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Embarrassing Jupiters webcam clinic

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my first goes at jupiter, found this post extremely helpful and a great source of info.

the scope was a skywatcher 130/900 used with one 2x barlow and a SPC880 flashed to 900. used sharpcap and registax to process.. on a EQ2 mount.. i have recently bought a HEQ5 pro synscan with a ED80 guide scope from celestron and a synguider. my question is with the new set up can i expect alot more detail from the 130 as i find that if i use two 2x barlow stacked the image becomes blury and seems too zoomed in? would a extension tube make any difference? i am also using a bart mask to obtain focus..

many thanks


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I have the same problem. Bought a different Barlow (TAL 2x) instead of the cheap skywatcher Barlow, but didn't have the chance to use it yet...

can't comment on the extension tube... trying Bart mask as well, but not achieving anything with the Barlow... Well possible, that seeing was terrible and the more you magnify the more you need steady seeing.

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  • 3 months later...

Having an issue guys. Been trying to get a detailed shot of Jupiter this month, and not having much success. I can't tell if it's equiptment limitations, my processing abilities or just poor seeing conditions.


I took this with my AR152mm Refractor, using a Canon EOS Rebel T3i, paired with a 5x powermate and a 3x digital zoom in Live View. Is this a decent picture for the setup being used? I stacked 1860 frames in As2 after using Castrator. Did the wavelets through Registax 6. Followed it up with some polish from Image Analyzer and Photoshop.

I can't tell if my processing is wrong or if i'm asking too much out of my current gear. Any Advise would be greatly appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,

I don't know if the doctor is still in the house on this thread, but I'd welcome any advice on my latest attempts at Jupiter!

I took loads of captures, most around about a minute in length (i'll ramp that up considerably next time I go out - this was more of a trial run to test the camera and spend a bit more time getting to know Sharpcap and Registax) but when I got them into Registax, I noticed some of the captures developed a "waffling" effect. My worry is that it's the SPC900, (or worse still, the Mak 127) but I'm hoping that it's something I'm doing wrong, rather than a hardware problem. The fact it only appears problematic on some of the captures leads me to think it must be the settings I'm using.

For some, this effect was apparent on the stacked image before I even got to the wavelets. Tinkering with the wavelets (even at very low levels) created a picture that was not useable because of the mesh-type effect, whilst on others, I could put each of the wavelets to 100%, producing a way over-processed picture, but without a hint of waffling.

In addition, some of this 'waffling' appeared all over the picture, on others it was only specific to certain areas, like on the first picture i've attached, where it seemed weirdest! Concentrated around the sides of the planet, with a strange 'V' shape left unwaffled!

Any ideas? I'm glad I got some without it, and I've included the settings of the two captures below - whilst I can see there are differences in the settings I used, I'd be keen to know which (if any) of these differences causes the problem, so that I can avoid it in the future.

The settings of the first photo, with "waffling" (it's over-processed, wavelets at around 40% each but done to demonstrate the problem)

[Philips SPC 900NC PC Camera]

Frame Divisor=1


Frame Rate (fps)=10.00

Colour Space / Compression=I420









And the settings that did not produce "waffling"...Again, over-processed with wavelets at around 40% but done to demonstrate the lack of waffles!

[Philips SPC 900NC PC Camera]

Frame Divisor=1


Frame Rate (fps)=10.00

Colour Space / Compression=I420









Many thanks for any help anyone can offer!

Jupiter waffling.bmp

Jupiter no waffles.bmp

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Having an issue guys. Been trying to get a detailed shot of Jupiter this month, and not having much success. I can't tell if it's equiptment limitations, my processing abilities or just poor seeing conditions.


I took this with my AR152mm Refractor, using a Canon EOS Rebel T3i, paired with a 5x powermate and a 3x digital zoom in Live View. Is this a decent picture for the setup being used? I stacked 1860 frames in As2 after using Castrator. Did the wavelets through Registax 6. Followed it up with some polish from Image Analyzer and Photoshop.

I can't tell if my processing is wrong or if i'm asking too much out of my current gear. Any Advise would be greatly appreciated.

Sorry only just found your post. Could you post up the TIFF image straight out of AS!2 so I can see if its processing or capture. I would say at this stage you've done pretty well for that kind of setup.

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Hi all,

I don't know if the doctor is still in the house on this thread, but I'd welcome any advice on my latest attempts at Jupiter!

I took loads of captures, most around about a minute in length (i'll ramp that up considerably next time I go out - this was more of a trial run to test the camera and spend a bit more time getting to know Sharpcap and Registax) but when I got them into Registax, I noticed some of the captures developed a "waffling" effect. My worry is that it's the SPC900, (or worse still, the Mak 127) but I'm hoping that it's something I'm doing wrong, rather than a hardware problem. The fact it only appears problematic on some of the captures leads me to think it must be the settings I'm using.

For some, this effect was apparent on the stacked image before I even got to the wavelets. Tinkering with the wavelets (even at very low levels) created a picture that was not useable because of the mesh-type effect, whilst on others, I could put each of the wavelets to 100%, producing a way over-processed picture, but without a hint of waffling.

In addition, some of this 'waffling' appeared all over the picture, on others it was only specific to certain areas, like on the first picture i've attached, where it seemed weirdest! Concentrated around the sides of the planet, with a strange 'V' shape left unwaffled!

Any ideas? I'm glad I got some without it, and I've included the settings of the two captures below - whilst I can see there are differences in the settings I used, I'd be keen to know which (if any) of these differences causes the problem, so that I can avoid it in the future.

The settings of the first photo, with "waffling" (it's over-processed, wavelets at around 40% each but done to demonstrate the problem)

Not sure about what's causing your waffles Derek. All I can suggest is trying the YUY2 codec rather than l1420. Ideally you need a 3min avi and stack at least 500-1000 frames.

Your gain setting is a bit high so might be worth trying less gain but don't go below 50% else onion rings become a problem. I would leave brightness, contrast and saturation on the default setting.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi all

I'm trying to image Jupiter using the following kit:

Celestron NexStar 4SE

4" (102mm) primary

52" (1325mm) focal length


Bahtinov mask

Revelation 2x Barlow

Philips SPC900NC webcam




I had a go last night to see what I could get, but couldn't get Jupiter to appear anything other than a bright disc. Troubled by the problem, I found this thread and have been reading through trying to get some answers. I wasn't using WcCtrl last night but grabbed it this morning and checked out its settings (and discovered a shutter speed control, which I was very happy about). What I've noticed is that if I have WcCtrl and Sharpcap running at the same time, any changes I make in WcCtrl do affect the preview window, but they don't affect the Sharpcap settings visible to the right of the preview. I did a bit more digging and discovered that in Sharpcap, if I opened the options menu and chose the first filter option, a control panel appeared that seemed to have the same webcam controls as WcCtrl was showing, and making any changes in either panel affected the other. So, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't being a complete idiot and ask if anyone else has noticed this, and when setting up the webcam should I just use WcCtrl or the filter options panel in Sharpcap, and ignore the Sharpcap settings shown to the right of the preview window?

I hope this makes sense and that someone can give me some advice! I'd also be interested to get opinions on what I'm likely to be able to capture of Jupiter with the kit listed above.

Thanks all, looking forward to your advice!


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Hi all

I'm trying to image Jupiter using the following kit:

Celestron NexStar 4SE

4" (102mm) primary

52" (1325mm) focal length


Bahtinov mask

Revelation 2x Barlow

Philips SPC900NC webcam




I had a go last night to see what I could get, but couldn't get Jupiter to appear anything other than a bright disc. Troubled by the problem, I found this thread and have been reading through trying to get some answers. I wasn't using WcCtrl last night but grabbed it this morning and checked out its settings (and discovered a shutter speed control, which I was very happy about). What I've noticed is that if I have WcCtrl and Sharpcap running at the same time, any changes I make in WcCtrl do affect the preview window, but they don't affect the Sharpcap settings visible to the right of the preview. I did a bit more digging and discovered that in Sharpcap, if I opened the options menu and chose the first filter option, a control panel appeared that seemed to have the same webcam controls as WcCtrl was showing, and making any changes in either panel affected the other. So, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't being a complete idiot and ask if anyone else has noticed this, and when setting up the webcam should I just use WcCtrl or the filter options panel in Sharpcap, and ignore the Sharpcap settings shown to the right of the preview window?

I hope this makes sense and that someone can give me some advice! I'd also be interested to get opinions on what I'm likely to be able to capture of Jupiter with the kit listed above.

Thanks all, looking forward to your advice!


Would I be right in thinking that in Sharpcap, the settings to the right of the preview just control what you see in the preview and don't affect the actual capture, and that the filter settings (or alternatively the WcCtrl settings) govern the capture itself? I'm beginning to think this is the case because when I tried capturing last night I only tweaked the settings to the right of the preview, and set them up pretty close to the 'average' of the settings discussed in this thread, but my results showed no detail at all, only a bright glowing disc. Really hoping you guys can help me out here!


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Try lowering the brightness and increasing the gain. If that still doesn't work, try adding a polarizing filter to your camera. Dig farther down in this thread, I know they have settings posted somewhere in here. Sorry I couldn't be specific...I use a DSLR and not a webcam atm.

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Hi all,

I am a total Newbie and have just made my way from the Welcome section but I have been lurking around this site for a while now after digging out my sons old Telescope, a present from his Granddad 5 years ago.

Took a look around but as Jupiter is so bright at the moment I couldn't resist butchering an old Web Cam and giving it ago.

Tasco, Galaxsee 60/700mm an f/11.6 (I hope that's correct!)

I botched the mount with some old screws and bits of stuff, no tracking - no controls at all - I have to push the tube around :-)

Let Jupiter drift through the frame and then stacked with the default Registax6 settings and some Gamma

I was very happy, comments and suggestions welcome,

All Jupiter 11_11_12.bmp

Second go,

All Jupiter 11_11_12.bmp

Absolute nightmare to find Jupiter, then focus then hit record as it is all a bit unstable and I only have to breath on the focus to lose the image on my Laptop!

All Jupiter 18_11_12.bmp

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Very sorry, I did read up on how to attach images but couldn't seem to get that to work (any advice) and for some reason one of my uploads has appeared twice!?

I did read the help files - do I need to enter a local path when it asks for a URL when I try to insert an image?

So sorry...

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Very sorry, I did read up on how to attach images but couldn't seem to get that to work (any advice) and for some reason one of my uploads has appeared twice!?

I did read the help files - do I need to enter a local path when it asks for a URL when I try to insert an image?

So sorry...

Convert to jpg and upload those.

After you've recorded the video you can run it through a program called Registax to bring out a lot of detail. It looks confusing if you haven't used it before go find an online guide.

PS nice to see the Tasco getting some use!

EDIT: Just seen you've stacked the image with Registax. You now need to apply 'Wavelets' in the final tab.

You can start by loading this profile into REgistax/Wavelets and adjusting from there..

**Rename Jupiter.bmp to Jupiter.rwv**


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Hi Bus_ter,

I did run the avi's through Registax6, the result is in the 2 bmp files (each has 3 or 4 images pasted into a single file) and I then altered the Gamma to bring out some of the banding.

Can you see the bmp's? If I convert them to jpg will they show up in my post (rather than a download link)?

Should I be asking this in another Newbi forum?

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Thanks again I'll give this a go tonight along with stacking some of the video I took last night. I tried a lower exposure and messed with some of the other Sharpcap settings so I am hoping to get some better images.

Once I get used to Registax I think i'll move onto some post processing in Paintshop Pro etc.

Don't really know what to expect of this kit as it is hard to compare to others images as they seem to have better scopes, mounts and tracking etc. Just happy to get a picture!

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Thanks again I'll give this a go tonight along with stacking some of the video I took last night. I tried a lower exposure and messed with some of the other Sharpcap settings so I am hoping to get some better images.

Once I get used to Registax I think i'll move onto some post processing in Paintshop Pro etc.

Don't really know what to expect of this kit as it is hard to compare to others images as they seem to have better scopes, mounts and tracking etc. Just happy to get a picture!

Mike, there's a good tutorial on Registax here:-

Once you get the basics down, you can move on to more advanced stuff in there.


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I have borrowed a philips webcam and downloaded sharpcap and have taken a few .avi's. with Jupiter drifting across the view. Because jupiter starts at various different points (i.e. one avi starts with jupiter at bottom left and another starts with jupiter top middle) i am having trouble stacking all .avi's.

How far away does jupiter have to be before registax can't stack. (Is there a setting for this?) How consistant do i have to be? It is difficult to get Jupiter to start at top left of the view every .avi. as i am wanting to take lots of avis and know they'll work.

Any setting recommendations on this drifting method?



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Hi Dave,

Due to a lack of tracking systems I have to use the same method, not ideal but you can get some results (see my pics back up this post - and remember it was my first go ;-))

I don't know what the tolerance is in Registax for a drifting planet and I don't know if it matters what frame you use to set the APs either - does anybody else know?

But I did find reference to a util called 'castrator' found here this will find all the complete planets in each frame, crop and re-centre them. You can then save a new avi only containing the cropped and centred pics so you get a smaller file with no drift!

I have only tried this a couple of times and had some mixed results but it may help.

If anybody else knows how registax handles drifting planets or if the frame used for APs maters then please let us know.

let me know how you get on and post some of your pics - they can't be any worse than mine!

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Mike thanks for the castrator link. I have down loaded and I am still having trouble stacking more than just one short 10 sec .avi. i have six i would like to stack. Can this be done??

p.s. nice one.. i still have my Tasco too.. in red! :-)

I am using my 12" dob for this experiment. iI can see better than i can image at the mo tho lol :-D

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No problem. What type of result do you get from stacking the 10 sec avi (is it 10 sec after castor?) - post a pic!

Also, i am thinking of trying to joint several avis together and then stack but haven't had a chance to try yet.

The old Tasco has let me have a go with a minimum of cost but just made me realise that i have to start saving :-)

Wow, a 12" dob that must provide some great views and yes, my viewing is better than my recording. The image may be sharper through the eye pice but the avi seem to have greater magnification? I assume this is to do with the focal point and ccd size but I really don't understand - yet!

How do you find the DOB, I was thinking about a SCT or MKT?

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here it is (hopefully)... non castrator.

(..blimey.. how do i upload a pikkie??)

Yes the image on my laptop is larger than what i see through the eyepiece interesting your tasco does the same (just wanted to get the word Tasco in again :-))

Me Dob is awesome!!... just point and go :-) have seen many galaxies etc and is set up in seconds!

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