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Software for astro-imaging?


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Capture: K3CCD, DSLRFOcus, MaximDL

Process: Registax4, Registar, Deep Sky Stacker, MaximDL, VirtualDub (avi's pre-processing), Photoshop, PaintShop Pro

You don't need the latest PS or PSP, as long as you can do levels and curves, and some colour channel tweaking this is fine.

If you plan on using guidescopes, you'll some guiding software as well. MaximDL again, but there are bound to be others

I personally have K3CCD, Registax4, Deep Sky Stacker, PS CS2 + Noels Actions and MaximDL which I have just started to look at (but it doesn't support web-cams!)

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Up until the last day or so I've been using Registax and Deep Sky Stacker for stacking and PhotoShop Elements for processing.

Problem with PS Elements is that it has no curves function - just to mention one of many functions it doesn't have.

I've only just bought and used ImagesPlus for the first time a couple of days ago but this is a great piece of software. Seems to do the full monty! The computer videos included with the program are by the author and all excellent, although I've only looked at a few. The quality of my images have just improved dramatically by using ImagesPlus. See my posting today of M31.


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Steve, PS is the absolute tops for processing. I love ImagesPlus because it is completely geared to astroimaging but there is nothing in it, processing wise, that you can't do with PS except for deconvolution which is a very powerful form of sharpening. K3CCD tools is great for modded web cams. Maxim is very powerful but Astro art is supposed to be pretty good but much cheaper. Images Plus is great for Canon and Nikon DSLRs - you can use if for capture, calibration and converting RAW DSLR images. IP wont control CCDs.

I don't know what the DSI software is like but guess it works ok. For the DSLR ImagesPlus is good value for money and the tutorials are great. Then PS fpr processing. Think that's all you need really.

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Thanks for all the recommendations chaps :D

Don't worry Aunty Flo...

I't's all on the Cadbury beastie.....And the lappy!

But the dark sky's gona cost ya! :D

I'll stock up on Pizza and Garlic Bread... Oh, and bring the odd scope or two :D


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I looked at buying PS CS2 but it is £495.00

ImagesPlus is £100.0, it will do what PS will (astronomically), plus it will stack images, and allow DSLR focussing via software.

For me it was a price thing. For the difference I was able to buy the Rev 80 ED.


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I just got Paintshop pro 8 from ebay for £2.10. Thought this cant be right...but HE claims everything is legal and you can register the software with jaascs. Anyway paid me money and i recieved a email with a link to a download site, he provided me with the password and after a 86 meg download I have a full copy. Sure this cant be legal but he is a power seller with 99.8% po feedback , surely Ebay would have done something about it if not OK ????

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It'a a hacked copy mate...With a keygen program, which generates a "Unique" Authorisation code for you to update and verify on the Paintshop Pro website.

The only way you get a genuine copy of anything nowadays is if you buy it from a shop or off the Company website..

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surely Ebay would have done something about it if not OK ????

Hmmm i wonder ??? :D

In good faith I bought PS CS2 on ebay for £10. I thought it odd that it was so cheap. It had a key generator on it so I am horrified that it might not be pukka. ebay pulled the add shortly after. The program works perfectly but I feel so guilty I will burn the CD and go and buy the genuine product for £500. I just couldn't bear the thought of impacting on Adobes profits. :D

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If you want to try it out first you can goto the torrents sites and get just about any version you wish and a whole load of astro stuff (ebooks etc...). You'll have to learn how to download them and avoid spamy stuff that gets distributed. Just remember that you really should be paying for it and this is just a means of "testing" to see if its what you want.

Personally I think £500 for a software package is out of most peoples budget and not surprised to find its easy to get for free - on the other hand dedicated astro software is more difficult to come across as the torrent quickly dies from lack of interest from downloaders. I once saw Starry Night (latest one) on one of the sites but it quickly disappeared and at £30-£40 for a copy of essential software IMO is a small price especially when newer releases depend on you buying and not copying it.


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Paint.net does curves, levels and colour tuning. You can play with layers, blur and sharpening. Basic astro processing for free. They have a new version out now too. So basically capture with K3CCD, stack with deepskystacker or K3 and process with Paint.net...............all free!


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News to me - it supports modded webcams as far as I knew?

Ah. Perhaps I did something wrong then? Will give that another play.

Thanks Arthur - would have uninstalled it if you hadn't said!

Works wonderfully! Helps if you actually look at what camera you have selected! :D

Just need a clear sky now. Anybody got one spare.....?

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