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Ever so urined off!!


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So happily out imaging (or trying to...damn idiot I am) GF called out to come and grab my cup of tea.

So ran into the house, just as I was walking back outside, SMASH CRASH BANG, some damn little s..ts had pushed my scope over! :rolleyes:

Ran after them but the scattered!

Had a look, doesn't look like theres any damage (luckily scope was on the grass) but they little sods have nicked off with my eyepieces. So all I have now is my Moonfish 15mm (which I left indoors) and my 26mm 2" that was in the focuser.

Rang the police, and the idiots said I shouldn't have left it outside. I game them a mouthful and slammed the phone down.

I'm ever so racked off now, and rather sad that some idiots want to do this, it isn't like I was harming anyone.

Damn annoyed.


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Looks like there is still a shred of hope for humanity, theres a bloke that usually sees me out with the scope when he walks his boxer dog past our flats, hes just knocked the door and said he found these eyepieces scattered down the road in the next street, He though they must have been mine, as no one else has a scope (Bridgnorth is a little place, you sneeze up this end, they say bless you up the other end)

So I have got most my EP back, bar one, but it was Rubbish anyway. No scratches or nothing on the optics themselves. I mean really, what was the point in nicking them just to throw them down the road??

Checked scope this morning. No damage, but a little scratch, which might have been there anyway. Oddly the collimation hasn't been thrown out! I think the soggy grass saved it, it sank in rather than bounced off.

I'll be outside again tonight with it, they ain't going to keep me down. I know one of the lads who did it too. If he comes by me again, I will rip his damned head off.


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Pleased you got most of your stuff back mate and that the

scope seems ok..

Sadly, these youngsters will keep doing these things because they fear nothing

from the parents or the law. Too much softly softly.

The only cure is to give them a good kicking so at least they will then fear

you and will go bother somebody else.

Very sad but that's the situation :?

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Sorry to hear about your misfortune, and I'm glad you got most of your stuff back and there was little or no damage.

I had all my stuff stolen several years ago, and had to enlist my MP before the police did anything. Victimless crime and all that. Stuff was eventually found dumped five miles away in a field. Got bright shiny new gear from the insurance, but the hassle was more than annoying.

We all run the risk of theft. After all, telescopes are not much use indoors. Is there anything you can do security-wise? Perhaps an alarm if you have to leave it unattended?

Chin up


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No WAY man.... :rolleyes: If I saw that person again he would end up in hospital and I would end up in jail :wink::lol: :lol: :D :D :D :D :lol:

Probably not the smartest thing to do tho..

Glad your equipment seems ok... better check collimation!


ps What mount does it have ? must av been quite hard to knock over!

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Real sorry to hear bout that Kain but glad it turned out not as bad as could've been.

Living they way they do though, hopefully something will come along and take care of em. Perhaps one day I'll be watching them on 'Police, Camera, Action' crashing a stolen car rather heavilly into a concrete barrier or some such - perhaps getting beaten and maced for resisting arrest too :rolleyes:

Best not to leave yer pride n joy where-it-was unattended if that's what's gonna happen to it mate.

I hate scumbags like that :x M'off for a smoke and a cup of tea now... hmph.

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