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Everything posted by Saganite

  1. Sorry to hear of your trials and tribulations Russ. I did wonder where you had gone. Welcome back.
  2. I have been a few times over the years, but not for at least a decade. A very great man indeed. His portrait, the one of him painted in 1689 by Godfrey Kneller hangs above my desk.
  3. I suppose you are aware Dave that another lad called Isaac, who lived not so very far from you, had a hand in inventing ' ships funnels '. Thought I would mention it as young Isaac David is sure to have an Astronomical future...
  4. What a little beauty Dave !! We have to make a better world somehow .
  5. Yes, I know you are correct. Just dreaming really !....
  6. And perhaps we will appreciate and adhere to the improvements. I certainly hope so !
  7. Another big fan of the Circle T VT orthos. Mine are the University Optics branded ones in pairs, 18mm,12.5mm,9mm, and 7mm plus a few spare singletons. Quite superb when the chance to use them comes along.
  8. Good advice Garry. I have met Es Reid, a great person and I am sure he would be able to sort it out. I would still contact the seller first though.
  9. Sorry to hear of your recent experience Adam, and that of your friend, 3k is a lot of money. It has not thus far happened to me, but I do know of one or two unfortunate similar occurrences. Have you contacted the sellers concerned ?
  10. I can think of two compelling ones. I am currently selling a Tele Vue eyepiece which is one of the finest ever made, it is brilliant, and in extremely good condition, and for no other reason than just lack of use, preferring binoviewing for the last 7 years or so. It is just too much money tied up without use. I, like so many of our colleagues on this forum, just love buying and trying eyepieces. I still have too many and so I choose to sell when I want to fund something else. I do agree that it is possible to be disappointed with the actual condition of a piece of kit against the description offered, but that has rarely happened to me, and certainly, never from anyone on this forum....
  11. Definitely the first image for me Brian, really lovely !
  12. For sure Alan, I would go for one if I did not have my 5" f15 Achro.
  13. Now now Doug, we get enough from Dave and his ' ship funnels'......... Very lovely scope BTW. Look forward to your 'first light ' report.
  14. So long as it works Dave. You will be the first to know.
  15. That will make very interesting reading.
  16. Apologies for repeating yet again that for me it would be the Moon. Incredibly rich in detail and features of immense interest.
  17. Such sad news. She was a regular guest on Sky at Night with Sir Patrick, always engaging, and a joy to listen to, such was her passion for Astronomy. RIP.
  18. As a visual only observer, all I can say is it's beautiful.
  19. Spot on. I had the same revelation on my first visit to Kelling Heath.
  20. That is a lovely image. You can see depth.
  21. I will have to look you up Geoff next time I am there in Melbourne, visiting my Daughter and her family. I have been several times now and made do with my bins , which was pretty good. The last time we all rented a house in Daylesford for a holiday and the night sky there just blew me away.
  22. The mount is back on the pier , is working just fine, and is suitably protected, I am happy to report...
  23. You are not alone Alan. My first attempt at a mortice and tenon joint was greeted with......" That's not a fit, it's a convulsion'
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