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Everything posted by LDW1

  1. Couldn't you have put them in the same post even if you had to repeat one or added it to your previous post, as it is we have to jump between pages the comparison is a lot more difficult and not visually easy.
  2. So can't you post the original image along side this doctored up one as a before and after, as a comparison for the benefit of all the new beginers ?
  3. They state a few times on the SS50 group site to use it on AZ only but what do they know ! Good Luck !
  4. A great part of a new world of ameteur astronomy, another lease on the astronomical life chain and all for very few $'s ! As Louis Armstrong once sang ' Its a wonderful world ', lol !
  5. So far it sounds a lot easier than the D2.
  6. Don't take those queries too serious, how could anyone ! Just to confuse maybe ?
  7. Who exactly are these comments directed to, which beginer in the learning curve do you expect answers from and for what in this new devise ??
  8. Its good to see you may have figured out that the SS50 is not for you, its a modern world, lol ! And I'm 75 yo, lol ! As a great singer / songwriter once penned ' the times they are a changin' ' . PS: I guess I am just one of the unwashed masses and I love every minute of it !
  9. I thought they said there was a built in dew heater, if not rig up an after market dew heater, not a big deal ! Dew has been around before astronomy was invented, lol. PS: Not my business but with an instrument like this grandkids boredom should be the least concern, they will have the oportunity to grow into it as they grow / mature.
  10. I watched the first 13 min. of the vid and its potential is better than I expected, much better than my D2. I can hardly wait to work with mine in another month or 2. PS: And I sure won't get bored, lol ! PPS: If I was younger I would probably buy 2.
  11. Why would you be / get bored, while it was doing its thing why wouldn't you be doing your thing with another one of your scopes ?? Every nite project is different, when it comes to astronomy no one should get bored unless maybe ......
  12. Please note I told myself not to be cheap ! What you do is up to you. PS: But many have said / implied that $20 more for the Svbony is way too much, incl. on CN, its not after you see / feel its construction !
  13. With that scope and a low power ep you don't need a finder un less its a SolSearcher for solar work ! I just told myself to not be so cheap and bought the Svbony bag and never regretted it for a moment, bar none.
  14. You hit it right on the head ! Why would it be any other way if you love all aspects of astronomy ? There are dreamers in every crowd !
  15. Maybe your thoughts are because you know more than he does ! I always found him fairly knowledgeable. But then again just my honest opinion, what makes any others any better in this new world of ours ? PS: And I have heard / seen some pretty wishy-washy posters on many subjects, lol.
  16. Many used to call that sticking ' sticktion ', my 3 SW Dobs were like that, I just lived with it, lol !
  17. You will like the Hyperions, they are maybe just a step below the Morpheus from my experience with them. I still own the 36, 21 and 4.5 Hyps to compliment my Morphs. That will give you a chance to upgrade but you may never want to, I did just because I wanted to, to try out something new, to experiment not because I had to as well ! Its just my enjoyment of astronomy.
  18. Research lazy susan's they have their own issues. Do you really think your conern is that rare, it may be just the nature of the beast and with maybe a bit of perfectionism thrown in and with some inexperience expecting too much.
  19. Maybe replacing and trying one more Morph 14 to confirm ?
  20. can you show a good clear photo or two as an example ?
  21. Its not sticky if you apply it with a toothpick in minute amounts and let it work itself around, most unknowing applicants always tend to over do everything. Now thats over 60 yrs. of lube jobs, lol ! I use it because it is so benign compared to most other lubes but it does a great lube job on lite applications. What the OP does or needs to do is not for me to say on that material. PS: Personally I wouldn't lube it at all, as someone said lightly clean the surface and see what happens.
  22. Mine is called Vaseline, never had a problem in over 60 yrs. ! The OP asked a lube question, I answered with my preference, I haven't visually seen their situation, its their decision !
  23. I just use some very small amounts of petroleum jelly on any equipment that needs a bit of refreshening lube touch up. Have used it since the 60's on anything that will not be exposed to water, its a water based lube. PS: I apply it with a tooth pic.
  24. I even bought the scope bag for that model, for a good price, love it !
  25. I have had mine for about a year, I recommend it in every category, the stars are pin point edge to edge with a good eyepiece(s). My Porta II handles it great and sometimes I put it on my AZ5. I haven't tried it yet with my GTi but I have WL with my Solar Helio Finder. You will love it ! PS: If you are a perfectionist type astronomer you may not even for that great price vs what you get. PPS: I have nothing to do with the Svbony company, I just own a lot of their gear.
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