ~1º - they are also much lighter to handle. Some models have continuous drain (Lag the waste pipe or it will freeze and stop working) some models also have a facility to carry on where they left off after a power-cut - may or may not be important to you. (It is to me we get power cuts every couple of days) I have this one in my obsy - cant fault it. https://www.airconcentre.co.uk/products/ecoair-dd1-simple-desiccant-dehumidifier-ecodd122sim?variant=15428686381154&currency=GBP&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=google shopping&gclid=CjwKCAiAp5nyBRABEiwApTwjXrtSo3c30nE9gmLYY1SB_l911qNuQwSVPEm6IpYh98aFXhWf_kgASxoCfGEQAvD_BwE&fbclid=IwAR3msEuYFTr7vIBWkPhMJ4DminCvdoGUa5UJ-H1o807suV4DvXO_zic5ORw
  12. If you are in need of a good laugh have a watch of 'This Morning at 10.30 on catchup.
  13. Hi Alan, Just letting you know that I havent given up on you! Since chiming in and trying to help I have been away in our campervan and without comms - this storm has been unbelievable! Just found a wee hotspot and dropped you a line but thats it again now for a while as we have 400 miles to go through blizzards today! All for now David.
  14. Wait until Google and Amazon come clean about their future plans - many many thousand more........
  15. I think you will be very happy with them - I too was undecided and went for the Baader 2" LRGBHaSiiand Oiii and I have been very happy with them I have seen amazing images made with Baader filters and some real shockers taken with Astrodons !!
  16. Well done - cracking image. I haven't ever attempted a mosaic - yet! Well done.
  17. This is my quick and dirty - I don't have the light touch elegance that Carole has ! 😉
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