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My dismal moon attempt 14/11/10


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Hi Everyone

Here we have it. A poor attempt by any standards but after sitting out in the cold I wanted to make something of it. This is my second attempt at stitching. My first attempt ended up worse than this and after all my efforts ended up having to be recycled. To be fair the seeing was average and the moon was on it's decent but this is not where I went wrong. I got over zealous playing with settings on the webcam software so the image was doomed from the start. I only get a farty image up on screen, I can roughly make out the focus but cannot tell what the quality. Messing with settings is pretty much the usual light, dark and a little sharpness (happened to go a little over board on this occasion)

Any thing is hit and hope when your learning but I think I could have probably done better given the seeing if only I hadn't messed. l hope someone appreciates the amount of work that had to take place stitching these images together. Not to mention how cold it was Sunday night.

200p on CG-5gt & Flashed 880 with IR filter

4 x 3 min vids registaxed and stitched in Corel photopaint 8

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That's a lot better than you give it credit for. Your main problem seems to be overexposure on the bright parts. You need to reduce the gain on the highland areas. Do those first, THEN the darker areas. But your stitch along the terminator is fine :)

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Nothing wrong with that at all, very good in fact... As has been said a little bright... in places... but the terminator has come out very nicely. If you're doing a mosaic, once focused, set the exposure for the brightest part of the moon, that way you won't get chunks of overexposure.

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You would think I would have a large version given it's 4 stitched images but they look to sketchy when opened to full size due to the messing when capturing the AVI. My fist attempt came out better contrast, brightness etc because I didn't mess but I could not for all the trying to get them to stitch properly. The problem I find is I like the Philip's software for the webcam but the actual image you get to work with is about 2" square on my screen. I have my brightness on the screen turned down so not to spoil my night vision which doesn't help. It's easier with planets as I only capturing the one image. I found if I don't meet the happy medium with settings I end up with different sharpness, contrast and glare when processing. This is why I was hoping Registax would have more effect if I went with the same setting for all the AVI's but to get all 4 images to match was still difficult.

I shouldn't complain as it is only a second attempt and it's managed to come together compared to this effort :)

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One thing... as your imaging, and staring at a laptop screen, you won't have any night vision anyway, even with the brightness turned down, so turn the brightness up and make it easier to see :). I use my laptop with the brightness turned up to full... it's much easier to see the details that way, and therefore easier to get it right.

This might help too http://stargazerslounge.com/imaging-tips-tricks-techniques/104876-making-lunar-mosaic.html

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It's also worthwhile having a monitor calibration image handy if you play with the laptop brightness. If you crank it too high to get a good image then the rest of us with average settings will only see a dark image etc.

Even the simple one in my signature would be enough to prevent a silly error and the use of histograms is always worthwhile.

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Have you tried wxAstroCapture instead of the Philips software? IIRC you can resize on screen so you're not working with a small image

Tried Astro capture and I can't work with it. I find that I cannot get any detail to the planets and if I mess too much it crashes. (XP Home edition)

It's also worthwhile having a monitor calibration image handy if you play with the laptop brightness. If you crank it too high to get a good image then the rest of us with average settings will only see a dark image etc.

Even the simple one in my signature would be enough to prevent a silly error and the use of histograms is always worthwhile.

Thanks but I'm not sure how it works :) What are historgrams :)?

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