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Saturn Feb 3rd Flextube auto 250 (at last!)

Space Cowboy

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Finally got my first image of Saturn with the Flextube Dob! Seeing was not great as it was nearly 6am and Alt was falling fast when I started imaging. Focussing was guess work and rushing before work so can't really make out Cassini or storm. All the same I'm pleased with this compared to last years edge on rings (like a peacock in moult!).

3x Barlow, SPC 900, Craterlet,10fps, 1/25 shutter, 54 gain, 500 frames from over 2000.

Hopefully in the spring when the planet can be imaged in an evening I can get batter focus at a higher Alt.


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Its hard this year stuart, if your on a gradual eguipment improvment, and funds are tight, a secondhand DBK is def worth getting, greater potentiall from your scope can be got i reckon, just a thought.

The casini is there, you will need higher elevation to get it better, as you mentioned it was dropping. congrats on your first saturn image

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As you've already summised S/cowboy, a little more attention to focus (I'm obsessive with that particular aspect myself!) and the fact that you were imaging from a low altitude: that in itself affects colour rendition but it is also important to get the correct r&b slider settings. (awb is problematical on dimmer targets)

With colour cams I used to look for a good onscreen rendition of what you're aiming at...

The Cassini division is most definitely there.....here's a little very quick play-around where I've also tried to adjust colour - but that is allways difficult and triply so with imagess shot at low altitude....!

A great first effort....!:):icon_salut::)

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As you've already summised S/cowboy, a little more attention to focus (I'm obsessive with that particular aspect myself!) and the fact that you were imaging from a low altitude: that in itself affects colour rendition but it is also important to get the correct r&b slider settings. (awb is problematical on dimmer targets)

With colour cams I used to look for a good onscreen rendition of what you're aiming at...

The Cassini division is most definitely there.....here's a little very quick play-around where I've also tried to adjust colour - but that is allways difficult and triply so with imagess shot at low altitude....!

A great first effort....!:):icon_salut::)

Thanks K/man!

Did you attach an image as I can't see anything?

The colour is a puzzle as my Jupiter images are pretty good in that respect but Saturn seems very variable with this yellow custard hue. Adjusting RGB balance in Registax only produced a very blue alternative.

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Cheers James & Isabelle!

Thanks Luis, I use the GOTO handset with my auto Dob it seems to produce better tracking but the auto handset is ok for this focal length too. I talk about the tracking on this thread :


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