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Everything posted by faulksy

  1. hope to get proper first light tonight.

    like everyone is saying, given clear skys all day and night, its beautiful now !

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. faulksy


      back in work sunday :BangHead:

    3. scarp15


      Right not so good then unless (assuming its clear) you can manage an early doors session from your back garden (but then there are those fireworks etc etc).  Anyhow looking forward to reports and pics on the forthcoming Skye adventure, a full week,

    4. faulksy


      yes a full week. 26th we go sat - sat. cant wait :headbang:

  2. was hopeing it would of stayed clear tonight, but no luck. hopefully tomorrow. i will put some daytime picks up tomorrow thank you all
  3. all machine polished again all re painted .5mm thick ptfe washers behind truss clamps nice even gap between mirror and rocker box, this was around 2mm out, done my head in all re blacked and cell re fitted all finished, yee ha moves lovely and no creeks
  4. just finished putting the cell in, and making sure i have a 32mm gap from the edge of the mirror to the walls of the mirror box, everything else is done now, moves so much better. just need to fit poles and uta now
  5. all rubbed down and machine polished, feels harder than before. the mirror box inside the rocker box always sat slightly out of square to each other probably by 1 - 1.5mm, this done my head in and the dob mob had heard me mention it. this is now cured and sits perfect, so i can now sleep side bearings fitted, i used some 1mm thick fibre washers under each mounting point, because they squeaked sometimes, so hopefully cure that as well hope you dont mind me putting this in your section gina only kidding girl
  6. just finished fitting my dew guard, and new secondary to the new holder, what a difference. pics tomorrow
  7. i can answer that now brendan it fits perfect, just like it should of in the beginning
  8. small update, had to strip the dob back down to the boxs, it looks like i used the wrong varnish and it was delaminating , so sanded back to wood, re stained and bought polyurethane in spray form. so will lightly sand tomorrow, polish and rebuild. hope to get it up and running tomorrow night
  9. hi jim, its a 100mm flat and 15mm thick. its not siliconed on, it fits inside a wrap around holder, its astrosystems. nice dob by the way, obsession ?
  10. calv, what i think they ment was with it being bonded to the back its the heater its self that twisted it, switched on or off nothing to do with the heat
  11. that was my thought, but i fitted the dew heater as per the instructions
  12. back home now safe and sound with my foc secondary from john at orion optics. thanks john/barry
  13. all sorted now, 00 have said it was the kendrick dew heater that twisted the mirror so they are giving me a replacement FOC
  14. your right damian, just come off the phone to them, they said they will let me know before 3 ish to give me time to get there
  15. no news yet, phoned this morning they havnt heard if its been tested without the dew heater yet, which was monday, i asked if they had a replacement secondary in worse case scenario they said yes, i said i will head down now they said wait to hear from us.
  16. before i took it niallk they said they had one so it should be a walk in the park to sort very true shaun
  17. very true steve, but lets see what happens tomorrow
  18. thank you simon, hope its sorted tomorrow
  19. hi calv, lets start at the beginning, phoned orion optics last week and spoke to barry and john, told them the problem and they said bring it in, in the holder so we could test it correctly, i said i would providing they have a secondary ready as i need it this weekend coming, i was told by john they have a new batch that will be finished friday gone, so if the fault is with the mirror then its a easy swop. emailed them friday and to be fair they responded quickly and said the mirror is twisted, they are going to remove it from the holder and test again to make sure its not the holder. they removed it and said its still twisted but need to remove the kendrick dew guard to rule that out as well. but havnt heard from them since, sent them 2 emails today and nothing, so will ring tomorrow hope fully to collect it. so bottom line is the secondary is twisted and just need them to replace it easy as that
  20. thank you damian, i hope they do as well. i have sent them a email today hopeing they get back to me soon as the weekend is close. they have been great to be fair and if they sort this out i will put a glowing report up on here which they deserve, just hope they didnt rush the optics to keep me quiet.
  21. star testing wasnt the best shall we say, i spun the primary and the image didnt alter, so putting it down to the secondary thank you niallk, me too
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