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David Smith

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Everything posted by David Smith

  1. A bit of a longer solar session today, as I wanted to have a play stopping down the Bresser. Created a 50mm mask for the objective to see if I could improve the Ca-K image quality and it seems to have worked. Needs some refinement but image quality looks a lot better. This is a combination of surface and prom layers. Then moved to the Evostar for the usual 6 pane FD, some faint proms and a bit of white light granulation.
  2. Didn't see that second prom in Ca-K. Nicely done.
  3. A short session today as activity is minimal, although there was a nice prominence group on show in Ca-K. Click for full size / res images.
  4. Awesome. I hope to get a session in tomorrow.
  5. Sun popped out for a bit this afternoon. After a bit of visual white light visual I found the seeing was pretty good for the time of day so decided to pop the Ca-K diagonal in and grab an FD despite the lack of activity.
  6. Nice work Charl. Raben is showing some AR's on the disk today so i am searching the forecast for a gap in the clouds and rain.
  7. Good set Charl. Got my first session for a month in today.
  8. Nice work Dave. Similar conditions here from the sound of things.
  9. Been so long since my last imaging session. Not much going on today (what's new), nothing in white light and just a couple of small proms in Ca-K.
  10. Did not expect to get to see this but found a spot with a decent-ish horizon and the clouds played nice for a change. No moon in this one just the sunset and clouds!
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