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Everything posted by scarp15

  1. Cygnus Astro Covers, underwent consultation for having one made for my 8" dob, a few years ago. Fits OK, used on a few occasions, was good value so yes worthy of consideration. Picture of the dob and with the cover on.
  2. Hi Robert, see if you can get Mirach's Ghost in Pegasus. Might also be a consideration if you have a pair of binoculars to take along in case dew became late on a potential issue.
  3. To extend from John, perhaps a Planisphere, a dim red led light and (free software planetarium) Stellarium onto your phone and PC. Maybe a stool or chair, a mat for the dob to rest on, a compact garden or camping table. As mentioned, Turn Left at Orion, is the number one guide to get you going.
  4. Yes I was wondering whether that might be the target you were unsure of as it is separate from other areas, was trying to find that star you mentioned on Stellarium. Applying a H-beta filter into the light path, may as you say diminish the image, could open up the exit pupil a bit more, think next time I will employ a 41 Pan for a substantial 7.73mm ep, but the UHC did strike a balance and was satisfying enough. The Propeller is supposed to respond to a H-beta filter, once again perhaps a large exit pupil would help here.
  5. Great, that refreshes my own memory roaming through Gamma Cygni. You got some good conditions Neil, with a lovely assortment of targets. My own evening had been of two halves with transparency better earlier on and later moisture becoming too problematic. Good that you were able to verify an improvement in defination and brightness using a Lumicon UHC in comparison to an OIII in that region. Yes exit pupil on selective subjects counts for a lot, a 5.09mm exit pupil; 31 Pan as ever worked well for myself. I think next time I get to observe in this region, I will use a H-beta on the Butterfly and The Dolphin (IC1318A). Also have a go for the Propeller. Interesting account concerning the Tulip to. In the fullness of the session, you certainly got to explore a wide range of targets and yes looks like you ended up with dank issues to.
  6. Yes the NAN is a fascinating complex area, an exploratory personal favourite.
  7. Interesting exploratory observations Gerry, the Propeller; Simeis 57 in Cygnus, did you attempt using varied filters? It does appear that it will be difficult if you haven't encountered it, I understand that a H-beta responds best to the 'brighter' northern placed strand DWB119. That certainly rules out any chance that I may have encountered it the other night, would have just been a more northern feature patchwork from IC 1318A. Good combination applied to the Crescent. That is interesting concerning the Little Veil; SH2-91. The Little Veil itself is on the cusp of eyepiece visibility, images do show a faint curved streak just above the main filament. Then to the N/E there is a faint patch classified as SH2-94 and directly above SH2-91, a fairly substantial long streak SH2-96. The characteristics are uncannily similar to the famous Cygnus Supernova Remnant. That is also interesting concerning the Tulip. Hadn't so far been able to locate this, stumbling onto it might probably have been the best thing. Interesting to learn that a UHC is good to enhance this object, I think a Lumicon Deep Sky Sky filter is purposeful on this to, I do not possess one and don't think that many of us do. If I got another chance to get out, not looking too promising, I would like to try a H-beta filter on the Butterfly Nebula, which is meant to enhance the nebula a little more from the glare of Sadr, also apply to IC1318A and yep why not the Propeller, but I don't expect much there. The Tulip though, I think Neil's had a go at this, would be good to target based on your description.
  8. Depending how long you are there for, Monday night might be clear, possibly tomorrow, Sunday, night. I was observing near a place called Stonehaugh Wark forest Thursday night south of Kielder and it was fine but no breeze, condensation became a problem. At least it looks like the midges have gone, or at least less of them.
  9. Very much as John has referred to here; the potential to see things that could not be seen before. This would mostly apply to dedicated galaxy cluster hunters, an 18" plus dob would become desirable. For most everything else, a moderate size aperture dob or other scope type would be applicable. Therefore it is perhaps determined by the type of visual observer you become in terms of what you specialise in observing or else if you are looking for an 'all round' aperture point. 10", 12", 14", 16" are popular and make a lot of sense, equally an 8" dob is a good all rounder. I like to focus attention upon large diffuse emission nebulae, balancing focal ratio with aperture is a consideration. Equipment evolves to best reflect your observing criteria. Being able to observe in good quality dark skies are far more significant, if you are a deep sky observer, than a notion for aperture fever. Can appreciate that is definitely a hand full and with the uncertainty of high haze and midges on arrival. We are certainly a bit crazy, but nonetheless committed. I hauled my 14" dob into the car on Thursday, the first time out, I later learnt, with it since mid January. This year of course has and continues to be unpredictable and restrictive, yet once set up I felt that I started to relax and the time between just melted away. Gaining in aperture definitely evokes a balancing appreciation for small refractor, binocular observing.
  10. I had misquoted IC 5070 (Pelican Nebula) referring to to this catalogue number twice, Just corrected the referred number to include IC 5068 below the Pelican.
  11. Yep, accumulated experience, consistent research and evaluation on different targets and going back to them time and time again over many seasons and the main ingredient dark and transparent skies. It is perhaps more of an attitude that shapes the way we see, that can fine tune our senses to be receptive to a specific subject. As an example, a plumber or an electrician can enter a building and they will through their professional experience and training, mentally see all the pipe works, electrical circuits that to ordinary people are hidden. Another example, when I was studying visual art at college, I would consistently pass by the everyday urban things and would subconsciously be mentally inquiring an aspect of somethings proportion, relationship to objects around it, kind of drawing it with my eye, simply because that's what I was doing everyday at college. If we become conditioned to something, then our minds eye will allow us to visually register that something that we are adept at pursuing. Increased visual integrity is also a product of the interactions on forums such as this, problem solving, resolving, clarifying. It is then possible to grasp an enhanced perception of a subject and that subject may gradually over time transform to become more vivid. A classic example is the Horsehead Nebula, my first encounter was with an experienced observer who could see it and even said that it is the best view he had ever had of it and through my scope, which of course I was accustomed to. However, could I and a club colleague with me see it, no it was invisible never mind the best view ever. A few years later and it has become straight forward, with an applied technique that is dependable and visually sincere.
  12. Interesting session, venturing to dark sky locations is a procedure of trial and error that can have surprises. For that reason, I do get a bit anxious when venturing to somewhere new, as was my circumstance last night, which worked out OK. Sky Quality Meter readings are invaluable. If the online resource is believed, it is somewhere in the region of 21.7 - 8. The reality is that it was just hitting 21.00 mag, though was specific for this particular night and time frame and will seasonally vary. I do have a rule that I will not drive more than an hour from home as a kip in the car is not my cup of tea and one hour is OK to pace back when tired. Therefore somewhere between 21.01 and 21.04, in average based meter readings, is usually where I get to, unless an overnight is planned. Always nice to encounter nocturnal wildlife to, except of course for midges. Taking multiple layers to gradually climb into is part of it, looking a bit like michelin man by the time you are fully kitted out.
  13. Good varied account of your session. The North America Nebula can be impressive, but it does require dark transparent skies and best when almost overhead. It would appear that you are getting there, if you can get to a darker location, with a reclining chair and your binoculars, with a method to steady the filter, you may be able to enjoy gaining more from this observation.
  14. Yes it was quite wondrous and revealing using a UHC, I also usually, yielding a good impression, have an O-III filter in place for this and the other Cygnus complex regions. Perhaps it particularly enhanced the Pelican.
  15. Definitely need to confirm, unclear more knowledgeable scrutiny and familiarity is needed. As you mention, there is nebulosity all over the place. Fortunate to have had a period of good transparency to roam through and afore as happen later, the equipment became too wet, localised pockets of mist on the way home.
  16. Arriving at a new location on the edge of the Wark forest in Northumberland, Jupiter and three of its moons settled down nicely at low power whilst aligning the Telrad and finder. At this time of year there are an abundance of Planetary Nebula and I was able to at least 'scratch the surface' and visit a few. Attaching a UHC and centred within Cygnus, NGC 6884 was detected as a small 'blinking' point that emerged into a small hazy round glow at high power. NGC 6826 the Blinking Planetary nebula is a nice target at medium power. So to is NGC 7027 Magic Carpet nebula. A little harder to detect (described successfully in other members reports) was NGC 734 in Cepheus, being so small, but I think I picked this up, yet was unable to increase power, as this was later in the session and problems with dew were increasing. M57 and a very bright fulsome M27 were each in turn dependably stimulating. The UHC was used to roam through NGC 7000 The North America Nebula, my impression was that it appeared solid and was a delight to cruise along and immerse into its characteristic features. IC 5070 The Pelican, dark nebula LDN 935 that fills between this and the east coast, defined and engaging, to the south of the Pelican aspects of IC 5068 were detected. The Milky Way had become fully established and with transparency at this point being very good, I positioned onto the Sadr region of Cygnus for an exploration of IC 1318 Gamma Cygni Nebula, that consist of the Butterfly Nebula. Switching to an O-III filter and an exploration of the Veil Complex ensued. Engaging for a time, with no breeze, condensation was building and filters, eyepieces in particular were fogging. Yet Mars was commandingly present at good altitude in the east and provided a fine observation at mid power in my 350mm Dob. Distinct features such as I think Mare Erythraeum clear and stable. The Double Cluster provided a specular view before a combination of condensation and fatigue I quit at around midnight. Sky quality meter readings were just hitting 21.00 mag, this should improve as we get more into late Autumn and Winter. The journey home was atmospheric, pockets of swirling mist had formed, above the tree tops and across the moors, then wrapped around the lamp posts all the way back to Newcastle. Yet after a long period of absence, it was good to be back out with the old dob.
  17. IC 1318, Gamma Cygni Nebula is a very large and complex diffuse emission nebula, centred around the Sadr region of Cygnus. Sadr is a white supergiant, with an apparent magnitude of 2.23 and is 150 times that of the sun's radius and 33,000 times more luminous. The nebula is though unrelated and is located much further away at 4,900 light years. Made up of three distinct parts; IC 1318 A, B, C, a dark nebula; LDN 889 divides IC 1318 B and C. This dark nebula, which is 20 light years thick, is integral to the surrounding molecular cloud complex, for which is responsible for its profile: - The Butterfly Nebula (NGC 6302). Images of this region are impressive and yet the visual observer to can indulge in roaming through and trying to decipher aspects of the patch work of brighter features. This circumstance became a focus of attention for myself on Thursday night. There are observers on SGL who are more knowledgeable towards navigating through the subtle complexity of IC 1318 and I profess to not having particular expertise on this subject. During my session, I used a 31mm nagler and 41mm Panoptic, Lumicon UHC in my 350mm dob. After a very engaging encounter exploring the North America nebula, my attention turned to the Sadr region, which was also necessary as transparency at this early point in the session was very good (later dew became a particular problem). The profile of IC 1318 A to the N/W of Sadr is a feature that being quite bright and away from the star, is fairly easy to discern. To focus on the Butterfly Nebula, the dark dust lane LDN 889 that divides the two sections of IC 1318 B and C is easy to position and the notable profile can then be grasped. The glare from Sadr however diminishes the observed image. The patch work of brighter sections of nebula abound extensively in this region and it can become difficult to understand what has been detected. There are other categorised sections such as IC 1318 D, E, F. I am not as versed in these other areas, yet most certainly did detect other features of this patchy complex. Another feature I think that I may have encountered, when roaming through the northern area around the Sadr region, is the Propeller Nebula also known as Simeis 57. This is something to clarify and identify, but for certain, that with right conditions, circumstances, best applicable optics and degree of scrutiny, a good many of these faint diffuse nebula complexes are within the realm of the visual observer. This topic also extends from Gerry's recent exploratory account for within the vicinity of the Crescent Nebula and LBN 208. Below and taken from the internet is reference to this topic.
  18. Sounds fantastic, the lawn chair makes so much sense, had actually managed to get out last night, trying to orientate looking up, leaning against the car was a bit ridiculous. A reclining chair would have been perfect, best of all, I don't think I got a single midge bite, was half expecting, sat on my observer's chair, to be eaten alive being on the edge of a forest. Informative analysis, last night my focus of attention was on North America and Gamma Cygni nebulae and will create a topic for further debate.
  19. Good to hear you got a dark sky trip in Neil, wholesome report, gaining use out of a broad range of eyepieces. After John had described encountering the Planetary NCG 7354, I leafed through old notes to see if I had referenced it. No indication therefore also something to consider if possibly out on Thursday.
  20. Yes that Turner 🎨. Thursday night is actually what I am looking at currently to, midges yep hadn't factored them in, will determine location (nowhere close to Kielder) and a breeze, but are steadily I think beginning to diminish down here.
  21. Good idea to focus on taking your collection of binoculars Robert on a dark sky trip that is otherwise too windy for anything else. Interesting comparisons made between the different pairs and of course the capability for filtered observing. An exposed windy night with binoculars, it's in the spirit of J M W Turner, who had himself lashed to the mast of a steam ship, for four hours, during a snowstorm so that he could complete his work. Not exactly comparable to that extreme, but in the spirit of determination. Those wide field views of nebulae including dark nebulae are engaging, when enabled to observe more of the expanse of their formation. My last dark sky session also involved using binoculars though with the comet. Hope you gain a chance to take one of the dob's out next time - as do I, fingers crossed for later in the week. Yes actual SQM readings give a true indication to conditions at a specific place and time.
  22. Adding to the post above, if you are heading to the Lakes, the campsite near to Bassenthwaite village is nice and a short brisk walk, down hill I think, to the village pub. A long time since I had been there, but fairly out of the way. Just a mention for anyone heading to Kielder campsite. I was there recently on a day hike with family, no breeze, the native midges, well my lips for example, had lumps the size of marbles. Hopefully they will soon start to diminish but do consider a midgey head net, smidge, smoke coil, whatever it takes, just in case there is no breeze.
  23. Only clean if they have been used fairly consistently, it is the formation of gunk from your observing eye that will collect on the glass surface. Apply the appropriate procedure for cleaning. In-between wiping, breath onto the glass lens, this will show up any patches of residue that require more attention.
  24. Other considerations, at lower power; occasionally a used 20mm Nagler T5 may be listed on AB&S. No longer I dont think available new, I formally had this and the 26mm T5 prior to an Ethos 21mm. Both are excellent eyepieces in terms of eye placement, contrast, transmission and very sharp starfields. Will not forget the very first time I encountered the Bubble Nebula, by chance in the 26mm T5 and then 12" skywatcher flex tube dob. At F5, the 20mm will produce a 4mm exit pupil, 26mm a larger 5.2mm exit pupil (beneficial in dark skies). Another consideration would be a 27mm Panoptic, also an excellent eyepiece 5.4mm exit pupil.
  25. As long as there is something to focus your attention to, we had Neowise, there is going to be Mars, Cygnus is still up, then there is going to be Orion. There is little option but to be tolerant, it does get to you, I think that this forum ought consider a name change; Stargazers Asylum.
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