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Woman and telescopes


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A brief online chat with the wife, hinting about getting a 14" Dob.....:p


10:15 AM

me: they have a too good not to take special on the biggest telescope I have ever seen!

10:16 AM

me: this will give you an idea...


Helen: please put your breaks on sweetie!!!! :-)

oh dear! it's as big as a human being!!!!! lol

10:17 AM

me: hahahahahahaha

thats why they have this diagram in the advert......so people know its massive

Helen: OMG!

is that for real?!

10:18 AM

me: yes

the funniest thing is, thats what I wanted right right in the beginning, or something similar

Helen: you are crazy!!

me: so you have told me

Helen: :-)

10:20 AM

Helen: but sure you have to have a little house/dome in the garden to keep something like that! it's not something you keep in the house or a balcony!!!!

10:21 AM

me: people usually carry them out

they are light enough it seems

Helen: really?!

they look ridiculous!

me: LOL!!!

Helen: LOL

me: you have just insulted a large proportion of the astro community!

Helen: oops! sorry astro community!

me: I'm going to cut this chat out and put in on the forum, people will laugh themselves silly


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I have heard it said that men only do two things wrong - everything they do and everything they say.

I can only say that with experience we women are well aware that men need firm commands - if she did not come out with a straight 'no' you should proceed with caution, it is , however, practical to decide where to keep the scope.

Ps My other half knows better than to say no when I am hankering after a new purchase!

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You have a Balcony???

You are posh. :p.


We live in a flat.......sorry to disappoint, but the house/dome in the garden means we have to first get a house and a garden....

She would kill me if I even remotely suggested of putting the dome on the balcony!!!

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"She would kill me if I even remotely suggested of putting the dome on the balcony!!! "


The balcony needs a nice round hot tub fitted nicely into cedar decking.

You first build the hot tub in the wrong end ("you know darling you were quite right {even if they never said such a thing, of course}, the other end would have been far better, I'll get it refitted asap") of the decking.

You refit the hot tub but you now have this very inconvenient round hole at the other end ("don't worry darling I'll sort out something nice for that").

So you put a track round the hole and put an observatory roof on the track ("well I got it cheaper than cedar darling").

See? Simples! :p

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I can only say that with experience we women are well aware that men need firm commands - if she did not come out with a straight 'no' you should proceed with caution, it is , however, practical to decide where to keep the scope.

That's wisdom!! (you understand females better than I do, and I am one of them!!!) :p

I love the "straight up-ness" of guys. I just asked my other half if he is happy with me making another astro-purchase and he said yes. None of this faffing about... :)

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Maybe better to first show an image of a 36" dob or the like, or the Orion 50" monster dob, then the 14" will look like a kiddies toy. Joking aside I have a 18" being built and my other half perhaps hasnt yet understood that when I said its as big as a giant fridge freezer and it needs a metal ramp to load it in the car, I wasnt kidding.

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Maybe better to first show an image of a 36" dob or the like, or the Orion 50" monster dob, then the 14" will look like a kiddies toy. Joking aside I have a 18" being built and my other half perhaps hasnt yet understood that when I said its as big as a giant fridge freezer and it needs a metal ramp to load it in the car, I wasnt kidding.

John I think the hot tub in the cedar decking route may be a bit lacking for that 'scope, sad to say . . . . . .

How about a helipad to convert that's only been used once? It's amazing the bargains you can find on Ebay, even if you have to sell it to yourself . . . . . . :p

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see, my GF is cool. I ask and she says no, then i drop said item into conversation in an off the cuff manner. by christmas I've forgotten all about it and recieive it as a gift! and if she can't get the exact one i want, then she is so sorry and gets me more stuff! (just have to hope she doesn't see this)

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