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went to a shop i stockport!!!

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Ah the "gamemaster" always watched it sat at my desk with the good old Amstrad cpc 464 on it's green screen, and yes he is a legend.

Also he is the only man to have met the first man in space, first man on the moon and one of the wright brothers......dont think many could have said that

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Other forums I frequent, Fighter Control being the favourite after SGL, ban the use of capitals and text speak as it is generally considered lazy or idle regarding the English language. Does SGL have a similar policy in the registration agreement? Of course this is only my opinion and perhaps it is more important that people post threads rather than how they are posted?

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Personally, I think it's imperative to read through what you've written to make sure that it is legible, in plain English and easily understood. Not everyone here has English as a first language, and if we English have difficulty reading it, then what hope have others!

My opinion, of course. I am old-fashioned and proud of it.

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Personally, I think it's imperative to read through what you've written to make sure that it is legible, in plain English and easily understood.

There are many times where i have reached a stage in the evening where everything is perfectly legible to me but totally confusing to others. Mostly on a friday!

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I am far too young to remember a TV programme which reviewed the latest computer games and then had Sir Patrick at the end of the show answering viewers questions and giving tips on how to complete levels........:)

Well in the old days of 1992 I was 9 years old. Back in them days computer games where seen as either stuff for children or big geeks with massive glasses. Let's be honest here, computer gaming wasn't as accepted or as "mainstream" as it is today. So it's entirely possible that people didn't watch it because it was "uncool" or had real life's. I was trying to ask politely. ;)

But, Sir Patrick Moore is a legend for being the Gamemaster. Even if Dominic did say pants a lot. :/


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Have to agree about the text-speak. The caps thing doesn't bother me all that much, but there's no excuse for being so lazy when you've got a full keyboard to type with.

One thing that really annoys the hell out of me though is there/their/they're and your/you're It's like sticking pins in my eyes. I have to say this forum isn't as bad as others though....

Back to the OP, I also visited the shop in Stockport a few weeks ago and didn't find them to be much help really. He was trying to talk me into imaging by manually guiding an EQ3 mount, even though I told him I had money to spend. Shame really, because I would have preferred to have bought from a shop that I'm fairly close to.

*edit* How could I forget...? The worst one is people using apostrophes for pulral's :)

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Hi, sorry to sound like a snob, but I accept that textspeak is widely used in this day and age. However, when someone can't even spell when using 'txtspk', something has gone badly wrong.

Spanky, I totally agree with you about the 'there their they're' thing and using apostrophie's for plural's (soz, cudnt risist that won)

Peace out!

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Sir P said that he was often asked questions on how to get to level 1, 2, 3 etc. and such things as should they use a wand or key and so on. The truth was that he did not actually know but was told what to say.:) Sorry Gamesters but the truth has to be told.;)


Have we gone off topic?:)

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