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Everything posted by Physopto

  1. The sky looked nice and clear in your timelapse. Hope we get that and better this autumn πŸ™‚ Derek
  2. No problems with buffering at all. Very nice to see that time lapse video again. Brings back very nice memories of The Galloway Scottish Star Party a a few years ago. Thanks Mike for posting and thanks to Kieran for the original video. Derek
  3. Hi Jeff, Welcome to SGL. Derek
  4. That is a cracking image. I had a look at your website and, Yes I do prefer the wider view, but very close. Derek
  5. Hi everyone. I have been talking to several of our Star Camp attendees over the last few days and has become quite clear from those conversations and some posts here, that there may be a lack of awareness of future Star Camp dates. So I would like to point out that the dates for the 2021 Star Camps are posted and have been for some time under Star Parties & Astro Events Both Star Party dates are posted for the Spring and Autumn 2021 I will in due course ( before the end of this year), be posting the 2022 dates well ahead so members can plan ahead for their holiday and work commitments. Derek
  6. Hi Jim, Ta, pmd Kenny back thanks. Hope you are all having a ball 😷 Weather looks OK for you all at present πŸ˜ƒ
  7. Hi Jim, I could not understand you last night or I miss interpreted what you were saying. I did not realise you were going down to the camp site. I thought you were talking about the last time you were down there. Anyway glad you and Dawn are there and hope the weather abates a wee bit. Can't have the whisky being blown out of your hand Ehh! I am glad you are booked for the Spring do. On less thing to worry about. Obviously you are one of the 5 bookings then. πŸ™‚ If Kenny is there ask him to PM me please. Nothing important but just want to clear up a point. Enjoy and stay safe. Derek
  8. 1st night is the 11th. Each star camp usually lasts 5 nights, so many will be leaving on the 16th. Some can only get there for a day or two. We always try to ensure that a weekend is incorporated so as to allow those with work related commitments. Lately, I have stopped starting the Star Camp religiously on a Wednesday and finishing on a Sunday as many Star Camps do. The reason for this is, I am trying to centre the camp dates around the NEW MOON. Hence the different start and finish week days from star camp to star camp. Problems may arise if a new moon is on say a Wednesday, then if I stuck to centralisation some might miss out on a weekend, the only time they could get to the camp. In that case I would look at moon rise and set times to adjust the start and finish dates as best I could to allow everyone the best chance. But bear in mind you can if you arrange it with the site owner stay before, after or both if the space is there and no other people have previously booked. We have a special arrangement with Lesley, in that we get up to 25 pitches available. The general public are limited to 15 pitches only. This is simply because we have been holding The Premier Scottish Star Camp there for the last 10 plus years! Also generally we are either in single numbers per pitch or at most 3 persons, infrequently. So it has a lot to do with total number of people on pitches, (aggregated), on the campsite. Derek
  9. !!!!!!! OK folks !!!!!!! Just off the telephone with Lesley, the site owner. At present no problems bar Covid restrictions already in place for this Autumn Galloway Star Camp. So looking forwards to this, the Spring 2021 Star Camp !! Pitch limit will at remain at 25 pitches maximum and will remain so for the foreseeable future. So, for this Spring Star Camp at least 5 pitches already booked (about 20 or less left !!!) Book early or be disappointed !!! At this juncture the Camp site in good condition. Nothing more to report.
  10. !!!!!!! OK folks !!!!!!! Just off the telephone with Lesley, the site owner. At present no problems bar Covid restrictions already in place for this Autumn Galloway Star Camp. Pitch limit is the same and will remain so for the foreseeable future, at 25 pitches. Camp site in good condition. Nothing more to report. Keep safe Derek P.S. do not forget to book up for the Spring Star Camp next March,5 pitches already booked. So only about 20 left depending if any more booked during this post!
  11. I don't know of any, but a web search should find a suitable business in the area. I would look around Dumfries or Carlisle. Dumfrise is easier to get in and out of I would think and so much closer to the star camp area. Derek
  12. Have a look at Windy.com It has an amazing breadth of information. More than any other I have found. Derek
  13. I have just answered a few points on the 2021 March Galloway Star Party. In it I have asked those attending to please bring Masks and Hand Sanitizer. 😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷 I would ask those attending this Autumn Galloway Star Party to please bring Masks and Hand Sanitizer also for everyone's safety. 😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷 Stay safe and many thanks, Derek
  14. It is too early to say what numbers will be allowed onsite during this March 2021 Galloway Star Party due to any Covid restrictions, if any still apply ! I will keep you all appraised as and when I get any information about it. But as we are still seemingly being plagued by this pandemic I am at present working on the assumption that the number of places will be 25 Pitches the same as at present. So please bear this in mind and BOOK YOUR PITCHES EARLY TO AVOID DISSAPOINTMENT !!! Once these 25 places are booked no more will be available unless things change. We can only hope. Please bring masks and hand sanitizer for your and everyone's safety 😷😷😷😷😷😷😷 Stay safe. Derek
  15. Hi Steve, As stated all pitches have electric power. Some are 10 amp and some are 16 amp. We don't mind if you are an absolute beginner at all. Everyone is welcome. Yes, the Star Camp field is only for astronomy during the dates specified. If you book up earlier then the general public will/can be present, but during the specified Star Camp dates there are only those booked for the Star Camp allowed. If you want to stay longer and have booked then the general public are allowed back onto the site. Many of us do stay either before or after the dates of the Star Camp with out any problems. As to Motorhomes, quite a few members use them. The only caveat is that if the field is very wet you may be restricted to the Hard Standing area as the field can be damaged by the weight of a motorhome. As stated in the introduction, (As always those wishing to attend a day or so early and/or stay longer can request this with Lesley at the time of booking! ) YOU ALWAYS and CAN ONLY BOOK with the SITE OWNER. Hope to see you there. Derek
  16. Now that looks a very nice caravan and plenty of space for all your gear in the awning. It will be good to meet up. Derek
  17. Hi Mike and welcome. Sounds like a great project. I would agree with others that an extended will be needed to get focus. Problem is the extension distance. A good way is to take a photograph during daylight through the scope of a distant object. You can hold the camera (without lens) up to the scope with the camera in a "dark bag" if you have one, so that one of the arm holes covers the scope focuser. Keep altering the distance from the focuser between shots to find a very approximate focus point. Keeping light out is key. I have done this and it can work if done with care. Keeping still and in line is the real difficulty. Anyway best of luck. Derek
  18. I am with you there Ian. Two months is a long time under present circumstances. I would say try to look on the Bright Side. We need some luck. Weather patterns have been changing in the recent years. So think positive everyoneπŸ”­πŸŒŒπŸ”­ Derek
  19. ODD CLOUDY NIGHT !!!!!!! Please take care, bad language like that can get you banned 🀣 Derek
  20. Welcome to the forum. Living in a dark area is a great bonus. I hope you enjoy the skies and the forum. Derek
  21. I also use Remote Desktop. Teamviewer caused me problems once last year (the dreaded commercial work warning) and I was worried it may do so again when away at a Star Camp. So common sense suggested I invest the time setting up Remote Desktop. The bit I don't like about RD is after using the remote computer is that it shuts down the screen on the other computer. I found that having both working at the same time was useful, as my wife could see what I was doing. Also when setting it all up working between the two computers in the same room it was a pain having to log in again to each computer after using the other one. Still a free and reliable WORKING program! Derek
  22. Glad to hear you are getting out and about Jamie. I hope you and Dawn have a nice break at Lesley's. Keep well both of you. Derek
  23. It looks a bit worse for wear compared to my last visit there to meet up with Rob Ince. Rob used to live in the static caravan whilst he was the director/manager there. The pipes used to freeze during the winter and often he woke up to ice inside the van, as when they dragged it up the hill the insulation was ripped off the underside. Looks like you are enjoying a proper Scottish summer πŸ˜ƒ Derek
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