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Everything posted by faulksy

  1. mirror is ready to collect :icon_biggrin:

    1. Scooot


      Excellent :)

    2. faulksy
    3. orion25


      Great! Keep us posted :) 


  2. very nicely put john BUT orion optics just phoned well 9.00 and said its done and ready for collection today at 14.00 cant believe im writing this
  3. i think your right steve, just hope it ready for the sw bash then elan then skye
  4. hi tim, i did look through your dob at sgl last year so i figured thats why you was at 00. good luck with it tim
  5. thanks tim, i can guess why you was there.
  6. thank you all so much and thanks for the encouraging words it means a lot and its a big help when i went to bed i woke up at 3.30 and rang them, i said were was my phone call at 1.30 they said what no one rang you i said no. he explained and said its at 1/10 now but still needs a bit more polishing, its cooling now and will be tested once its cool, then hopefully silvered , i asked if it came out ok then went on to the silver stage how long before i can collect he said 2 days. dont know anymore than that.
  7. It's not finished, told him I want to cancel the order. Does anybody want to buy my dob complete with focuser and sips. Just need the mirror
  8. tell me about it, ill come and watch the grout dry
  9. damian how can you say there going realy quickly, its not in my hands yet you should ask them if they have any jobs damien
  10. just come of the phone and spoke to the boss, he doesnt know if its done yet, hes going to phone me around 13.30
  11. Going to bang there heads Sam lol ?
  12. not in the shop yet got to phone back at 12
  13. just finished my last night shift so ready for bed, but waiting up for my mirror, just phoned 00 spoke to someone and he doesnt know if its ready got to phone back at 10.30
  14. hopefully it will happen today derek. got to ring them ar 9.00 . fingers crossed, if they say no im going to go ballistic
  15. hope to be collecting my 20" mirror set at 10 o,clock ish today 30/8/16

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. faulksy


      thank you stu, just hope it happens, they did promise but how many times have they done that :happy10:

    3. orion25


      Wow! That's a big mirror! 

    4. JRM


      about time eh,the wait has been hard for us, can only guess what it feels like for you to finally

      get your hand on the prize, can not wait till first light report my friend.


  16. its probably going to be tuesday, not 00 fault. today is my last day off, back in work tomorrow and then finish tuesday morning i wish simon, see above
  17. shroud is nearly finished, just need to cut it to length, but cant do it yet untill i get my mirrors. on with the dress now
  18. thought i was on a different site then
  19. im in a dilema here steve and anyone else reading this. i have enough lycra left to make a dress but should i go above or below the knee .
  20. no cal, got the bits just making the shroud
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