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Everything posted by LDW1

  1. Read some of the posts above. Please ! PS: Maybe we should put numbers on each individual post like at CN ?
  2. As a matter of fact I don't appreciate having my integrity questioned, do you ? I may not like someone but I don't belittle them, ever ! PS: I am more than just a shill, lol !
  3. I have several friends that need to wear corrective lens, or for corrective hearing, I meant it as I said it ! PS: Your sight is a lot better than my 75 yr. old eyes with a massive amount of floaters in my dominent to the point where I had to train my left to do my viewing. Note: I never say something to make fun in a derogatory way, ever.
  4. You mentioned a situation with your eyes yet you can still note that and other performances ? You are amazing, better than the average astronomer.
  5. I bought those sizes because of the various size refractors that I have and the fact that I like to experiment, to compare on a given nite. Its not always the money thing. I have several brands / models / sizes in that same range(s) that I do it with, part of my enjoyment for years and it won't change, $'s aside.
  6. The 12.5 is a great ep as are the rest except for the 14 according to some of the reviews I have read. Its the only one I didn't buy, I mentioned in another post what I did buy after some thought and research.
  7. The only way you can tell is with a set of comparative diagrams with all the dimensions shown for each size, its the only way to get an exact. There may have been several people designing these over the time it took, from my experience in engineering (42yrs.) every designer has a little different thought when designing, the differences are small in these and they all work. Or it may be in the manufacture ? You may never get a real answer for these small changes !
  8. Maybe thats a question for Baader themselves, everything else would be second guesses? Its a good starting point.
  9. Not in your stated size exactly but the Celestron Xcel - LX line up are pretty nice at an excellent price, the closest is 7mm. I had an almost complete set at one time incl the 2x barlow. PS: I now note you already have a 7mm size so just disregard this all !
  10. No, not a thing ! I always remember the words from an old song ' blinded by the light ......... ', lol !
  11. The same over here in Canada for the last quite a few weeks !
  12. I had an almost full set of Hyperions and they were excellent performers in all sizes, shortly after I switched to a set of Morpheus and they were even more excellent but I kept the 36, 24, 4.5 Hyperions which perform the same, so they are all top of the line in my eyes. As to the Hyperion zoom, I sold it and for the same price or a bit less bought 3 various zoom models fromg Svbony, I never have had to look back ! I am one lucky astronomer, IMO ! PS: And I have to stress that I am not a ' shill ' for Svbony as has been mentioned elsewhere, lol !
  13. Absoluutely correct, in general, but what impression should we be putting across or not to a fellow astronomer as to those never ending variations in eyepiece performance or any other performances in this great pastime, performance that really matters to the majority not, hopefully, only a few. When we all look through an ep, a scope that we all strive for, most of these confusing numbers only confuse not benefit. I and many others see it all the time, why fill up a great thread with ........ ! Just IMO and hopefully others. PS: In todays world as in yesterdays world nothing is absolute, that has never changed, we have all come to learn that so why fill up pages with a lot of superflous data. Whether 72° or 76° that can and does vary means nothing on a clear dark nite to an astronomer who just wants some enjoyment, we all know that and except that and so does Baader, Nagler, etc, etc. We aren't just ' half intelligent ', lol ! PS: Sorry for the perceived rants but its been interesting and maybe adds to it all, lol.
  14. And to be truly honest I did not realize that the world of great performing eyepieces was affected by long eyelashes due to a misplaced eye to eyepiece. I never realized that it would be hard to overcome, that additional steps would be required ? I have never had that problem, thank god !
  15. From my lengthy experience on a competitor site ( 10+ yrs. ) elsewhere in the world it is definitely close to running out of good conversations, with a jumble of meaningless numbers ie 14.58mm ! But then again its only IMO. PS: When you start putting out what everyone knows can be variable numbers, as is mentioned, what is the purpose but to confuse some into making maybe a bad decision on something they really were looking forward to getting, to trying against what they already have, thats part of the enjoyment of this great hobby / pastime. But some may not care, its just another numbers game, lol, to some, it can be just as dazzling as a comet newly discovered.
  16. With out reading all the whatever how many random samples out of how many batches, over how much time did he use to come up with the numbers, hopefully just not a single ? It is an excepted fact, as with everything, in all worlds that there will be + & - 's so why is it always brought up without telling the whole story, many would disreguard that issue in their decisions I would suspect. I sure do and just go with ' I want to try it or don't want to try it ' as you point out, kind of. Sometimes it could even be a diservice to fellow astronomers, IMO.
  17. Please note that the facts are your facts and a few others but not every great fellow astronomers facts, maybe they like to rely on a great company like Baader, surely they aren't crooks or only half intelligent being around so long with quite a diverse product line. If so who do we all trust these days, its important for us to know. PS: I stand fully behind my 17.5, 12.5, 9.5, 6.5 Morpheus numbers.
  18. Especially 14.58 mm, lol ! I stick by what I have found out, have seen over many years. Let me ask you once again, you being an ep expert, if the Baader 17.5mm ep is out by that much in their measured FOV why hasn't someone, of consequence, notified them of this large, questionable info error that they continuously foist up us all ? We would all be greatful and they must be a concerned corporate citizen, right.
  19. You knew exactly what / how you were saying it, lol ! PS: And why, lol. All based on our discussions in the long past, lol.
  20. Then again who am I to say anything, coming from a so called ' shill ' for Svbony a great up and coming company heading to a similar level as Baader, my favourite ! LOL !
  21. It gets so tiring hearing / reading the same drivel from the same experts denigrating some piece of astro gear everytime there is a positive thread on whatever that is soliciting important comments not minute number differences that mean nothing when actually looking through your scope. Maybe some should work for the company to correct these, maybe, errors or at least take it upon themselves to tell them their mistake, that would be to all or benefit. It happens frequently, especially across the great divide at CN, I witnessed many attacks over 10 years and over 10,000 posts and many threads. It does get tiring to many as I. PS: Maybe we should just hand over our $'s and let those spend it ?
  22. If the eyepiece works and the views are great on a great nite who really cares about a number ? And as well why would a very reputable company such as Baader purger their reputation by continuing to falsely state a FOV that has been discovered wrong by the ' real experts ' ? I can probably tell you why, lol ! PS: Think about it for awhile ! PPS: Does that mean that all the fellow astronomers who really like looking through that ep, the wide views, the comfort just plain don't know what they are saying, I guess thats why I used ' half intelligent ' as a description if the we lovers of the 17.5 etc don't actually know. Sorry !
  23. I mean calculated to 2 decimals just to prove one is wrong, really ? I guess we aren't fellow astronomers, adults if you will or maybe just ........ ! Gentle ?
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