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Skipper Billy

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Everything posted by Skipper Billy

  1. @alan potts These are the results of your image from CCD Inspector in 2D and 3D. There is tild from top left to bottom right which will make focusing all 3 colours across the entire chip a bit of a challenge on a fast scope. There is also some curvature as seen in the 3D plot. I did a quick and dirty process and got a similar result to Carole. Hope that helps! David (aka Skipper Billy)
  2. I dont think I would be dismantling it just for a couple of small paper labels - especially if the thought of it worries you. I cant see it causing any issues.
  3. Create a free account with DropBox - put the files in the DropBox folder - share the folder and post the link in this thread. https://www.dropbox.com/business/landing-t61fl?_tk=sem_b_goog&_camp=1033325405&_kw=dropbox|e&_ad=389595848299||c&gclid=CjwKCAiAg9rxBRADEiwAxKDTupo8dHEiPTSFAUHdHoZLHfwdZFrWeV1-RsBSeDqI8NIx4G9FNvIx4xoC8n8QAvD_BwE
  4. I am with Vlaiv on the tilt issue. If you can post the original unprocessed TIFF I will happily run it through CCD Inspector for you this evening which will confirm whether its tilt or curvature.
  5. They also sell 'powertanks' which are completely the wrong piece of kit for the application! 😉
  6. There is a very good viewing predictor here - obviously put your location in - not mine! 😉 https://me.cmdr2.org/starlink/#1524;3
  7. Thanks Carole and Adam To be honest the original data isn't that good so whilst its a very kind offer I think I will just hit the delete button and hope for a clear night so I can get a full set of data with my new outfit. Thanks again.
  8. So this is a real mongrel. I don't own the scope, camera or mount that most of the data was acquired with. I couldn't finish it as I didn't have the Red data in short subs for the core. Its only 90 mins LRGB for the nebula and 30 mins (10 mins each) RGB for the core so its not going to set the world on fire but it was 'interesting' combining data from different scopes and cameras and making it all fit together. Managed to grab 15 mins in between showers tonight. Most of the data is from a ED80 and Atik 460 mono and a wee bit from a Takahashi 106 and Atik 16200 (just for the core). Processed entirely in Pixinsight. M42.tif
  9. Am I right in thinking that the Nikon D3500 is just about the only DSLR made that you cant use a remote shutter release with ?? Something in the depths of my memory tells me it is. In which case yes - you are probably stuck to 20secs max.
  10. Maybe 20 secs - take one and have a look and see what you think.
  11. I used 10 second subs for the trapezium but it depends on your scope/camera. It is VERY bright!
  12. Its not all about longevity and wear resistance - you are paying more for the tolerances they are made to. I would trust SKF/FAG to have much greater accuracy/smaller tolerances than many other bearing manufacturers. Worth every penny in my mind.
  13. There is a very good guide outfit / imaging outfit calculator here that will effortlessly do the maths for you and maybe make life easier. http://astronomy.tools/calculators/guidescope_suitability
  14. Here you go - feel free to do whatever you wish with it - I am not interested in copyright or anything and my name doesn't appear on any of the images. (It's outside the visible field) Also feel free to take a peak and then drop it in the recycle bin ! Hopefully its of some use. Astro Imaging V2.pptx
  15. Hi Gina If you would like a copy of my PowerPoint presentation either for ideas or to use as a base - rip it apart - change to suit etc then you are very welcome to it.
  16. I dont know what grade the stainless is that the shaft is made of but its very hard and would probably survive a missile attack without damage! If its useful I have huge heat-shrink tubing - you could slide a length over the shaft and shrink it down with a heatgun / blowtorch (gently!) and if its not right just slit it with a sharp knife and pull it off ? Let me know if you want a piece sticking in the post.
  17. I used 'Superlube' and was very pleased with its performance. The main thing is that the grease needs to not dry out over time and work well at low temperatures. We probably all go a bit mad with grease spec - we are talking about a gearbox that does one revolution per session! 😉
  18. I like that idea ! Although today is exactly 3 months since we last had a clear night so I dont want to hang too much on the chances of a clear night!
  19. Cheers @JOC some food for thought there. If its a clear night maybe binos on a tripod or my wee Heritage 130 might keep them interested. At least some fresh air would wake them up!
  20. I will and I am hoping he/she can give me some guidance! I didn't - I was press ganged ! 😉 My existing presentation is aimed at adults with very little previous astro experience - I am hoping I can chop great chunks out and recycle it to suit as it took about 30 hours to put together ! Its also way too long I would think for 10 - 14 year olds - its about 75 mins. Thanks for the suggestions.
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