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Everything posted by faulksy

  1. thanks niallk. photo courtesy of our steven jenner
  2. thought you would of said something a bit stronger than that
  3. thanks for the great photos steven
  4. a couple of photos of the dob in the isle of skye to finish off
  5. 95x is my lowest power for the dob gerry, which is the 21e. its a easy split with that
  6. merry christmas to all my friends at sgl, and thanks to the mods/admin and FLO for keeping it a safe place. all the best for 2017

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Scooot


      Merry Christmas to you too Mike. :) 

    3. Chris


      Well said, merry Christmas guys :)

    4. Paz


      Happy Christmas Mike :)

  7. pentax xw 10mm incoming from the great steve at FLO :headbang:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. swamp thing

      swamp thing

      ^^^^ More Stoke rhyming slang? :D 

    3. mapstar


      Thought you'd like that one Steve :grin:

    4. jetstream


      Congrats Mike!

  8. i did move mine later on though to give steve's dob some company
  9. sorry guys forgot travel version
  10. hi damian, put some up in a bit mate
  11. 1 sleep left untill the dob mob go to the isle of skye :icon_biggrin:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. scarp15


      Have a good one, temperature has plunged here and will be several degrees cooler up there, so looking good.

    3. swamp thing

      swamp thing

      Lol at Damien :D  

    4. faulksy


      thanks iain, should be breath taking up there :icon_biggrin:

  12. what you on about, i have ordered 7 clear nights as well
  13. thats great damian, plate is made from black plastic with red writing
  14. just ordered my name tag/plate for the dob to finish it off. as some might know my self swampthing,estwing and mapster (DOBMOB) are going to skye for 7 days on the 26th of this month (10 sleeps left) this will test the dob out and i/we will report back on all our findings and lots and lots of pics, steve is bringing his proper camera as well so high resolution photos as well
  15. hi simon, yes back garden, can still see the milkyway though, shame i didnt sort out better though could of gone to my localish mag 21 skys
  16. i now have beautiful concentric rings on polaris at 480x on both sides of focus , but my primary is still indicating being 13* when ambient is 7* so it can only get better, wish you could swear on this forum to express my joy. looks like its going to be a long night, bring on the veil
  17. hi jim similar design, same book was used, but with a twist it has webster type bearings, plop design mirror cell with wiffle tree edge support, and astrosystems spider and secondary holder like yours. i had a twisted secondary as well, so foc i had a new one of the good people of orion optics uk to suit my 1/10 primary made by them shame you cant see the pics mate
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