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I got a new toy....


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I'm now the proud owner of my very own 13mm Nagler eye piece. I've been hankering after one since looking through them with Mutley's 20" at SGL5, and today I took delivery of the first of my future collection. It's an old one, a type 1, but I'm loving it AND I even got to try it out on the day I got it!! Is this a world first I wonder?

M13 was just fantastic, bright and sprinkly with so many individual stars resolved, and even the edges of the FOV were sharp. Bootiful! I put in my old Meade 26mm to compare, and well, it just doesn't!! :D

M92 was smaller but still impressed me, the longer I looked the bigger it seemed to extend. Many stars were resolved in the core.

M81 and M82 were huge and didn't fit in the same FOV. With time (and a dark towel over my head to block out some of the moon and the neighbour's kitchen light - grrr) the spiral arms of M81 could be made out. The edge on M82 was so much longer than I remember it.

The moon was crisp and I could see so many tiny craterlets I didn't even know were there! The mountains and craters on the terminator were stunning.

Basically I'm thrilled to bits with my new purchase and I can't wait to get out there again to test it further. My only criticism would be the way it has a 1.25" adaptor fixed inside the 2" barrel, so my 2" filters will not fit. I tried it in an adaptor with the moon filter but I can't get enough in-focus to get a sharp image!! Oh well.....

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Great enthusiastic report! I've never had a Nagler but having 'gone over to the TV side' I have never regretted it. Although hand on heart I cannot say they are better than anything (I have not used everything) they are certainly a massive step up from what I have had before. I always buy used myself too. My latest purchase is a used but practically mint 35mm Panoptic for nearly £100 less than the new price.

I am now complete in terms of eyepieces, well maybe a 16mm T5 Nagler and then hmmmm what about converting to 2" all round for longer focal length eyepieces and hmmmmmm......surely I don't really NEED 100 degree fields........?

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It was a real pleasure for me to be able to share the experience with you, it was a fantastic few hours, nice to get away from the imaging side of things for a few hours. Still cannot find out what that really bright flash in the sky was, it looked like a satellite travelling from N to S at 10.35pm when it seemed to really brighten dramatically, a second later it was gone, anyone else see it?

Really glad you like the new toy, many more of those and your eye piece case will have to have castors. Definitely convinced me the Nagler is worth the money and I will treat you to a couple more in the not too distant future.

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Well, it was my birthday........ :D

@ Shanefarrel, you started so well! Are we ever 100% happy with what we have? I'm sure there's always room for another 'bargain'!

@ Carl, it was fun, I enjoyed having your company and thanks for lugging my scope around as I'm not allowed to lift it at the mo.

We thought that bright object was the ISS at first, but it was nowhere near at the time. I've never seen anything flash so brightly like that - then it just faded and disappeared much like the ISS does. A mystery......

@ Mick, you're right, Carl does make a decent cuppa, and I'm going to need him to carry my case around soon as I won't be able to lift it! lol

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Congratulations Steph and welcome to the Tele Vue fan club !.

My 13mm Ethos has a similar barrel arrangement to your 13mm Type 1 Nagler in that it's a hybrid 1.25" / 2". To use my 2" filter I have got a 28mm Hyperion finetuning ring (£11 from First Light Optics) which effectively extends the 2" "skirt" and is threaded for 2" filters. When it's in place you can fit a 2" filter without it contacting the 1.25" barrel.

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To use my 2" filter I have got a 28mm Hyperion finetuning ring (£11 from First Light Optics) which effectively extends the 2" "skirt" and is threaded for 2" filters. When it's in place you can fit a 2" filter without it contacting the 1.25" barrel.

Thanks for that John, that's exactly what I need I think. It'd be a shame to have to replace my 2" filters with 1.25" just for this EP! Fantastic :D

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My 13mm Nagler is definitely my most used eyepiece, it has everything, decent magnification, quality and that huge field of view.

I would have to say that at this moment that I will never part with it. Unless the Ethos comes down big time in price.

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Trouble is John there is no inner or outer thread on the 2" barrel for the Hyperion fine tuning ring to screw onto....

The Type 1 Nagler hybrid barrels must be a different design to the Ethos then (I've only owned the 1.25" T1 Naglers). On the Ethos both the 1.25" and the 2" barrels are threaded for standard astro filters and the fine tuning ring screws into the 2" thread - and has a standard filter thread of it's own.

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Steph, I have the same Nagler as you. I bought an Orion self centering adaptor for collimation purposes, but it has a 2" internal thread and I use an LP filter in it. The Naglers 1.25 fitting then slots into the front end of the adaptor.

Just a thought.

It's a great eyepiece and I know you'll get loads of enjoyment from it.


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We tried a 1.25" to 2" adaptor and it means that there isn't enough in-focus left available, so sadly that doesn't work.

Bill, having looked at the Orion self centering adaptor it appears exactly the same length as our adaptor, so I fear I would suffer the same problem with that.

His lordship is asking if there's any chance of a photo of what you guys mean, just so we can be sure?


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Strange, the Orion is shorter than the 2" to 1.25" adaptor so i would have thought you would have more in focus. I'll sort some pics out when I get home from work today.


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Cheers Andrew, It's not a major problem as we will if needed just use 1.25" filters with it, It just so happened Steph has an OIII in 2".

It really is a wonderful eye piece and we have no complaints whatsoever, M13 was just amazing, I have never before seen so many resolved stars in a cluster before, to say I was stunned would be an understatement

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