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Everything posted by LDW1

  1. They are scarce up here in Canada, the newer 'is' model goes for $6100 C all in ! But I wouldn't have missed it for all the planets in the world, lol ! Someone will get a great scope for a third that price and I will be particular on who it is. Its not a family scope, a beginers scope.
  2. My age (75.5) has convinced me to sell my Telvue NP101, a 2003-2004 model with the chromed focuser barrel. The performance, the views are everything they say about it but the weight of the scope / mount ( 19-20kg ) causes me to not use it much. It was mounted on my SW AZ5. My Svbony 48P, Celestron C80 ( pre 1996 ), Vixen A62 ss and others will have to do going forward, their views in conjunction with my top line eps are pretty d**n good on the great nites. I will miss that scope and its flat, color free views but I can always think of the memories, it was my Telvue NP101 that it took me a long number of years to find ! But I won't sell it to just anyone !
  3. I said my piece, expressed my thoughts about this sort of thing, I'm stickin to it ! As far as this thread being killed it was starting to get killed about 3-4 pages back ! You do your thing and I'll do ........., no offence taken on my side, I've seen this all many times before. Your ' damn thing ' expression says it all, lol !
  4. Last nite under a rather poor Bortle 5 sky in my backyard here in the city my Vixen 62ss showed a lot of pinpoint stars in Sagittarius and Scorpious, even though they were very low to my southern horizon, then up to M13 and etc. I was using my 24mm Celestron Ultima Edge and my 12.5 Baader Morpheus eps. Considering the conditions it was quite obvious, for its size of 62mm, f8.4, its a very, very capable scope . If anyone finds one grab it fast ! PS: I had it mounted on one of my Porta II's.
  5. You did it right but every time the dazzlers of the foot work always take over, like FS, like Siril, like ....... ! At that point, once again, all the new horizons, the anticipation for beginers in this venture get kicked to the back row. I can hardly wait to get mine and compare with my other and just plain have fun with it out of the boxes. PS: For a piece of great, future gear at a super price who really cares about a few hot pixels, enhanced clarity, ........ , I have mentioned who but this never was intended as a contender to the high, high priced whatevers so why would anyone that delves into that high priced dream world expect it to without hours and hours of tedious work. Surely not bright eyed beginers that are wringing their hands in anticipation of a new future, on a different side of astronomy.
  6. And to think the SeeStar 50 hasn't even gotten / fallen into our hands yet, lol.
  7. Hey, I've said my piece, expressed my thoughts, on what is suposed to be an easy introduction to EAA, now keep me out of this 6 page and counting jumble, lol ! Have at it my fellow astronomers, we are just passing Jupiter ! PS: Things never change no matter what side of the big lake we live on, lol !
  8. Opinion, it has nothing to do about opinion ! Its the combining, the entwining of EAA intent vs nothing to do with AP. I disagree with you completely but its not surprising, this happens all the time as I mentioned, I still call it highjacking the original intent of the thread on a new piece of fun gear. Most of the AP'er stuff is way above the heads of the intended audience ! PS: And it is happening similarily with one of the newer competitors as we speak, lol ! I guess thats life, unfortunate.
  9. Nothing wrong with being exited, I am as well, its some of the technical details vs the intent of the SeeStar and its beginer audience that causes the concern. At this point I don't think the target users care a thing about intense editing, perceived ......, etc. as I mentioned save but a few. So why should the experienced ' AP'ers ' fill up this great thread about a new piece of fun gear with something that isn't intended for this and its users ie beginers wanting to get in on this EAA corner of the astronomy galaxy. I know it tirers my mind and taxes my brain and I am sure makes many starters think it is / will be more difficult and costly than they thought and that should not be so. But keep up your excitement I sure will ! PS: Its not surprising it happens all the time and not just in these forums, lol !
  10. I never said you were highjacking, I am in fact agreeing with some of what you say. My reference to highjacking implies that what many are pushing are highjacking the intent of this piece of gear ie a great beginers introduction into dso photo work, eaa if you will not the technical, higher end cr*p that some like to impress with. For many that are looking for just this sort of enjoyment without spending a lot of $'s it must be bewildering, discouraging, frustrating to think they may be getting into something more than what they thought. Its not hard to figure out. Please cool those boots ! PS: After a while it gets so tiring to see great threads go flying off into deep space beyond the original intent of whatever the subject may be, never to return back to its origin. I don't think the SeeStar is or was intended as an AP piece of equipment with all that goes with it, lets give these astronomers that want to get their feet wet in this end of the sky a break. PPS: A seperate thread on the subjects of editing, perceived noise real or imagined, etc would be appropriate for many to preclude confusion and false issues / concerns.
  11. I have only seen one or two for resale, how many are you talking, part of the reason may be that the sellers just plain don't know how to get started to use them not the photo quality !
  12. And everyone knows you are not going to so why bring it up on this thread ! Start another one for those that might care, talk about highjacking, lol !
  13. Just watch you don't play with fire ! The Solar section of CN have some pretty expert astronomers that have a wealth of knowlege with regards to your question(s) and everything else pertaining to ha / wl. Good Luck !
  14. As I reread this I am finding it harder to comprehend your post. Are you wanting to rotate a built in filter or are you looking at using an external variable polarizing filter ? If so with the ds it may make it pretty dark viewing or ap'ing.
  15. You attach it to your eyepiece, just like any other scope type, probably 1.25" I have never seen a 2" diagonal on that scope but maybe I have just missed it ! There are other combinations to attach it but thats my method, let others fill you in on the alternatives.
  16. Why should it be, first it is for EAA not AP as has always been stated and second as has been dicussed again and again this device is geared towards rank beginers in this field / end of astronomy, if the experienced AP'ers want to give it a try thats okay but they shouldn't try to dazzle anyone with the ' all the noise ' footwork ! The beginers I am sure don't give a da*m one bit about it because they never have had to contend with it ! I am sure many newcomers just shake their head when they look at that posted photo as to what the concern is, lol. PS: Maybe that issue as it relates should be in an undivided seperate thread ?
  17. And thats just your very early opinion for sure !
  18. Over technical people have always said over technical things ! The big question has always been why, when talking to the average observer that just wants to enjoy. Maybe it should be in a seperate thread, maybe !
  19. Based on your last paragraph are you implying that prices for this gear will go down further based on the history that you seem to mention ? We are still talking the SeeStar 50 and / or similar ? Right now a low $500 or less !
  20. Think about it I am talking the focus point of the pressure tuner not the scope focuser, sorry I wasn't more clear about it but we were talking the tuner ! Right ? As to an excercise try squeezing a rubber ball while viewing, lol.
  21. Really ! Maybe it was designed with resistance, to be non effortless ? Interesting indeed. I think if they weren't resistant you couldn't fine tune it into the best focus point it could be just a slight back and forth quite often, it happens with a scope focuser lots of times. The diameter of the tuner is pretty substantial to grasp, just apply a bit more muscle, lol !
  22. As I mentioned no problem with my SW Helio solar mount at all. I have had both tilt and pressure and they both have performed excellent. As I also mentioned, the helical focuser is not my cup of tea thats why I am waiting for a crayford to arrive, hopefully asap.
  23. Maybe its time for a touch of lube on your O rings, they are sticking / binding a bit.
  24. Maybe you should back the tuner all the way out to relieve the pressure and then turn it back in ? I do that occasionally.
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