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Alien 13

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Everything posted by Alien 13

  1. I noticed that, almost double the price of the equivalent normal L lens and heavier too in some cases.. Alan
  2. You can normally go up to around 400mm focal length unguided but after that it realy is needed, as for scope suggestions something lightweight like the SW 130 PDS might work with its 650mm focal length providing a new range of targets.. Alan
  3. I might be facing a similar choice soon but it doesn't look like an obvious win for either, I expect an individuals shooting style and type of subject will play a part. I dont know if you have seen this review but it did outline some of the important factors for me.. Alan
  4. Thanks, not seen that I stand corrected.. Alan
  5. I think there is no deal breaker between the two apart from maybe battery life which is up to 3x longer with the 5D 4 and the EOS R cant auto focus with EOS lenses using the adapter at f/8 (when using a TC for instance). In other respects the R6 will do all you need and has a flip out screen as a bonus. Alan
  6. I do build my own kit sometimes if I can... a. Make something far cheaper but just as good.. b. Make something where there is no commercial product available. c. Make something that is far superior to whats available. I currently use my own designed DSLR shutter release on an almost daily basis as its far superior to any other for my needs. Alan
  7. I expect the large amount of heat from a 150mm frac directed towards the focusser end could potentially cause problems if there were any plastic parts Inside or indeed the grease itself might run but people seem to manage OK.. Alan
  8. To add images directly they must first be converted to JPEG or better still PNG format first.. Alan
  9. I too have a 32mm plossl and its fine if you can clamp your head in a vice otherwise a few mm off center and the image is gone 😋 Alan
  10. Its probably worth looking at the FOV simulator in the Resources/astronomy tools section at the top of this page and have a play.. Alan
  11. There is the ES 52 degree range which I imagine is far greater than the std kit eyepiece and cheapish too. Alan
  12. That looks about right to me, what is it six/seven/ten moons across... Alan
  13. Affinity Photo is worth a look, has a full Astro package included now.. Alan
  14. Thankfully I am truly grab and go so one of these is all I need for my mount/dew heaters/landing lights etc...all 6 V of course. Alan
  15. I have to admit that Sunday evenings are OK but not the best time, maybe breakfast sessions at around 6 am would be better, ideally daily 🙂 Alan
  16. I want one just to annoy the cat 😋 Alan
  17. I love a nice Blood moon and the Wolf moon is OK as is a Harvest moon but thats it for me.. Alan
  18. The talent battery pack looks great and a +1 for USB dew bands, perfect for small portable set ups, I love mine. Alan
  19. Love it, I might even add a small rug... Alan
  20. Its just an observation, nothing beats something like a 90mm Questar Mak for APO like performance but things get more difficult with larger apertures from cool down and mounting issues and the larger Maks have lower f/ratios which reduces contrast a little.. The poor contrast with SCTs seems to improve with aperture and they can be made much bigger.. Alan
  21. Here is an off the wall thought, Maks get better with diminishing aperture and SCTs get better with increasing aperture, the crossover point is around 4-5 inches me thinks.. Alan
  22. Look at the prices on MPB photographic..a Canon 550D for example is £149 with guarantee etc so aim lower. Alan
  23. I will watch it even if it was about a freshly painted wall drying... Alan
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