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First time I have combined data from different sessions...


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Okay, I promise this will be my last NGC2244/Rosette image (for a while). I managed to get some more data on 14th Feb and combined it with the data from the 2nd of Feb. Luckily my framing wasn't too far off from the previous capture (I haven't got GOTO). This certainly proves that the more data you collect, the cleaner the final image (to a point). I am also really surprised at how much I can get out of this from my light polluted front garden (using the Astronomik CLS filter), which has got no less than 4 street and 2 security lights :tongue:

Of course there is no substitute for dark skies but not all of us are lucky enough to have them.

Modified Canon 1100D with Canon 500mm f/4 L IS lens @ ISO1600.

AstroTrac TT320 Mount.

20x 60 second lights from 2013-02-03

45x 60 second lights from 2013-02-14

20x Darks

20x Flats

20x Bias

Stacked in DSS and processed in PS.

Combined 45 + 20 minutes of data


Previous attempt (20 minutes of data)


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You say, 'This certainly proves that the more data you collect, the cleaner the final image (to a point).' In my opinion the point is so far away that few of us ever reach it. More data is better, pretty much up to the crack o' doom! Nobody ever had too much. More data allows more intensive processing, stretching into visibility of fainter signal. It allows more contrasts to be picked out and more sharpening of fine detail. Look at the increase in faint outer nebulosity in the deeper stack. It's not just about noise reduction.

This is a great image and from a light polluted site its downright marvellous. If you come back with double the data you'll get even more out of it. It's just 'like that' in imaging.


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Thanks everyone :icon_salut:

Olly, I was under the impression that it is a case of the law of diminishing returns, especially in my case where I am limited to 1 minute subs. I would have thought that getting 5 hours or 10 hours worth of data using 1 minute subs wouldn't add much benefit and I would need longer exposures to get any more detail...though I could be wrong...I usually am.

One thing I do know is that I am miles away from even getting close to that point. I'd probably say I have got barely 5 minutes worth of data here compared to being at a dark site without having to use the filter and deal with LP.

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