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Everything posted by Saganite

  1. That is a beautiful image. I bought the Arp Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies a couple of years back after attending a lecture on this subject because it is just a glorious book ,but I have tended to shy away from observing these as I feel that the 12" Dob would be inadequate. The chap giving the lecture had an 18" Dob.
  2. I have a very heavy duty low voltage hammer drill with which I could tear up roads if I wished, and as you say , simple to drill 20mm holes .
  3. That is exactly the way I did mine, with 16mm resin anchors.
  4. Hi Alan, My opinion is, cast your concrete block and put a steel pier there. At least when you do move you can take it with you. The pier that I made would have cost about £300 so not a huge difference in cost. This is just my opinion of course, but I never entertained having a concrete pier.....
  5. They do indeed Fozzie. I particularly like the look of the eyepiece clamps, a big improvement on the clamps on mine. Unfortunately I got tired of waiting for these to appear and upgraded my bino's last Autumn. I do look forward to hearing the views on these from buyers though. Thanks for the alert.
  6. Hi Jeremy, Alan has already mentioned the Nagler 26mm T5, and I will second his opinion of it. I use mine almost exclusively in my 12" OO dob for deep sky observing, where it delivers a wide 82 deg AFOV and pin sharp stars, a wonderful eyepiece. They come up for sale occasionally , mine I sourced in France , three years ago I think for £335, and if you can find one it will become a keeper.
  7. You will be fine with that Alan. I dug mine so deep because my pier is 56 " high to accommodate such a long telescope and to make sure that everything was as rigid as possible.
  8. 3/4 OF A Grandson square by 3/4 of a Grandson deep. The pier, to the point where the NEQ6 sits is 1.87 of a Grandson, tall. Hope that helps. ( 30" x 30 "x 30 " deep in old money ) I think that I was supposed to go 1 metre deep but my Grandson had to go home so I made do.......
  9. It is looking good Alan, but it is tiring. Where I live the ground is quite heavy, and I chose a hot day to do it, still I was ably assisted not to say spurred on by Grandson who was six at the time. I notice you are using your foot to knee to gauge the depth. I stuck my Grandson in the hole and when it was up to his shoulders it was good enough. Keep supplying the pictures of your toil Alan, I am enjoying it....
  10. There is a great collective wisdom on all aspects of Astronomy, here on these forums, and we are kindred spirits, so your questions will always find an answer, given freely and with genuine interest....... Welcome Karen, BTW.
  11. Don't count on it Mike, I thought the same, but after a few years of sneaking packages past my wife, she said one day " BTW I have noticed the changes to your telescopes and bits and pieces,". Beautiful scope !....Enjoy
  12. Another one on my 'bucket list' John, for sometime in the future. Thanks for posting, particularly the Sky at Night episode.
  13. That is a lovely image of a very beautiful object !!
  14. Sorry to hear of your trials and tribulations Russ. I did wonder where you had gone. Welcome back.
  15. I have been a few times over the years, but not for at least a decade. A very great man indeed. His portrait, the one of him painted in 1689 by Godfrey Kneller hangs above my desk.
  16. I suppose you are aware Dave that another lad called Isaac, who lived not so very far from you, had a hand in inventing ' ships funnels '. Thought I would mention it as young Isaac David is sure to have an Astronomical future...
  17. What a little beauty Dave !! We have to make a better world somehow .
  18. Yes, I know you are correct. Just dreaming really !....
  19. And perhaps we will appreciate and adhere to the improvements. I certainly hope so !
  20. Another big fan of the Circle T VT orthos. Mine are the University Optics branded ones in pairs, 18mm,12.5mm,9mm, and 7mm plus a few spare singletons. Quite superb when the chance to use them comes along.
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