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Okay, got a nice shiny new crayford from Daz in the post today. took off the old R+P, and put on the new crayford. The holes are just mms out with the new focusser, but I managed to put the screws back and it seems fairly stable. The only thing is, I can't put the nuts back on because the screws are just too short (and Daz didn't supply screws with it :hmph: :rolleyes: ). Does this matter much?

Another weird thing is - the new focusser has an internal diameter of exactly 2", as it should be, but the old one is like .2" bigger! How are you meant to secure a 2" EP in a hole that's too big for it?

My last concern is that the R+P focusser had a male T-ring on the adaptor to 1.25", but the new one doesn't. Where is best to acquire one?



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Hi Mate,

The focuser you have used to be mine (I'm sure it's the same one). It is a cracking focuser, actually regret selling it!!! Big time.

To answer your questions.

You can buy longer screws for around 80p with nuts from Homebase / B&Q etc etc. I would suggest securing the focuser, if you do not then you stand a chance of the focuser slipping out if you place a heavy EP or camera on it!

You can get a 2" adapter that screws into the T ring. This is actually a better way of doing it as it enables you to "Frame" your shots easier than the old method. See Steve at http://www.firstlightoptics.com/ for the adapter.

I don't know about your old focuser, but I can assure you that 2" EP's fit and are as snug as a bug in a rug! :rolleyes:

Hope that helps.


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thanks. I'll get those screws, and that adapter.

For now though, I have a much bigger concern.

There's no way near enough out-travel on the focusser to get any of my EPs to focus unless they are held quite a bit out of the focusser. I had this problem with the old focusser, but only when using a barlow, and the problem is much worse with this focusser. Anything I can do??

I had an idea to slip a bit of wood in between the OTA and the focusser, but for a simple fellow like me that will be a lot of work, and there'll be problems aligning it perfectly.

This is rather disappointing for a £65 investment...


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I paid quite a bit more for that focuser than £65.

It's well worth it!

You have a few minor problems to get over. The screws will cost about a pound - if it's a problem I'll have some lying around that I could post (but lets bear in mind that the postage will cost as much as the screws).

An an extension tube, get a cheap 2" barlow second hand (one with the lense scratched or not there) and that'll do fine. I bought mine for £10 I think.

Seriously do not give up, once you use this focuser you'll never want to go back.


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thanks Ant. I have no complaints about the focuser - believe me, it's beautiful - but it's annoying that I can't just use it on its own.

I might have a bash at the primary mirror, but for now I'm looking threateningly at my unbranded 1.25" barlow that came with my first scope :twisted:

the lens won't just pop out like they do out of the EPs, so I might have to end its life as a barlow...

These things actually do have a purpose!!

Thanks all.


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You'll be really annoyed if your camera won't focus because there's not enough in travel with the one you took off. The exotic ones are designed to get round that issue bearing in mind that an extension tube is doable whereas an unextension tube isn't. What you have is the best system for a focusser and once you stop messing about trying to look down it, :rolleyes: you'll see why it's like that.

Captain Chaos

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There's no way near enough out-travel on the focusser to get any of my EPs to focus unless they are held quite a bit out of the focusser.

I had exactly the same problem with my 40mm Optiluxe EP - I ended up buying a very nice Revelation 50mm extension tube from Aunty FLO.

You need to try and work out exactly how much "extension" you need though - I now find the 50mm too much for my Revelation 8 and have just sold it - and ordered a JMI 1.5 inch ext tube instead.


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Why the hell couldn't you just drop me a PM?? I forgot the screws, admittedly, but don't think the tongue-smiley does you any favours!!

I assumed you knew that you would need an extension tube, after all, your skywatcher R&P one has one on it!! My fault for making the assumption no doubt!!

I'll send you the screws out tomorrow.

The extension tube you can poke up your Bottom.


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Calm it, Daz. Sorry if I offended you somehow. I'm not sure how.

I didn't think there would be screws coming with it, and since I anyway had some I didn't complain. I'm sure I've got some suitable screws, so no need to spend any more on postage.

I had no idea I would need an extension tube, and it's only just dawned on me that the thing that came with the SW R&P was an extension tube seeing as I didn't know what one was until a few hours ago...

Please Daz, there was absolutely nothing meant against you. You've given me a great deal and I'm overjoyed with the focuser. I just thought that now it's in my hands, I have to work out how to make it work in my OTA.

I apologise nevertheless for any offence caused.


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Perhaps the "(and Daz didn't supply screws with it :hmph:)" and "This is rather disappointing for a £65 investment".

You'd be even more disappointed had you purchased it new and still had the same issue.

As an Admin, I have to ensure that any transactions I make on the forum are whiter-than-white, let alone on a personal level. This thread gives prospective buyers/sellers the impression that I am in the habit of not delivering all components of a transaction, and that they are not worth the value of the transaction.

All it required was a simple PM regarding the screws, and a better phrased question regarding the extension tube.

Apology accepted, and I retract and apologise for my previous comment.

But you WILL be delighted with it, I promise!

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Daz, I really appreciate what you're offering, but please don't send anything if you have any bad feelings about it.

Perhaps the "(and Daz didn't supply screws with it :hmph:)" and "This is rather disappointing for a £65 investment"

I knew you would pick those quotes. The first was deliberately cheeky, and I attempted to illustrate that with the two smileys. The truth is, I considered that carefully before posting and decided that a little cheek wouldn't go amiss. Obviously I was wrong.

The second I tried to amend in my next post, because I realised it was badly phrased. I only meant that when I paid the money, I expected it to work out of the box. That's by no means your fault. Rather mine for not having the foresight to realise A) that I'd been using an extension tube in my old focuser and :rolleyes: that this one wouldn't do for the new one and I'd need to acquire one.

It's always important to make sure these issues are fully resolved, for both our sakes. I hope I have made amends to your reputation and to mine.

In all honesty, Daz is a most quick and reliable seller, and I am very pleased with both the items I have received from him. I say this because it is apparent that I conveyed a negative impression in this thread that was simply not meant.


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"The extension tube you can poke up your *beep*."

Andrew. Please do not poke the extension tube that daz is sending up your ****. This could lead to discomfort and nausea when one is viewing through aforementioned item.

:rolleyes::wink::D :D


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