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Thought I would take this opportunity to introduce myself.

My name is Rob (Razor part is my old online computer gaming name, hence RazorRob), I’m 27 and live in Ashford, Kent, UK. Recently been sucked into the amazing world of astronomy after looking through a telescope at Jupiter, whilst out working in the evening recently.

I read up a few telescope buying tips and guides about getting into astronomy, but being male I could not resist just buying binos, and went and bought a Celestron Nexstar 127 SLT (With handy GOTO system).

I am loving the telescope a lot, bought it from a very helpful shop in Sittingbourne, Kent, called F1 Telescopes. I also jinxed all Amateur Astronomers in the South East of England that day, as the purchase was followed by 8 days of rain and cloud cover :).

However the weather has improved since then, and using my telescope has been a pleasure. I have been very impressed with the quality, esp when looking at Jupiter and the Moon. I have also been learning the constellations which is very enjoyable and fulfilling.

I found a fairly bright, very orange star a few nights ago, and could not take my eyes off it, all of the others so far have been blue or white, so I was mesmerized by the colour of it (never did find out what it was called :o).

Anyways, had the scope for about 2 weeks now, and been reading the forums every day as a guest. Finally got my a** in gear and signed up as a member (which was a lot quicker than expected :D).

Would like to say well done to the whole of Stargazers Lounge, very good site, very good members and lots of interesting and valuable information about all aspects of astronomy.

Look forwards to speaking to you all in other threads and picking your brains for more useful info.


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Hi Rob,

A very warm welcome to SGL. My guess is the star you were looking at was probably arcturus, an orange star which is visible to the west early in the evening at present, very bright and beautiful (but there are plenty of others that colour out there as well) and Stellarium is the way to go.


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ello rob, sounds like whoever let u look thru their telescope was a very very cool person indeed and u will probably learn a hell of a lot from them!!! lmao!!!!! ;o) glad u finally joined up was wondering where u had got to!! any questions u have dont be scared to ask someone will always be able to help, catch u later mate!

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