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Thalestris24 last won the day on March 16 2020

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  1. If only I could get away from the city I'd probably be able to see some such naked eye celestial events. Apart from the lack of dark, it's nearly always cloudy here. Last night it was clear but not dark until after 11pm. I did have a look out of the window in the early hours but couldn't see anything beyond the light pollution Most of the time I can only see a few bright stars and Jupiter (when its around) though a camera can pick up quite a lot of stars - even a mobile phone can. Louise
  2. Anyone see any aurorae last night? Nothing visible here, of course
  3. They say a solar storm is due to hit today... Mind you, they've said that before! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-13402759/Severe-solar-storm-watch-alert-NOAA.html
  4. So, I'm just sorting out the power connectivity. Until I started this current setup I had no knowledge of usb PD (power delivery). I still don't quite understand exactly how it works from a practical point of view but have been learning what I think I can and can't do. I have a Belkin powerbank which should power a Canon DSLR (with ExPro interface) and the BerylAX travel modem. I also have a 12V LiFePO4 battery to power the mount and the Mele mini PC. I've yet to try it all on battery power as I'm waiting for a few bits. It was all so simple when I used to do it from indoors in the old flat! Plug in and go! Still, it's all about the journey, isn't it!? Just a few more steps Louise
  5. High Olly I'm not quite back but I have a hopeful plan. I'll obviously post something should it all come to fruition! I've not been getting notifications but just had an email digest so am catching up! All the best Best
  6. Funnily enough, I just bought a shopping trolley which should be able to carry my gear. I've assembled it but not yet tried it. I'm a little old lady and I wouldn't be able to manage a backpack with a 130pds in it... Cheers though!
  7. Hi Steve I have Sharpcap Pro and thought it might be good for polar alignment. I'll have to look into its platesolving requirements. I'm so out of touch.... Cheers
  8. Thanks, Clarkey! I'm still a bit wary of connecting it direct to the battery and with no regulation. In the quick start it shows the 4C using either the 12V mains power adapter connected via the right hand (looking at the rear) usb c socket, else supplied from a PD supported monitor type C via the left hand usb c. Presumably the right hand usb doesn't use PD but expects a flat, regulated 12V. I wish they were more explicit! Cheers Louise
  9. Oh Stuart you could have said "Well I can assure you mine is powered from my Astro power box that just shoved out 13.4v and has worked this way for a while now…." before!
  10. Yes but doesn't the usb c PD require two-way communication in order to negotiate the voltage? I'm only thinking 12.8V isn't 12.0V and it could potentially be problematic... I'll look into it a bit more. I'll ask Mele too but I'm sure they'll say the PC must only be used with the provided mains adapter or an active PD. Their quick start leaflet shows it being powered from either the 12V mains adapter or via a monitor with PD. As you say, it's probably ok to connect up to the battery but there would be no current limiter so it could go boom! I'll look further into the trigger boards. Cheers Louise
  11. Thanks Stuart, however I was asking if I can power the Mele direct from the battery, in which case there is no active power delivery communication involved. I'm wondering if I really need to incorporate some sort of standalone PD controller (if there is such a thing?) in between the battery and the PC? Or am I overthinking it? I'm ignorant of PD systems and whether they default to a particular value. Perhaps without an active PD the Mele won't work at all?? I've just come across things called power delivery trigger boards - maybe that's what I need? Cheers Louise
  12. Not sure if this question is in the right place... Anyway, I'm just wondering if anyone knows (for sure) whether it's ok to power my recently purchased Mele quieter 4C directly from a 12V LiFePO4 battery or do I need something in between? I feel it should be ok but the battery pumps out 12.8V and I don't want to risk bricking the Mele! Appreciate any expert knowledge and lived experience on this! Thanks. Louise
  13. Just thought I'd post an update. Can't believe it's been nearly a month! Anyway, I've got the the basic kit up and running, and with most of the astro software I expect to use installed (Ascom, Eqmod, Stellarium, APT, PHD2, Sharpcap) and configured (though I'm not sure about which platesolver to use - I've only ever used Astrotortilla in the past. Not sure if it's still useable? I had a few issues with the Mele Quieter 4C in that I couldn't get Samsung Magician to run on it. I put a Samsung Evo 990 1Tb ssd in place of the included, generic 512Gb. It would have been easier if I could have transferred the Windows 11 system with Samsung Magician. I still don't know why it wouldn't work. The support at Mele gave me a link to download a Win 11 so I could install it to the Evo 990 via usb thumb drive. It needed about 6 Windows updates... Anyway, having said and done all that, I've changed tack somewhat now .... I thought about the planned setup, and came to the conclusion that operating the kit at a distance wasn't going to be practical in reality (it seemed like a good idea at the time!). I decided instead to operate it close up via another portable computer. So, I bought a Dell Inspiron 2 in 1 16" which has a lovely OLED screen. I've interfaced it via wifi to the Mele and via a BerylAX travel router (probably a bit overkill now!). The Inspiron has a touch screen to use it as a tablet. I'm still trying to get the hang of using said touch screen - maybe I just need to practice more! I also bought an active pen/stylus but it doesn't seem to quite do what I'd hoped it would, but that might just be me. There is some short delay between doing something on the touch screen and the Mele response, though it's not too bad. I may yet go back to just using a mouse... I've still to get a 12V battery but I'll probably order that early next week. I also may need to get some sort of trolley but haven't decided yet. The basic mount is still quite heavy for little me, so adding the battery, Dell and bits and pieces, will make it awkward to carry down the stairs. If I can reach it, there is a circular paved area (with shrubs/small trees!) about 50m from the back door. It's about 15m in diameter and has good views of the sky. A (shopping) trolley should be helpful? As the circle is a pedestrian area, I shouldn't get run over by anyone as long as I'm inside it (reminds me of The Devil Rides Out, ha ha). The rest of the immediate area is essentially a residents car park so standing out in the dark could be risky! Of course, I've had to configure the Mele to not use a password so that it operates essentially as an embedded system. Windows Remote Desktop seems to work quite well but if I close it then I need to power the Mele off manually i.e. use the power switch. Meanwhile, it doesn't get dark until after 10:30pm now up here. That extends to nearly midnight in mid-June, and then it starts to get light again around 2:30 a.m. Oh well, it's all about the journey... Louise
  14. Thanks! It should be fairly straightforward as it will just be the Windows software I'm already familiar with. I may need a poe wifi extender, or possibly an access point, just outside the window but that's a small matter! An extender should do as it won't need to have a big range and it'll only be me using it. I should get the 4C on Tuesday. Also ordered a usb-c power connector - in anticipation! All the best Louise
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