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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Indeed but I was asking if it’s correctable with flats or not?
  2. Nice. I saw this extra wide view on FB one day and had to try myself. For me the bit below the NAN and Pelican really enhances the image.
  3. With regards to colour versions - the ZWO 2600MC seems like the better choice out of the two versions (QHY and ZWO). But it mentions M42 and possible vignetting on fast systems. Is this an issue at F2.8? Will it be possible to use 1.25” filters with the mono sensor, or will the vignetting be uncorrectable. Say at around F5-F6. Essentially what I’m trying to establish is can I get away with my current 9x1.250 EFW or do I sell the filters and buy a new carousel and bigger filters. Based on the current images on here with the colour version of the 571, is it even beneficial to have two mono. And simply run one mono and one OSC, and use the latter for supplemental NB along with the mono.
  4. 😂 The 1600 has really proven itself. A real game changer in AP
  5. Is there any advantage to waiting for an Atik variant to go along with my Atik EFW3
  6. Lovely widefield view, colours look nice and subtle, my preferred processing style. What model of ZWO camera was this with Martin? Adam.
  7. Very tasty for just one hour! Unfortunately I can’t see you sig on the phone. Was this with a lens?
  8. Very nice! There certainly is a good variety of star shapes to keep even the most discerning pixel peeper interested for a considerable period of time 🤣
  9. I think you are right. I just need to decide which model now. I’ve been set on the QHY268 but I’d need to read into the other variants.
  10. I keep the same exposure for all NB filters, and start with a night of Ha, then at least if I dont get another night I have something to work with. Oiii is next and then finally Sii if I can get the time or if I feel the image would benefit from it. I find I often have more Ha. Now with my dual mono rig I take Ha and Oiii one night and Ha and Sii the next night, thats been my pattern so far.
  11. Thanks Ken. I’m pretty sure now this has confirmed to me that the FF sensor isn’t suitable. The additional cost of filters etc isn’t something I can absorb. I’ve £4100 to play with, some of which will come from sale of a 2 x CCDs that I currently own.
  12. I’m a Baader user myself along with many others. I have absolutely no issues with my sets of filters (more than one). If Olly above gives his recommendation along with a big cohort of imagers, there isn’t really much to toss up in my opinion. What further comparisons are you aiming for?
  13. That has been entirely considered except 1) I can’t fit two close enough to image between the dome slit 2) that would be my worst nightmare 😂
  14. Thanks Dave. I feel like I have plenty of options now but not sure what to do. Apologies in advance for over analysis - options: 1) 455 sensor - 6200 or 600 or APX60 -means an end to dual rig, may vignette excessively at F2.8 with 2” mounted filters, wont be effective on my 250px. Increasingly this is looking like the least ideal option. 2) 571 sensor on the Epsilon - mono QHY268 - works with current EFW3, but also means dual rig (other scope ED80 + KAF8300) won’t have enough overlap to be effective at gathering lum in one scope and RGB in other. 3) 571 sensor on the epsilon and change the ED80 to an Esprit 80, and continue to use KAK8300 mono 4) 571 mono sensor on the epsilon and change the KAF8300 on the ED80 to a colour 571 sensor. I’m favouring this option currently. I have a JTD saddle coming tomorrow from FLO so alignment shouldn’t be an issue. 5) ??
  15. Do the SW esprit 120 and 150 provide flat fields at 44mm?
  16. The Sony IMX309 FF sensor seems to work well with the Epsilon (though I haven’t quite sussed the collimation), but the pixels are a little larger at 4.3 versus 3.8um
  17. I could buy one colour and one mono of the 268? That might be my best option given my current setup.
  18. Such wonderful stars! Your processing is on point, delicate and detailed.
  19. Cheers Adam. I didn’t realise they had identical properties, so the 455 is just 2x as many pixels as the 571. That does make some difference to my choice. I could do mosaics if needed. Are there many targets out there that need the pure size FF sensor at 500mm? I can see an advantage with a longer FL but I don’t know what scope will adequately illuminate the FF sensor (mono so FW needed)
  20. Is there much difference in the properties of the two sensors, or is it purely size?
  21. Thanks Dave. My new focuser is on its way back from Moonlite as we speak. It’s been set up / collimated by Ron so I can only hope it’ll work fine once fitted. There are a few decent images out there at FF with 4.3um pixels on the epsilon 180ed (Nikon D850/810/800). It’ll mean my dual rig will no longer be effective, but then perhaps I won’t need it, and I admit I’d enjoy the simplicity of just one telescope and camera.
  22. Thanks. What scopes do you think will work well with this camera? My 180mm lens designed for the FF Nikon sensor should work ok?
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