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Greetings from sunny Forest Hill


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Oh good - I'm glad it survived the journey OK!

I can't remember if I mentioned this, but this was the scope that I bought when I got back into astronomy a few years ago and it was a good starter for me - much better than the wobbly 60mm Dixons scope I bought in 1981, and the chromatic aberrations were really not as bad as I'd been led to expect.


Hi Again paul,

Just to let you know the ST102 arrived save and well this afternoon.

Thanks and maybe we'll meet at a future star party.



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  • 10 years later...

Hi there !


ive just signed up this hoping to find a

Nexstar for sale in Auckland lol


i came across your post but noticed it was from 2010 . Do you know of anyone selling a 8se? Lol


thanks in advance :)

mike (from Auckland)

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Um, this post is 11 years old. :wink2:

@NZMikey You may be better off starting your own welcome thread. When you have been here a while you can access the buy/sell section. However, being from NZ, you may be better looking for a scope locally.

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