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Everything posted by Physopto

  1. Hi Everyone. I have just spoken to Lesley at length. The Scottish Government is unlikely to end restrictions before next month. When exactly, we do not know. Lesley is unable to open the site at least until some time in June. Even then, due to severe restrictions she may not be able to do so as the shower block may have to remain closed until a much later date. Therefore these severe restrictions may make it impossible to open with anything like normal business. So at present no good news I am afraid. But Lesley is taking tentative bookings from people wishing to chance it if the site is allowed to open to the general public. Our Star Camp dates are protected especially/specifically for our use ! No general public allowed during that week. The Star Camp is still a fair way off, so please be sure to set aside those dates and hope for the best. As before make sure you book directly with Lesley and do not try to book on line ! On the brighter side the weather looks good at present and the site is in excellent condition. We all live in hope. Keep well, Derek P.S. Lesley has no problems with anyone using a drone on the site as long as it is directly over the site, follows the CAA regulations on distance and height restrictions concerning people, houses / property and our own astronomical gear. They must not be flown over adjacent farmers fields at low altitude which may cause problems with livestock. i.e. just be sensible 😃 # You will be responsible for any and all damage caused by a drone so insurance is advisable!! #
  2. I would think that the UV data is much lower in intensity for the given exposure than the IR and again very much less than the L data. So counts and time taken for each exposure should give you a good idea which is which. What wavelength is the UV at ? Derek
  3. Hi Phil, You are correct. The site is always posted up as fully booked during the Star Parties. This is done on purpose to stop none astronomers from constantly trying to book pitches for tents or caravans. All bookings are by email or telephone calls to Lesley at Drumroamin. So Steve just give Lesley a call to book up.😃 Derek
  4. Hi Peter, Well just bit the bullet. I did use Drones Direct, been looking on their web site and others for the last two days. It will arrive tomorrow they tell me. I'll get back to you by PM when it is all sorted. The certification I have is not CAA, but just a drone operator licence. The CAA certification is a three day course and is around £1300 to pay out which includes two nights in a hotel. Drones Direct run a course in three places in the UK. If her indoors has calmed down maybe I'll mention it..... Errrr maybe not 😂 Using mine I will be able to fly it properly at my friends farm over just south of Port Patrick. I remember building a kit drone for him a year or two ago. As it disappeared over towards a Wind Generator he exclaimed " Oh ....*&$ Derek it is not coming back" At which time he threw the control at me in a panic. Me! I had never flown one ever. Talk about in the deep end ! 😱 If everything pans out I will take it up to the Galloway Star Party and record a few vids for everyone. Then hopefully it will show off the area/views and skies very nicely. Derek
  5. Well, Thanks Peter ! You have planted a seed into my brain that I cannot shift. Spent the last day now researching different drones. I even went on line and got my drone and model aircraft flyer ID and operator ID !! £9 spent and no drone as yet. I think my wife is now resigned to a droning husband 😂 Derek
  6. You think that is bad, I live within 100 yards of the college and still find it difficult to attend meetings, although I always manage the Christmas Night out for a meal with everyone. 🥃🥂🍝 😁 Derek By the way thanks for the links to you video and the Drone. Interesting. 😈Now we know what you look like 😈
  7. Hi Peter, A few years ago some one flew a drone there I believe, I can't see any problems or Lesley complaining about it. Next time I speak to her I will ask. I know that the law states: There are a few fundamental rules that all drone operators are required to follow in the UK, such as keeping your drone in sight at all times, and never flying it above 400ft. ... Observe your drone at all times – stay 150ft (50m) away from people and property. Never fly near aircraft. But on a farm or caravan park it may well be completely different, as no other people and habitable buildings. I have been thinking of one for ages but cannot justify the cost 😂 Maybe if one could be adapted to measure gravy viscosity it would be a different matter ! 🤣 Derek
  8. Thanks Ian. I hope you and the missus are OK. As you say we will just wait. But still planning for things at the camp. Ahhhh! Bisto Oops Err .......Pies and Peas 🤣 But we will need the Dobsonian Dual Purpose Pie Measuring Device to check if everything meets the required specifications. Not sure if Damian, the devices Inventor has got the Gravy Viscosity Machine Adaption addition working as yet. He has been very quiet on this so far. Even the South Shields Astronomical Gazette has not been able to get any info. Very strange! Oh well onwards we go. Derek
  9. Hi Peter, Yes it is a bummer in truth. I am a few behind you, 70 in a couple of months time. I feel just as you do. You are right awaiting a vaccine is the best option, but it could be months to years in coming! So I will weigh up the chances as and when the situation changes and keep everyone informed. I do not want this to turn into a Covid-19 talk or discussion, I only posted the situation as I see it to let folk know what our chances are well in advance, but I/we need to be sensible. We all need to plan for the time if we cannot have a Star Camp. I am hopeful that it will take place, maybe with strict restrictions placed on us all for everyone's safety, we will just have to see what happens in the coming months. Still try and look on the right side 🔭😃🌌 By the way Peter although we have never met in person, we both belong to the SSAS I believe 😃 Derek
  10. We all have to have hope for the future 🔭🌌🔭🌌🔭🌌🔭🌌🔭🌌 Derek
  11. Hi All, With reference to Scotland's Premier Star Camp at Drumroamin grounds this Autumn 2020. I am keeping an eye on all the Covid-19 events around Great Britain. As we all know it is a rather dire situation at present. Early predictions have changed so much, that I am now expecting that we may even have to cancel the Autumn event altogether. I obviously hope that this is not the case, but I have to be sensible and warn everyone of the possibility. Yes I know you maybe well aware and I am not trying to teach granny to suck eggs 🤣 BUT I and I am sure, that neither I or any of you will have anything to do with taking any avoidable chance of causing a further spread of the virus, either between us astronomers, or the wider general public. (We definitely cannot afford to jeopardise our hosts Lesley and Ralph). The way it looks at present, is that there may be a slim chance of the Star Camp if the virus related infections drop off to very low numbers, but unfortunately I suspect this situation may well take us beyond the Christmas and New Year period and well into next year. There are many of the general public thinking of venturing out because they have been asked to stay at home for a good while. In truth it is a very short period although extremely damaging to finances and very bad for businesses, many of whom may well go out of existence altogether. Many of the general public are awaiting the Governments announcements to start allowing an end to the Lock Down. But I am also acutely aware of all the Nightingale Hospitals being built around the country, of a truly staggering capacity!! I have a bad feeling that the second Covid-19 wave may be even worse, hence all these new hospitals. I hope that is not the case, but China is now seeing a second wave! Well enough of the Doom and Gloom At present we are all in the doldrums and no one knows what will happen in reality. So I will watch carefully and report back as and when I can. One idea is if the infections drop well off, we may be able to still have a well spaced out and socially responsible Star Camp. BUT, even if all seems well closer to the date, it will require all of us to socially distance in and around the camping field. Social gatherings may well have to be carried out, in the cold out side the warm room and at some distance! One has to believe that a strict socially distanced Star Camp is better than nothing at all. This is not what I ever expected to be saying when I took over the planning and organisation of the camps and I am sorry to be saying any of this, BUT I firmly believe we must be sensible and safe for all our sakes. It is still early days as yet, but I do like to be prepared for the worst, whilst hoping for the best. All my best wishes to everyone wishing to attend the star camp and all members in SGL, STAY SAFE ! Derek
  12. Very nice video. Music a nice touch but a bit too loud at times, I barely could hear the lad talking. Ears not so good now 😃 Question about the flip flap device! How much does it influence the balance when flipped up out of the way and it looks a bit off centre, does it affect the light into the CCD sensor? It will be nice to see the images coming from the setup. Cracking mount, I have one also so know its capabilities 😃 Derek
  13. Very nice image. At least some of us are able to produce something to please the senses in these awful times. Derek
  14. I looked into this in the past for my NE EQ6. I have to say the so called FTDI Chinese chips were definitely NOT genuine chips. There were plenty of websites complaining at that time about these Chinese FTDI chipsets. I believe if I remember correctly, FTDI did something to stop these FTDI chips working correctly. You can't go wrong trying one but at your peril. I even bought so called genuine FTDI chips here in the UK and they were not, they failed. I also bought FTDI from RS and they worked immediately. Your choice !! Derek
  15. If you want I can show you every email I have that was passed between me and JTW. Not pretty reading!
  16. I have just come across this thread about JTW mounts. Unfortunately I had a very bad experience with JTW. I asked if they could manufacture some parts for me that I has designed for adapting my new (second hand) Tak 85. They agreed and I submitted the plans for them to sort out for CNC machining. In due course they submitted their computer generated drawings for the fabrication of the parts. Everything looked great. Then I was given their price for the job. Upon looking at the costs, I realized that I did not look right. It looked far too cheap for the amount of work involved. I discussed this via email with the owner and he realized that he had mistaken the number of parts and submitted a revised cost. This looked fair and we agreed to proceed. That was the real start of problems. Over some months I got various excuses for things not proceeding to schedule. Falling down stairs, mix ups with machining and many more! In the end several months and many emails about my order I was told they were ready to send out to me. (I had paid the whole cost up front via Paypal). Anyway, after it must have been 8/9 months the parts arrived. The CNC machining and anodizing was extremely well done. As an ex marine engineer for over 24 years I know what I am looking at. BUT one part had been machined incorrectly! The attachment holes were on the wrong side (back to front). It was the adapter that bolted on to my QSI CCD camera. Many emails later I just had to give up. In the end he just would not respond at all. I had to machine the screw holes from the other side to adapt the part to fit correctly myself. Obviously that side is now not anodized but there was enough metal to do it. All I can say is beware of JTW Astronomy. It is a shame as he can do good work but just does not look into things properly and the back up is abysmal. I have not posted comments on JTW Astronomy before as I was far too upset and fed up by the end of dealings, but there are numerous complaints on other Astronomy forums if you care to look. If anyone is interested I can email the drawings to them on the parts I wanted for the project. As I said, it was to fit a QSI CCD to a Baby Q / Takahashi 85mm. But it includes the ability to fit or not using a spacer a SXV-AO-LF 'Adaptive Optics made by SDtarlight Xpress. I had to calculate the exact back focus as all spacing is taken up for this setup. I can't remember the exact number of parts but 8/9. I think I paid around 700 Euro. If he had finished the job correctly without all the time wasting and failure in the end to sort the problem out ,I would have been nothing but complimentary. Derek
  17. When I posted the last comment I was in bed. I could not for the life of me recall the name of the prog. It is Ron Wodaski's CCD Calculator. I have the last version version 1.50 You can also add pictures to it via an external site. This way you can see what any Scope, Barlow and camera can do. You can add your own data as in focal ratio, aperture, focal length, camera pixel size, array size bin mode, chip size and pick your targets, if they are in the pictures folder. Derek
  18. Funnily enough I moved from WO 132 to an 85 mm as I found the targets I wanted to image were to big for the 132. Unless you are really sure stick with the 71mm Test your targets with an online program for size/fit on your camera for each possible scope choice. Derek
  19. Never seen the Abell 39 before. Very nice, well done. Derek
  20. I always like to see your images Mike. Just wish mine were as well done. We will have to see how it goes with all these blasted satellites going into orbit. Like you, my scopes were basically unused for about 3 years until the last Autumn star camp in Galloway. I have some flats done there, but on the wrong computer at present. So can't work on my last lot of pics. The starlight focusers are great, I don't think you will regret buying one of theirs, I have two one for the WO 132 and the other for my Tak 85. Examine your Astrodons carefully. My first ones had some of the black resin on the filter faces. I could not shift it as directed with cleaner, Isopropyl Alchohol or Baader fluid. I had to return one. After an email to Don at Astrodon, I was given an excuse that the filter was fabricated by hand in the outer metal ring (only the narrow band ones). But to be fair to Don, he did say the method was to be automated by the next year. So it should not happen again. Still at £400 per filter not acceptable, and should never have passed inspection. Your 150 is far to nice to leave under a dust sheet 🙀 😁 Derek
  21. I would like to see all of Elon Musk's satellites blow up. No one has the right to make money out of others misfortune. It possibly, will end the joy of night time visual sights and imaging of the heavens.
  22. Hi Mike, Nice shot as usual from you. Haven't heard from you for quite a while so, hope you and Elise are both well. Derek
  23. Probably made in China Then .... 😂
  24. This type of bearing is sealed for life. Removing the dust covers will damage the integrity of the bearing. The bearing leaves the factory with the exact amount of the correct grease in it. (or should do unless a cheap knock off). SKF are generally of good quality. Derek
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