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Sci-Fi Book Prompts New Hobby


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Hi there,

I'm Matt, 22 years old from 'sunny' Wolverhampton. Like the rest of you I suppose I've also had an obsession with space. I'm currently reading Ark by Stephen Baxter (fantastic read - I recommend it strongly) and it has prompted me to become interested in space & beyond. (which is handy because I've been craving a hobby for a while now)

I've decided not to rush into buying a telescope yet, I have bought a beginners guide and a pair of binoculars.

Fingers crossed I can get my around the complexity of Astronomy. Be ready for questions!

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Hi from Wisconsin and welcome to the group, Matt. :icon_salut: Binoculars and a beginners' guide is the way i started... lots of great memories were had during that learning time. Get a red flashlight if you don't already have one, and you might find a planisphere very helpful, too.

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Hi from Wisconsin and welcome to the group, Matt. :icon_salut: Binoculars and a beginners' guide is the way i started... lots of great memories were had during that learning time. Get a red flashlight if you don't already have one, and you might find a planisphere very helpful, too.

Thanks all, I have coloured the end of my flashlight with a red Sharpie pen. Works a treat.

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Hi Matt and welcome to the forum.

Take your time when buying kit as you want to be sure that the performance will match your expectations and thereby avoiding the continuing cycle of buying and reselling etc.

There is no rush as the stars aren't going anywhere and binos are a great start!

Clear skies


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Hi Matt,

BANG! A complete history of the Universe by Brian May, Patrick Moore and Chris Lintott was the final straw for me. I was lucky enough to have been given a telescope and had my first outing with it on Saturday. What can I say...it's very easy to get hooked!


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