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Everything posted by Paul73

  1. So what is going to fill all of that spare space? Eyepice cases abhor a vacuum.... Paul
  2. I agree. He writes well. Although his vast experience, Hawaiian sky and owl like eye-sight make me feel a bit rubbish as an observer. Best multiply his specified aperture requirements by 2 to get to ‘normal chap under UK sky’ territory. Paul
  3. Well done John. The sky is exceptional tonight. I'll not hijack the thread, but a first view for me too. Using that dud filter that you sold me! Very rewarding. Cracking writeup too. Paul
  4. Far too neat. It'll never last...... Nice collection. Paul
  5. Looks like you have got things covered! Good orange case that can't get lost in the dark. Maybe a decent wide angle 24mm??? My MkIII zoom gets pretty narrow at the 24mm setting.... Paul
  6. The bit about not achieving focus is interesting. Are the struts fully extended? I.e. Hard up against the stops? There are is an interim setting which is a couple of inches shorter. I think that it is to allow a camera to reach focus. Working properly, they are cracking scopes. Paul
  7. Nice collection Shane. Those two shorter Panoptics need some twins, they would work a treat in the binoviewers......... Paul
  8. That looks really impressive. I really like the mirror box(?) / Rocker assembly. Yes. Telescopes should be found!!! How much the bottom section weigh (box,rocker,base and mirror)? Paul
  9. Very very impressive. Thank you Paul
  10. Looks great Garry. Tell us more about the Solar Tak? And, how do the vows compare with the Lunt DS? Paul
  11. Great to hear. I'd be trerrified of ordering a scope like that, just incase the views didn't live up to expectations. I'm loving my SW ED120. But, still dreaming that one day..... Paul
  12. Amazing! I'll definitely be having a go at this one. Great post Harrym. And thanks for wrecking my plans for the morning. It is going to take me ages to work through the "19bn ly" bit!??? Paul
  13. Result! Hope that the views are 'as new. Paul
  14. It's a tough one really. We need to know about the "bad" guys. But, how to make it objective/fair?? I guess that word gets around..... Paul
  15. Treated myself to this little gadget from HoTech. Should make life a lot easier!!!
  16. ??????? Hericy !!!! The E21 not Top Dog!! Facinating findings. And, an enjoyable read. Looking forward to your galactic findings. Maybe Lunt have done something clever with the coatings? Paul
  17. Errrrr. Am I allowed to say that I think that my black Moonlite is great..... Possibly, a tad over complicated, but for visual observing it does the job nicely. It is most certainly a good step up from stock focusers. The Bresser stock r&p is so poor that I'm tempted to shoehorn a stock SW Crayford effort onto the tube. Part of my work is in Value Management of design solutions. Which looks at how to best meet the real requirements of a customer. ie. Most Value / £. A lot of us won't admit that, for us, small constituents of value are items such as aesthetics / feel / exclusivity....... This is fine if we admit that this is part of our definition of value. But, when we ignore this and obsessively defend brands from a point of pure functionality, we get overly excitable postings and conflict. I might have to try a Steeltrack (with a bag over it ?). It'll save me from the Feather Touch money pit for a while. Paul
  18. I did look through a PSTx2 Binoscope. One was naked and one double stacked. The views were good.... @garryblueboy. Nice setups. Which scope gives better surface detail? Paul
  19. Glad that you are enjoying the PST double stack. Even with the increased image scale (100mm plays 40mm), I can't get that level of detail. The proms are great though! It goes to show that, unlike with Dobs, size isn't everything. Paul
  20. Here's a bit of an update. My PST has been at the Gym. It had its Poper Maiden Voyage today. i.e. Got it working properly! ??? The gear is: 1/ Sky Watcher ED120 with a Lunt 1/4" wedge (white light) 2/ Bresser 102mm PST Mod (Ha) On a Sky T ii atop a Berlebach 26C Uni tripod. I can revert the PST to standard spec in a matter of minutes for travel. Paul PS. I'm still hankering after a little Lunt 50 DS'ed (of course) for the fine surface detail.
  21. Agreed. So much of the observing experience is down to ergonomics. Eyepieces with similar optics can make for a different viewing experience. ie, the Delos range with their endlessly adjustable soft eye cups are a delight, but try them with the cups down and they are near unuseable. Paul
  22. Don't get me wrong, the ES is a very fine eyepiece. The view just wasn't quite as immersive as the Ethos. It also lost a tiny bit on contrast. As expected, the narrow gap between the two got narrower in scopes slower than f5. Paul
  23. Sounds like it may be a keeper! There is a lot of Astro budget tied up in 21E's..... I tried the ES 20 100° for a while as an alternative to the capital hogging E21. Good, but not quite close enough. The Lunt/Myriad might be a very attractive compromise. Paul
  24. Could be internal reflections? It looks a bit like the image from a double stacked scope where the DS hasn't been tilted enough. I also got similar effects when the ERF in my PST mod was not tilted and positionined correctly. Re. The original question. I would take a double stacked PST over a naked Lunt 50 every day. The lower band pass of the PST DS shows noticeably more detail than the Lunt (0.5 vs 0.75). Sure, image is darker due to the reduced PST aperture, but well worth it imho. The other nice thing about DS units is that you can take them off and enjoy enhanced proms.?. My 100mm PST mod is awesome on the proms but only 1 angstrom so surface detail is a bit limited (needs more fetling to get it bang on). When the money allows I'll be heading for the Lunt 50 with DS unit rather than a naked Lunt 60. Paul PS. I am visual only.
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