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Everything posted by LDW1

  1. Thats my story and I'm stickin to it ! Thats based on many years of this .......... , with some you can never make a right decision unless you agree with some more ........ ! PS: I just lucked in over quite a few years, I guess.
  2. It looks like your eyeglasses control everything, mine don't, those that you read / listen to may not be right in their accessments. There are always a few grains of salt with all of us, I am lucky I have never made a bad decision yet, in my world, never had to kick myself in the *ss. But then again I do a lot of research, weigh all the pros and cons then decide, many don't they just listen to others like robots, its a shame ! Really !
  3. I have noticed when it comes to eyepieces on this site and CN that a half intelligent astronomer should never, ever consider an eyepiece, no matter the quality, without checking first with the so called eyepiece experts even if it is our money to spend ! I miss that point every time, darn ! OH well, lol ! PS: You can teach some astronomers some of the time but you can't teach old .......... time !
  4. Yes but as I asked does it easily attach to the gti mount / tripod if one decided to buy one and use it as you mention its better performance ? Can you attach a photo or two ?
  5. I really don't care, I gave my micrometer away years ago. Now I use close enough !
  6. I bought my first Ultima Edge, 15mm, because I wanted an eyepiece exactly half way between my Morph 17.5 - 12.5 mm eps. thus I skipped the 14mm and then bought several more Edges after that.
  7. Agree there are various ways to correct it but my only concern was / is why did it happen, what caused it to stray off what I consider a pretty good alignment ? Was it just the poor sky conditions but you would think the Beehive would be there, after shutting down the goto it took me a bit to find it close by. But as was said practice makes perfect, I will just keep working it, using it.
  8. Not trying to hijack but I put together a 4 set of Celestron Ultima Edge eps to compliment my full set of Morpheus, save for the 14mm. They are about the same price but in performance they function a step or so below the Morpheus, in my opinion. I did that because I like to try out and compare astro gear, its part of my enjoyment, my challenge.
  9. I don't know if it has been mentioned but the 6.5 Morph is no slouch either, check out its reviews.
  10. Thats what I use the Geodetic North using my ipad compass and level it very close to perfect. After I did that I aimed for M13 and it was well within the fov of my 90mm f5.5 refractor using my 24mm Ultima Edge ep ( 3.5° tfov ), as the finder. After that several other easy deep sky targets did not appear in the fov but I will admit the seeing conditions were classed as poor for that nite on my Clear Sky chart. Amazingly though even the Beehive Cluster was off the fov. I even tried realigning but it didn't help and the tripod never got moved by accident.
  11. I am very new with my gti so just to confirm, when doing a north alignment you level and point to True North rather than Magnetic North. There are a lot of degrees difference between them.
  12. Thanx for this informative post, I bring my gear under shelter each night so I will do an alignment each time, its not a difficult or painstaking excercise. I will use one of my larger more capable refractors and one of my Ultima Edge or Morpheus eps next time though.
  13. I just bought one of these mounts / tripods and have a quick question just to confirm. Once it is linked to my tablet(s), each time I use it in AZ mode / goto do I have to do an alignment when starting a new session and if so which one do most fellow users do ? I used it for the first time last nite and it worked pretty well but the goto didn't take it to where the object was in view but pretty close, as well I was just using one of my zooms with a very narrow FOV in my small 80mm f5 ST refractor as my first try in my Bortle 5 backyard. Wrong gear ? I do like its ease of use and future potentials !
  14. Do some research there are two models / sizes, my az5 also has the ss legs. It weighs around 20lb (9kg). My 14lb NP101 mounted on it perfectly. Now I am selling it because I just sold my 101 and my other half dozen refractors are much liter.
  15. Why don't you ask them personally !
  16. I look at all that as new challenge, a change of pace, if someone bocks at that price buy nothing and be happy !
  17. If you are thinking my post(s) remember the old time worn saying ' if the shoe fits then wear it but if not don't ' ! Tar !! Really ? But many, many, many don't think your way in any of these types of forums / posts and I really can't figure out who they think they are, who they think they are talking to, this is supposed to be a broad, fun hobby !
  18. I will give you two words that might explain part of it 1. Envy & 2. Begrudge !
  19. Do you not think though that there are many long time visual astronomers that will enjoy getting into this new challenge, this new enjoyment, this end of the astronomical hobby not just first timers to astronomy or do we fall into the beginers category. I think the market will be loaded with us fellow astronomers that want to see dso targets in a different format and may in even more detail than through our many scopes. The only ones that appear to be bewildered in many cases are the experts in AP because they have spent thousands of $'s and thousands of hours and now we will be able to do it with $500 and a few months practice, lol ! Its a great hobby not a job, part of the evolution of astro life ! PS: The details will be good enough for most of us without bothering with hours of editing and any other monotonous work.
  20. Its gone, I sold it but life goes on with my 6 other refractors !
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