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It's a fair kop!


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Hi everyone! Yeah so I'm a Stargazing Live puppy! So what?! LOL I've always enjoyed looking up and marveling at our heavens but have always been daunted about trying to learn what I'm looking at.

But then anything presented by Dara O'Briain can't be that hard can it?

Anyway, two nights on the spin I've been out and even took my DSLR out tonight with some nice (well I think so) results of Orion. Yeah ok I know he's easy to find! lol

So now I can work a planisphere I need a telescope. As with anything there is so much rubbish on sale that I can't work out what's going to be a waste of money. I wanted an 8inch Dob after Mark Thompson said you can pick one like his SkyQuest up for £100. First lesson learned!

Well anyway. Hello, and go easy on us newbies. Thanks. :)

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Hi Dan and welcome to SGL :)

Nice first shots there - Orion is very clear to see. If you lodge your scope questions in the "Beginners Help" section there will be plenty of advice what to get. I'd suggest you state a budget and objectives so people have a good idea of what to recommend. All the best :evil6:

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Hi Dan and welcome to SGL :)

Nice first shots there - Orion is very clear to see. If you lodge your scope questions in the "Beginners Help" section there will be plenty of advice what to get. I'd suggest you state a budget and objectives so people have a good idea of what to recommend. All the best :evil6:

Thanks Brantuk, I'll head that way. TBH I didn't know how much I wanted to spend but I have a birthday coming up so I need to make an informed decision soon.

Thanks also for the welcome.

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Hi Danielson and welcome to the forum.

Not sure if that price for an 8" is correct. I think you would be more likely to find it for around the £200 mark unless you were thinking of buying one secondhand which would be more useful if your budget is tight. Certainly dobsonian scopes represent the best value for money what ever size they are as all the money has gone into the mirror. If you plan to do observing there are ideal but if you have aspirations towards astrophotography in the future then they are not so good.

Clear skies


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Hi Danielson and welcome to the forum.

Not sure if that price for an 8" is correct. I think you would be more likely to find it for around the £200 mark unless you were thinking of buying one secondhand which would be more useful if your budget is tight. Certainly dobsonian scopes represent the best value for money what ever size they are as all the money has gone into the mirror. If you plan to do observing there are ideal but if you have aspirations towards astrophotography in the future then they are not so good.

Clear skies


Thanks James,

I'm really getting fascinated by all the pitfalls. I gather that's because of tracking the object. All this helps make my decision. I want to continue my findings on here but as this is only 'Howdy' folder I'll post on the Beginners Advice section. I'm keen to keep the Mods happy. I've been on some very strict forums. :):evil6:

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Hi everyone! Yeah so I'm a Stargazing Live puppy! ... I wanted an 8inch Dob after Mark Thompson said you can pick one like his SkyQuest up for £100. First lesson learned

Oh to live in the fairy-tale land that is TV :) £100? Treble it and add some more.

(Pssst! about your images ..... they didn't tell you this on the programme, but taking the photo is just the start. There's almost always more than you can see at first glance. A quick bit of fiddlin' gives you this:


No doubt more people will be along soon to "improve" it some more and show you what can be achieved when you go down the slippery slope of image processing.)


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Oh to live in the fairy-tale land that is TV :) £100? Treble it and add some more.

(Pssst! about your images ..... they didn't tell you this on the programme, but taking the photo is just the start. There's almost always more than you can see at first glance. A quick bit of fiddlin' gives you this:

No doubt more people will be along soon to "improve" it some more and show you what can be achieved when you go down the slippery slope of image processing.)


Ha ha! Brilliant! I was hoping someone was gonna start messing with them. I only shot in .jpg because some previous attempts in RAW were soul destroying. I hope to be able to learn the finer points of all the processes you guys go through to create such beautiful images of nebulas and galaxies.

First things first though. Can I get a beer holder to attach to my new scope?!

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Hi danielson! Good work with the photos there. Funnily enough, I was doing exactly the same thing as you the other night, and with the same lenses. Saying that though, I really struggled with the 70-200 lens. Just couldnt get it to focus, which was disappointing as its a canon f4.0 l series lens. Tried taking it off auto focus, but then found I was getting much information through on the live view to see whether I was focused or not. How did you go about it?

Did manage to get some good pics with the 18-55 however, so it wasnt a wasted evening!

Welcome to the forum from a fellow newb... :)

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Hi danielson! Good work with the photos there. Funnily enough, I was doing exactly the same thing as you the other night, and with the same lenses. Saying that though, I really struggled with the 70-200 lens. Just couldnt get it to focus, which was disappointing as its a canon f4.0 l series lens. Tried taking it off auto focus, but then found I was getting much information through on the live view to see whether I was focused or not. How did you go about it?

Did manage to get some good pics with the 18-55 however, so it wasnt a wasted evening!

Welcome to the forum from a fellow newb... :)

Hi Neil,

Yeah I struggled with the 70-200mm too. Got some of the moon earlier on but they had so much earth shine on them I didn't know how to correct it so they all went in trash. I was also getting like a reflective orb from the UV filter so they need to come off.

In the main I got on ok with 18-55 because of the margin for error. But that's why I'm here. To learn.

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